There was a play last night between the Toejammers and Yeagabombs in which there were bases loaded, 1 out and a popout to right field. Once the ball was caught, the runner at third tagged and ran to home. The runner at first did not tag up. The ball was thrown to first base after the runner scored at home, thus allowing the run to count, but making a inning ending double play at the same time.
Yella is angry over the call and claims that the non tag up out at first base nullifies the run scoring, even though the runner at third scored before the ball got to first.
The best part is that even though he hates Ty with a passion, he runs over to him, stopping play to ask him the rules.... Almighty Ty, ruler of all calls which is WAKA, please tell me im correct..
After Ty gives his blessing, he runs over to me and bets me 100 dollars that the run should not count. While I am pretty wasted at the time, I can't pass this up, as I have played baseball for 20 or so years and anyone who plays or watches baseball knows these are the rules, so we shake on it.
Worried there may be some sort of bushleague WAKA rule that I am not aware of, I go and check the rule book today and find the exact definition of this rule and it states:
Q: Can you define “Force play situation” (see Rule 10.09)?A: When a kicker puts a ball fairly in play and becomes a runner, this “forces” any runner on the base immediately ahead of the kicker to advance, as it does any runner on the base immediately ahead of a forced runner. Runners so forced are no longer safe on the base they originally occupied, until and unless a runner or kicker behind them is put out.
Note that a runner’s requirement to tag up before advancing on a caught ball (10.05) does not constitute a “force” in this sense. When the 3rd out of an inning is made on a runner failing to tag up, that does NOT nullify any runs scored on the play prior to the out being made, unless it was the scoring runner put out in this fashion.
This is also reitterated in the rules here:
Q: When a runner is called out after a play for missing a base (see Rule 14.02l) or failing to tag up (see Rule 14.02m), and that is the 3rd out of an inning, does the call nullify any runs that scored on the play? A: These outs are applied as of the end of the play, therefore:
A: On failed tag-ups: the run is nullified only if it was the scoring runner that failed to tag up.
I really dont care about WAKA rules and am out there to have fun, but if someone gets in your face and bets you 100 dollars that they are right, you gotta back your shit up! We will see if Yella stands up to his bet, like a man, and pays me my 100 dollars we "man law" shook on. Im sure it will be in some sort of bs currency. ex. pennies, pesos that he takes a shit or piss on etc... but we'll see. Maybe he'll use the excuse of no time frame of payment was given, so he can pay me a penny a day for the rest of my life.. Or he can man up and give me a crisp clean benjy.. Just wanted to put it on the record..
If he paid you a penny a day... it would take 27.38 years (accounting for leap-years). So Frank, you'd only be 53 years old... with plenty of time left to spend those pennies.
damn, you checked my profile for age as well.. nice detective work
Well I wanted to make sure you're young enough to enjoy monies. You should be more worried about Yella living long enough to pay you... since he's 8 years older.
Wow, first of all I would have thought the call would go the other way. Thanks for clearing that up Frank.
Secondly, Kevin will outlive us all. Remember he is only 8 years old. Won't turn 9 until the next leap year.
DPT has spies everywhere.
Yella, if it makes you feel any better, you're not the only one who was mistaken about that rule. I had always thought that was a force out at first, too. Glad I didn't throw $100 on that one.
Thanks for the lesson, Frank. After playing and watching baseball for so many years, I'd never seen that play occur. I'd imagine it happens a lot more in kickball. I'm a bit humbled to learn I still had learning to do.
Hey Yella... Melvin Upton is tied for 8th in strikeouts with 160. Pena is 10th with 156.
The top 5 are in the NL with Mark Reynolds leading the way (208).
Now we know.
I'm surprised anyone was actually confused about this rule. Ergo, willing to make a $100 bet on it.
Make him do an Ernie and wire the money into your account. Worked for me.
western union?
They asked me about this play and I said the run counted. Guess my expert WAKA Certified Ref opinion wasn't good enough so they went to Ty.
That was certainly a tricky call and one I hadn't seen before. My Gut reaction was to say it should have been a force at first but I couldn't find it clearly stated in the rules at the time last night.
After looking at it again today, Frank is right, with the caveat of 3.07 "Referees may make rulings on any points not specifically covered in the rules (at the time of occurrence), but
the ruling shall not be deemed as a precedent for future rulings."
So the ruling on the play stands and Yella should have to pay up for making a silly bet. I'm sure he will hate me now more. It's to be expected.
The gods have spoken!
I spent 30 minutes at the bar last night arguing this with Kevin trying to convince him that the runner at first was no longer involved in any force out situation once the ball was caught.
The force out rule is pretty simple and never will there be a force play at any base once a ball is caught in the air.
Frank you should have bet Ernie instead and maybe you could have made $500 instead of just $100.
PS thanks for having my back Caruso...
you guys should have cashed in..
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