Alright kids... let's do this...
JW was nice enough to put the GKB schedule in Excel for us.
It is now located on this blog. You'll notice that we will have an 8th week with match-ups to be determined. Initially I got the league to agree to have the set of three games at 8:30pm. However, GKB decided they wanted most teams to depart for the bar sooner than later. Their decision also helps with the clean-up, and getting people the Hell out of there on time. I'm still trying to get them to change all Field #2 games at 8:30pm to Field #3. But no big deal. Also... there's been a few requests to have the distribution of early and late games to be evened out. I'll let you know if they honor that.
Speaking of fields... here's how they should set up:
Those squares are like 110+ feet each side. So believe me when I say we really shouldn't have much overlap in the outfields.
Here are the two parking lots:
Both lots will require common sense parking. Don't block anyone in. Don't park like an asshole. Your car isn't that cool. Try to carpool the first week if you can, as I have no idea how tight everything will be. You can also park in the neighborhood at your own risk.
GOKickball's rules can be found here. Here is what we were allowed to change (novel concept, eh WAKA?), as well as some rules that differ from our previous league:
Munting - Captains unanimously voted to ban it. It will be the head umpire's discretion if an actual kick was attempted.
Pitching - GKB allows the pitcher to run up past the mound BEFORE the ball is kicked. Why do they allow this? Because a league like ours hasn't abused it yet. So we unanimously OUTLAWED this rule. The pitcher must now stay behind the imaginary line from first to third until the ball is kicked (ie: no different than we're used to).
Balls and Strikes - Kickers are called out on the 4th strike. EVERY foul ball is considered a strike. So at most, the pitcher can only roll 7 pitchers.
Walking Rule - "If a player (male or female) is walked at any time and a female kicker is next at-bat in the lineup, the player automatically walks to 2nd base. If there are 2 outs, the female kicker next at-bat has the option of also walking to 1st base or kicking."
In-Field Fly - GKB ref's have the option of calling you a "douche" if you purposefully drop a fly ball in order to tag runners out. This is 100% their discretion, and will result in all players being safe at their next base.
Tagging Up - There was some confusion at the captain's meeting, and some people were under the impression that you must wait for the ball to be caught before tagging up. This however, is not true. If Johnny did quote this rule incorrectly, I'm sure it was on accident. The rule clearly states: "
Runners can advance on a caught ball as long as the runner has tagged their original base after the ball was originally touched by any fielder... ...the runner can tag up once the first contact happens between fielder and ball."
I'm sure there are some other subtle differences, so make sure you read through the rules.
I've been told that GKB will only cancel a game due to lightning. If this happens, I don't think they have a rain-out line set up... but I'll do my best to spread the word.
More to come later.