Season stats so far for the Vegas odds. 15wins, 5 losses, 4 ties (Ties should probably count as a loss but I did not want to hurt my percentage).
Edit: Just for you Nate. Odds of..... -Tony Crying: 10-1 -Smithkey taking it easy on Tony: 3-1 -Either party not showing up: 20-1 -Tony slapping Smithkey back: 4-1
Thanks for the addition Mike...looking forward to see how it pans out. Tempted to parlay Smithkey not taking it easy on Tony and Tony slapping Smithkey back...
Smithkey can you add odds to:
-Tony Crying
-Smithkey taking it easy on Tony
-Either party not showing up
-Tony slapping Smithkey back
I'm surprised the spread on the PMU vs TS game isn't higher.
Smithkey... I still owe you one drink. Want to give me the Ligers beerline?
Chandler- Yeah I will give you the Ligers beerline. I am predicting that game will be a tie anyway.
Flo- I am surprised the line isn't higher as well, maybe Vegas knows something we don't.
I'll take the OC on the beerline if anyone wants to go against me, but I won't be at macd's to collect/pay til next week.
I'll take that action Jack.
Dear Vegas Odds,
How many of the Shockers starting lineup will be out this week? This may greatley impact the betting err beer line.
Thanks for the addition Mike...looking forward to see how it pans out. Tempted to parlay Smithkey not taking it easy on Tony and Tony slapping Smithkey back...
Nate, 2 beers says Tony kick him in the nuts after he pulls himself up off the ground.
Brian...hmmmm I'll take that bet bc if I gotta give you two beers seeing that would be worth it!
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