Fowler - Sunrise on a Thursday and Tampa is berserk. The ToeJammers are on people's minds again, in the mix, back in the hunt for the title and today on the edge of madness with kickoff 11 hours away, one of the few worthy challengers Yeagabombs comes to town.
Announcer - Welcome to Waka Gameday, pouring drinks by MacDinton's
Fowler - I'm Chris Fowler alongside my colleagues Desmond Howard, Kirk Herbstreit and Lee Corso. It's a midseason week with several top teams playing bottom feeders so let's get right into your Upset Alerts.
Desmond - Dollar wells was tired of everybody having a 'Bye Week' when they played them. So they changed their name to that. New Name leads to a New Result. Bye Week (the old Dollar Wells) prevails.
Herbstreit - I think the Ligers defense will slow it down tonight and they pull a Shocking Upset.
Corso - Can you believe this? I Kick That upsets Balls N Dolls tonight. You better believe it.
Fowler - Around the landscape today, let's start off with I Need A Refill vs. Off Constantly
Desmond - I like I Need A Refill. I'm impressed by the way they have been playing the last couple of games. The Off Constantly offense is going to struggle vs. the solid I Need A Refill defense.
Corso - Not So Fast My Friend! I Need A Refill could use a couple more wins, but they don't get one tonight. Off Constantly wins and wins big!
Herbstreit - The Off Constantly offense is dynamic. They are the only bottom team that can score and beat you. Off Constantly gets it done tonight.
Fowler - Moving onto the Alcoballics vs. Brown Chicken Brown Cow
Herbstreit - The Alcoballics are a proven team and are on a Las Vegas mission. I think this will be a defense struggle and it's the Alcoballics offense that finds a way to win this game.
Corso - That's a good pick, a very good pick. The Alcoballics use a balanced offense backed by an outstanding defense. They won't be challenged tonight. No No, Not today.
Desmond - I also think it's a close game Coach and here is why. Last two week the Alcoballics scored 1 but allowed 7. They need some playmakers to step up. I think several step up tonight and it starts on offense. Alcoballics win
Fowler - On to our showcase game. ToeJammers vs. Yeagabombs
Desmond - I haven't been impressed with the Yeagabombs this season. There's no doubt about it, the ToeJammers Defense will play with their swag back causing trouble for the Yeagabombs offense. The ToeJammers prevail tonight.
Herbstreit - It's all about coming in and executing tonight. I think the Yeagabombs are able to get some big plays and despite the ToeJammers 2nd ranked defense in the conference, they explode offensively. However I also think the ToeJammers will make adjustments during the game to score runs with the Yeagabombs. This is going to be a tough game for both but I like the Yeagabomb defense to have more douche plays tonight. I think The Yeagabombs survive and win in a shootout under the lights.
Corso - Kirk, I give you a big NOT SO FAST MY FRIEND! I think it's a low scoring game and the defense leads the way. It's a classic matchup. You got the Yeagabombs Offense averaging 3.6 runs scored vs. the ToeJammers Defense averaging 2.4 runs allowed. Something’s got to give. And that something is right here; give me that Yeager machine, shot glasses and Flag. You kids shouldn't be drinking that, it’s bad for you. Ahhhh Get that stuff outta here (*** Yeager machine goes flying to ground***). Give me that Jheri Curl Wig and Soul-Glo hair product. ToeJammers win in a game that's close, this close.

Fowler - Enjoy your kickball Thursday
Our game must have been last night...damn missed it...Superbad win?
watch the only time Kirk doesn't pick you for a upset, you will go ahead and win tonight
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