Hey buddy, enjoying that beer you just bought at the Trop concessions stands? Well, so did the last guy to drink out of that plastic cup.
Cork Gaines of Rays Index spoke with a concession stands worker at Tropicana Field, and she told a tale of workers saving cups from the trash, rinsing them off, then using them for later customers. Which seems unnecessary, because even if every man, woman and child wanted a beer, you'd think they'd have more than 18,000 cups in the place. [Deadspin]
It seems that in an effort to make your rat feces tainted food go down smoother the fine concession workers at Tropicana Field are providing you with trash beer. Too be fair, they do wash the cups, which is probably more than you can say for the lines running from the kegs, but looking at your average Rays crowd, ew. The 24oz cans sold by the roaming vendors are already a better deal ($9) and now it appears that they are a hell of a lot healthier too.
Your Beer At The Trop May Be Served In A Cup Used The Night Before
Don't be surprised by this at all. This type of stuff happens at all concession stands where this is the inventory style and the workers are allowed to collect tips. It's bad enough with cans, but much, much worse with draft beer. Think about it...a beer is $9 and you have a crew of 6 working the concession stand. You've sold 200 beers/cups that night and made a modest $200 in tips. Split that 6 ways and you're each walking out with about $33. Now...each of you goes out and finds 5 cups...suddenly, it looks like you've only sold 170 beers. Boom...you've just made an extra $45 each. The stadium is none the wiser, or the poorer, because their kegs are dirt cheap and they don't really care. You were doing a good deed (raising money for a charity, church, fraternity, bachelor party, sex change, etc.)
I'm not saying I did this in college, but I'm pretty confident the majority of our fraternity dues were paid for with "dirty" money...just saying.
If you ever go to the Sun Dome, be careful about the first few beer cups. If it looks dirty or wet coming off the top of the stack, ask for a new one...or don't...whatever
Ehh, just strengthens the immune system.
Nothing that doesn't happen at every bar and restaurant in the world.
You'll be alright
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