Ruben Kajkowski aka “RÜBS”
The Glo in Soul Glo
Best pitcher in the league
All-star third baseman
12 seasons, season 2-13
final 6 seasons as captain
57 wins in six seasons
possibly a team history 100 wins, division history is incomplete
14-0 undefeated season, last 10 count regular season before you took away 2 games
3 division titles
3 tournament titles
3 flip cup titles
1 crystal pitcher
5 BeerJam belts
help banned munting
2 week suspension for my “words”
2 players banned from the league
numerous personal donations to the board to raise extra money for PAL
my stats ON the field are mirrored by my stats OFF the field
HENCE, the first rule of bayshore kickball is named after me
i.e. I piss excellence
SOOOO Glad our comments on the blog do not impact the decision making to ban players because Jonathan Korb, Director of Customer Service you really lived up to your name. You have certainly directed your customers to seek services elsewhere. And since WAKA has up held freedom of speech, i can say your customer service is shit. so that would make you the director of shit. and what is the gateway of shit? the sphincter or asshole which when you do your job apparently makes a sound, "mloop." >enter Team America where we are dicks and they are…>
- see kids, that is satire and good clean fun. but of course no one is reading this but my bayshore cohorts but i will go on because i feel it will be better for the division...um, blog.
now all these moves have been made to "better" the division. Funny, as one of the longest registered customers, i was NEVER asked if banning these players is better for MY division.
Let’s see.
banning a national tournament certified ref and field sheriff - NO. I find that to be a great asset. I recall over several seasons seeking out Nate to clarify rules
banning two ladies who helped organize the best party in my 12 seasons that raised the most money for our local charity - NO. Again a great asset to the league and more so to the charity who saw their county budget cut and greatly appreciated the additional revenue created.
banning the captain of one of my rival opponents who keeps the team legacy alive of a person we lost two years ago. - NO. He too is an asset as he bridges the bayshore community from seeing each other 20, oh yeah NOW 16 times a year into an everyday blog or weekly gathering.
banning my co captain of 12 seasons - NO. If i have to explain the value of 6 year customer who has advertised and recruited for you for free, well you are either stupid or dont give a shit. my guess is both.
I think if you do your job correctly, you will find that my opinion is mirrored by the league and NOT by your decision. This is completely a personal attack on our league, our friends and the business WE grew for you here in Tampa.

A few years ago, WAKA censored a picture that was posted on our division webpage. That spawned this blog. A communal tool that is head and shoulders above ANYTHING you do or other divisions do. It’s to a point you cant manage so you banned players and are possibly facing a mass exodus. Do you really want to challenge the same people who kicked your ass with a website to go play and grow another league in OUR backyard?!?!?!?
The truth of the matter is YOU DON’T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT US and so,
You have a marketing person. I saw an email from her posted. Perhaps she should right the ship and explain how it is nearly 10 times as expensive to produce a new customer than it is to retain a customer and that a negative customer on average will cost a business anywhere from 3 to 6 potentials customers.
I gotta tell you, I find it completely hilarious that you banned these people. You literally had people, while complaining STILL using your product. You were winning. You couldnt give the league two more weeks? Or maybe just keep the 8 weeks and make one night a month per team a double header. So many options and you ban players. Fired the customer. How moronic.
Wow, maybe I will take back the satirical tone earlier, you might be assholes after all.
Excellent points, Ruben. And I totally forgot about that picture. Good to see it again! Hahaha.
wow... well played Rubs!
Paige... you need to post up your Chelsea Handler picture and story. I still haven't really heard what happened.
Gotta support my homies!
Eric Floresca aka EFlo (allegedly)
- 6 Seasons
- Mediocre SS, Catcher, and Chugger
- Co-Captain - Fall 2010
- Contributor to Fall 2009 Championship Team AND Crystal Pitcher Winner (First time in Bayshore history ONE team won BOTH in a season !!!), Miss Hawaii on the Award-Winning and 4-0 playing Vegas-stomping 'Ballics!!!
BRAVO Ruben!
EPIC post Rubs!! Proud of you!
Bravo indeed! Awesome post
MLoop, proud of you!
Well, we should give WAKA credit for one thing...we're actually going to have an interesting off-season on the blog. Nicely done Ruben.
Love the Team America reference...great post Rubs!
LMAO!!! Great post! Welcome to the WAKA banned list Ruben...well its only a matter of time...
Its a shame Ruben's out because he was going to put this on the team shirts next year:
Ruben Kajkowski aka “RÜBS”
The Glo in Soul Glo
Best pitcher in the league
All-star third baseman
12 seasons, season 2-13
final 6 seasons as captain
57 wins in six seasons
possibly a team history 100 wins, division history is incomplete
14-0 undefeated season, last 10 count regular season before you took away 2 games
3 division titles
3 tournament titles
3 flip cup titles
1 crystal pitcher
5 BeerJam belts
help banned munting
2 week suspension for my “words”
2 players banned from the league
numerous personal donations to the board to raise extra money for PAL
my stats ON the field are mirrored by my stats OFF the field
HENCE, the first rule of bayshore kickball is named after me
i.e. I piss excellence
Also, I think that was the last time Steve got a beej.
'Like Nate says' "Just bein honest"
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