I'm back-dating this so I don't cover-up Smithkey's odds (which are way more interesting this week than the Power Rankings).
Anyway... I was rummaging through the Bayshore dumpster looking for juicy gossip to report on, and came across a funny team email thread. In it, a Bayshore player wrote the following paragraph:
"I also doubt that the "powers that be" really care about our blog. That's like a parent telling their children, "Hey little ones, Santa called and said if you don't eat your vegetables, you aren't getting that Tickle Me Elmo." Really? Like the big guy in the red fat suit who breaks into houses stealing milk and cookies once a year really cares about me finishing my brussel sprouts?"
The imagery made me LOLz... so props to that person.
Great job with the power rankings. I personally think you placed BCBC in the proper spot and agree if that if we are able to pull out another victory this week then there should be talk about a possible move to the top. Even a close loss to The Shockers and I can see BCBC moving up. I guess the Power Rankings are kinda like the college rankings, although they are fun to talk about, they probably should not be released to early in the season.
Spot on rankings this week. Great comments. Yes its to early to move some new teams up high. BCBC did beat a jammers team missing lots of players but still maybe 2 spots higher.
Smithkey is Corso going to pick our game?
Rob- I am not sure, Corso did not even mention BCBC last week during his Bayshore GameDay show. If he does pick the game though I imagine him going with the Grimace mask.
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