Wednesday, November 3, 2010

WAKA Responds... Kinda

Today we got a few responses from WAKA... sort of.  Stephanie and Chris both sent emails to various WAKA employees, and you can read Chris' in his post yesterday.

Johnathan Korb sent them pretty much the exact same response (with a few tweaks).  In Stephanie's reply, he added: "Your team was a lot of fun in Vegas this past year and I hope you will return in 2011."

In the reply sent to Chris, he references this blog:

Thank you for your e-mail. 
We are always open to  feedback that will help make the WAKA kickball experience better for all of our players.  The fact you took the time to send us an e-mail with your concerns speaks great volumes on your overall concern for WAKA Kickball.  I will continue to closely monitor the FL Bayshore division to make sure we continue to listen to the players and hear out their concerns.

Due to several concerns over the past year we have decided to ask a few players not come back to play in any WAKA divisions.  The blog you mention really had nothing to do with the decision as there were other circumstances that led to this decision. By no means was it an easy decision for WAKA to make but it was one that we felt would be better for the division.

Thank you again for taking the time and for playing WAKA Kickball.

Thank you,

Jonathan Korb
Director Customer Service
WAKA Kickball
The World Adult Kickball Association 

Well there you have it.  Posting on DPT had "nothing to do with the decision."  So... what did?  How the Hell did they even know who to ban?  Was it just coincidence that they kicked out 4 people who have complained and 1 person who happens to date me?  And if there were "other circumstances," why haven't they told anyone what those circumstances consist of?

It never ceases to amaze me how stupid WAKA thinks we are.  Kind of like that time they told us we couldn't play 10 game seasons due to fear of lighting strikes in the summer. If they just came out and said they wanted to increase their profit margins by cutting the cost of field rental, we would at least respect their honesty.

You can read more about that as we continue to compile our list of grievances here.

In any case, those of you who do not participate in the boycott can sleep easy.  WAKA has pledged to "closely monitor" the Bayshore Division and "continue to listen to the players and hear out their concerns."  Because... they've done such a great job doing those things in the past.


Smithkey said...

"The blog you mention really had nothing to do with the decision as there were other circumstances that led to this decision."

This is the biggest line of bullshit I have ever heard. WAKA needs to grow a set and just admit the reason players were asked to leave is because of the comments that were left on this blog.

The bottom line is they do not care about their customers or else they would hear our concerns and address them. The bayshore players have been loyal for many seasons and should be treated as valued customers. Instead we have been taken for granted and it has just been assumed that we will continue to pay for a declining service because we have no other option.

I personally could care less if I ever play for WAKA again as they only offer me a location to gather with my friends. Kickball Society offers the same things as well as paid referees, fields that are already set up upon arrival, as well as bar tabs for several contest (karaoke, flip cup, and theme night).

No longer will I pay to play in a league that offers its customers nothing they cant find somewhere else and expects them to set up their own fields.

Expect me to do my best to draw as many people away from the WAKA kickball league as I possibly can and instead direct them to Kickball Society.

Michael Smithkey
5 seasons
Team Captain

F'n out!

Steph said...

While I'm shocked that 1 of the 6 people I emailed actually answered, he clearly did not read anything I wrote. He shouldn't have even sent me the standard response letter, mixed in with a little Vegas personalization, when he could have just quoted Nate and said "Don't care".

Don't think they'll have to worry about or monitor the Bayshore division anymore since we are all leaving. They'll have new minions sure to follow all of their rules and they'll all get along.

Chandler said...

Damn, Smithkey. You just gave WAKA the proverbial "turkey slap" with your Off Can.

Chandler said...

Also... Johnathan Korb is ignoring a few facts. Mainly... Jaime and Ty both admitted to me at the fields on tournament day that the "banned list" was due to comments on the blog. So he's either calling them a liar, or he's calling whoever told them that (I'm assuming MLoop) a liar.

Not to mention, I know other people were told about the "banned list" and the reasons for its creation long before the tournament.

Rosey said...

The epic weaksauce fail continues. There's nothing I despise more than canned corporate horseshit.

After crunching the numbers I have actually played for 9 seasons and was the captain for one of them (just FYI if that helps to enhance the Boycott list)

Brent said...

Hah I got a similar "canned" response from Jonathan. And I am in Chicago! Damn the man, save the empire! I've already put the message out on my radio show, and next chance I get to be on another radio show I am going to mention it as well.

Still working on getting a news story on this, though it is rather difficult since I am not in the area. Do any of the local stations have a similar thing like we do up here in Chicago with "Channel 5 investigates" where they accept user driven stories? If so, I would present your case to a local tv station. That will get WAKA's attention.

Chandler said...

Thanks for all the support from far away, Brent!

J.W. said...

The OC looks forward to KS. When will season details be available?

Maria said...
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Chandler said...

Not sure on season details. They're far from finalized but we have a little bit of time. But we appreciate the OC's support.

Bring Ty over to KBS too. Haha

Unknown said...

INaR will consider moving over to KBS if you have details avaiable. I think signups for Waka are less than a month away even though the season doesn't start until february