Monday, October 11, 2010


If you are going to have a team for Flip Cup at the end of season party Saturday, please see me on the fields Thursday. Same as usual $35 per a team, and I would appreciate payment Thursday as well. Thanks so much!


Unknown said...

I am trying to track down Jennifer who I believe is planning the end of the year party? Gaspar's would really like to speak to you and plus everytime we have had our events there it has been a blast.
Whoever is planning this, will you email me at


Jenn said...

I talked to Bosco and told him we were doing it at Elmers, Perhaps he should have told you.

bull said...

Let the bid war begin!!

Unknown said...

INaR may not even have enough people for flip cup as a bunch are out of town for FSU game and a work event. Will let you know thurs

Unknown said...

Interesting because from what I hear you never called him back. I like Elmer's. What I don't like is being packed in like a cattle cart like last years party.

Chandler said...

It won't be that crowded this year...

trinihic said...

is anyone going this year?