What's wrong with this Poster??

Proceeds to benefit Waka and PAL?? How does that work?? And the Pub Crawl is at MacDinton's? How is that a Pub Crawl and who is organizing this? Care to let us know Waka Powers that lurk our blog?? And what kind of Costume are you supposed to wear for Thanksgiving?
Complimentary Miller Lite - That's the rest of our party budget!!
How in the hell are proceeds benefiting WAKA?!?! I had NO idea that WAKA was a charity!
Why was the LARGEST division in Tampa, not informed about this event?!? Maybe cause we have no division rep, since she quit a few weeks ago. OR are we all banned from MacDinton's also? (WAKA did tell Knowlton that he was banned from MacDints)
1. A Pub Crawl means going from bar to bar. You can't call a one bar event a Pub Crawl.
2. Complimentary Miller Lite for 1 hour, then $2 per beer after that? After paying a $15 cover? They are only $1 on thursdays. Who would do this? Can I please pay more money than normal for that horrible swill that gives me awful hangovers? I don't think so.
3. If you have a Pilgrim costume and are above the age of 8, you are fired. This is almost as bad as the other divisions Dungeon and Dragons theme game.
4. WAKA is not a charity, and therefore should not be receiving proceeds from an event like this, in my opinion. Give it all to PAL. Maybe then they can afford to level the fields so we don't hurt ourselves running around there. Oh wait, they already tried to do that and failed.
It just keeps getting better and better. Snarf Snarf Snarf Snarf Snarf!!!
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