Monday, March 28, 2011

GOKickball Stuff

Comment the scores of your games on Thursday, and I'll update the stats.

Tournament is this Saturday, and the schedule for it will be posted soon.  I assume it'll be the same kinda all-day deal we're used to, but with less games played since we have less teams.  The last 4 teams have play-in games.  After the tournament, it's Ragin Cajun time.

We will be playing at Doc Nance field... which is the original field we started on.  Since the games are in the afternoon, we won't need lights (they aren't fixed anyway).  Our games this Thursday are still at Taylor fields.

Grills are allowed in the park, but not on the baseball field.  So just line up your grills on the fence outside the field, do your cooking there, and eat it at your tent.  Consider it like a fancy restaurant... where the cooking and dining areas are not the same.  I hear the Superbad grill is on Dirty Dining anyway.

We'll be voting on Crystal Pitcher (unless someone suggests a better name) at the fields.

Season Party
The party is scheduled for May 7th at Wings Gone Wild.  More on this later, but you should already have it on your calendar.  Tell your teammates since only about half the league reads the DPTs.


E-FLO said...

Ballics 2, Pitches be crazy 1

Chandler said...

Mailbox 0

E-FLO said...

Technically, it was just the mailbox stand...At least that's what Brie told me. Allegedly.

Chandler said...

Oh I saw it. The mailbox was in the road. But we moved it back to the yard and it seemed undamaged.

FRANK said...

OC-0 Supa-3

Nate Dawg said...

Shockers 4 TBN 4
I am all for a new name to the Crystal Pitcher, thats all WAKA. We need to come up with something that signifies what the award is actually about.

bull said...

H8torade Award

Alison said...

I agree that I'd like to see it renamed. WAKA used the term Crystal Pitcher.

What should the new Crystal Pitcher award be? Because...the Crystal Pitcher award was named after he actual crystal pitcher that was given out. I kinda like that consistency with award-name.

Any suggestions for the physical award as corresponding name?

This lady seems to like her crystal award.

Chandler said...

And actual "crystal but really plastic" award was not given out by WAKA until about two seasons ago. For almost the entire history of Bayshore it was just a title given, and a picture on a shitty website.

Chris said...

Given the common problem throughout this season, I suggest the "Shining Light Award", the trophy is a lamp.

Alison said...

Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally like that, Chris. So many directions to take it also.

Chandler said...

As in... buying a FleshLight?

Chuckers said...

Ragin Canjun!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute, we know the field will be weird and cramped on Saturday, so why don't we take the playoffs somewhere else? We no longer have the light constraint due to daytime games, so we could possibly find a place with a lot more room. The city should allow this since we lost our field 4 weeks into this thing. I know this would have been better brought up weeks ago, but maybe we can make it happen on short notice. After all, there was a pretty quick turnaround on this league as a whole, anyway, right?

Chris said...

The tournament is at Doc Nance Field, the one we originally played at. We only play on the small field this Thursday, since it has lights.

J.W. said...

Yes, I understand the field is not the one we've been playing on, but a bigger grass field would be desired instead of the baseball clay. Some where with more room than the field we have now. That's what I'm talking about.

Just throwing it out there. I can see how we can all fit at the Doc Nance. I just think there are better options.