Thursday, February 10, 2011

GKB Picks Week 1 -- CLOSED!!

With only 5 games each week... it's going to get pretty expensive for Caruso...

For the new people... here's how this works: Comment your winners of each game. I'll add you to the picks list. The person (or people) with the LEAST amount of correct picks owe the person (or people) with the MOST one drink. You may owe one... or you may owe 15+. Gambling is funny like that.

You have until Thursday at 4pm to make your selections.


FRANK said...

Alco, even though 4 ppl showed up to practice. Everyone knows that the girls carry the team anyway.

Growlers, could be the new bncox

Shock, only cuz I need some gameday love


HoboHeroes, underrated this season, finished 2nd overall last season.

Robes said...

Off Constantly

J.W. said...

Alcoballics v. Bunt Chasers

I know Gorecki played a key role in the DPT crowd moving over to GKB, but I'm not sure if he really thought through all the repercussions of the move. How often are the Gorec-drops going to be construed as douche rule violations? Someone needs to warn the refs before the game about what to expect there. Still, no matter how many Gorec-drops may occur, the Ball licks are a traditional powerhouse, and Top Shelf/Dollar Wells/Bye Week/Bunt Chasers are the perennial outhouse.

Growlers v. TBN

Coming off their Bayshore division championship season, which included a loss to Off Constantly, the Growlers are sporting a new color and a new name. I guess Jagermeister wasn't paying enough for sponsorship any more, so now they're sponsored by... vagina, I guess? Don't know how that works out, but it sounds like a pretty sweet deal. THEE BEER NUTS still aren't good at kickball, but they're still great at ostracizing. While I'd really say "I pick TBN to lick the Pussies," it's just not worth all the beers I'd have to pay out. Growlers win in a blowout.

Ligers v. Shockers

I've heard rumors from high placed individuals that the Ligers are pondering a change in team color next season. While that previous sentence is still just a rumor, it has in fact been confirmed that they're still bad at kickball. Shockers win this game on hype alone.

DAaLtS v. Superbad

Drunk Again and Looking to Score is way too long for a team name. Maybe we should call them I'd Shock That? Whatever their blog nickname ends up being, Superbad is sure to dominate the team comprised of a mixed bag of players from one of the worst Shocker teams in recent memory and a league doormat (that in full disclosure did upset the OC powerhouse).

*****GAME OF THE WEEK*****

Off Constantly v. Homebase Heros [sic]

I think the first four games are going to be picked pretty much the same by everyone (except Caruso, probably, who will save me from owing drinks if my team loses tomorrow).

We now are Ty and Grifter-free, which should raise our profile amongst referees who will have to deal with one fewer person berating them and two fewer people telling them the rules. I'm worried that we're going to be a little rusty, and Homework Hobos has some big kickers, but I'll take the OC in a tight, low-scoring game mainly because we can spell. Homebase Heros [sic], apparently cannot.

Patrick said...

While I have been on Off Constantly for two seasons now, I have never participated in the weekly picks. I guess now is as good a time as any to start since none of the match ups look too eventful. I am probably a terrible teammate for thinking this but OC looks like the most likely upset candidate. However, I can't betray my team week 1 and I say defense wins. So, I will go Ballics, Growlers, Shockers, Superbad, OC.

Justin "G" said...

Super B
H Ho's

Ginger Justin

Nate Dawg said...


Katie Wag said...

Just in case you guys needed a girls opinion......

Super Bad
Off Constantly

I guess I agree with you Capt. Jack!

xoxo Karaoke Queen

Maria said...

Nate's picks, thanks.

This won't be that fun this year since I still don't like beer.

FRANK said...

Can we get some variety in the pics... pointless to have everyone pick the same teams

Chandler said...

Variety will be somewhat lacking depending on the match-ups. We have 3 less games each week than last season.

However, this will make payouts larger.

And Maria... you can win wine or something. Maybe a nice cider. Maybe a hug.

Angie AKA Clam, HJ, ... said...


Chandler said...

Annnd.... Angie is buying beer tonight!! WOOOO!!!

M. Gorecki said...

Well Happy GoKickball Day Everyone! GorecHate has been dormant for too long.. or has it? Waka suffered my wrath by creating the most fearsome duo in all the land.. Thats right ChaMike bodyslammed Waka with its combined weight of one offensive lineman (all 320 lbs) by accepting their challenge of "you guys always complain about our league but keep coming back". Well Waka I hoped you learned your lesson..
Now that I'm fired up onto the picks..

Ballics vs Bunt Chasers- Seriously who is in charge of naming this team? Your creativity along with your past team names of Top Shelf/Dollar Wells/and Bye Week are about as amusing as Sean Combs changing his alter ego. Stick with one name as it obviously doesnt improve your skills. Ballics win the rap battle.

Growlers vs TBN- Wait a Growler is a pu**y? Jesus Yeagabombs just cause our fields are in the ghetto doesn't mean you need to accept the solicitations of the locals. Double up on the protection as it won't be hard for you to "score". Same goes for you against TBN, now go high five your bro.

Ligers vs Shockers- So I invited the Ligers to Super-Ballic Camp cause 95% of the Alco-bitches were in Orlando. Guess how many Ligers showed up .. ZERO! I guess they feel they don't need any practice. They'll learn to regret this decision tonight as the Shockers take them to the woodshed (unless they have to forfeit due to lack of girls, I'm praying that'll happen a game or two this season). And lets see how disoriented Chandler gets with the new field layouts. Maybe he'll actually stay in his assigned position.. nah who we kidding..

Drunks vs SuperBad. Yes SuperBallic Camp lasted a whole half hour due to the rain last Saturday. But Frank put the girls through boot camp and I haven't heard any rumors of a random lineup or any other weird game Frank and Sandra invent. So they should win easily here, just like they do at horseballs. I don't even want to know what "new games" they try in the bedroom since becoming engaged.

OC vs HBH- Alright JACK(me off)your joke about the Ball-licks is soo original (just like the one I just made). Welcome back to 4th grade. Why not follow it up with a Blonde Joke or "Your Mom is SO Fat". You do realize people are laughing at you not with you right? Well unfortunately this isn't 4th grade so the refs will actually count your runs and you will end up beating this team that I have not scouted out yet and therefore cant rip on.

Weird having to pick only 5 games. Well this post is lengthy enough. So I'll see you all at the fields tonight!

Paige said...


bull said...


Chandler said...

Hey Ruben... ask Wayne if he'll let the top two GKB teams enter the Grand Champion tourney or something.

Since each team pays an entry fee... they shouldn't care who it is.

RÜBS said...

Chan-Man, im on it!

FRANK said...


Chandler said...

I bet...

Alison said...

Your momma's so fat when she steps on the scale it says "to be continued."

Just gonna go ahead and get that rolling per Gorecki's suggestion.

Alison said...

How do you keep a blonde busy for hours?

Scroll Down. --->

<----- Scroll Up.

Alison said...

Aaaaaaaaand, picks:

Off Constantly

Kyle said...

no time for humor today, i'm trying to get the cameras rigged up for WAKA's opening night debacle:


I'm either getting a lot of drinks or handing a lot of them out

Angie AKA Clam, HJ, ... said...

Whatev' Chan! :)

Rob said...


Caruso said...

Alco Ball Licks