Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Last Week of GOKickball - Spring 2011

The last week of games and tournament are upon us.  It's been a crazy season filled with the trials and minor-tribulations of starting up a new league.  And while there was a learning curve for all parties involved, the quality of kickball never suffered*.  Games were played, runs were scored and we will soon crown season and tournament champions!

During the season, the following things were established and/or tweaked based solely on player feedback:
  • Rule changes (munting & pitching line encroachment)
  • Game-time distribution
  • Week 8 schedule
  • Division organization
  • Field Layout
  • Base improvements
  • Strike-zone cone improvements
  • Allowing player-refs at 1st, 3rd and soon to be 2nd
  • Bar selection
  • End-of-Season-Party date
Maybe I'm making too big of a deal about a league that is willing to evolve with its customers during a season.  But I refuse to forget the lack of communication we had with our previous kickball provider.

So this week, basically all seeds are up for grabs.  The OC has locked up the Shenanigans Division, but needs help to win the #1 seed and season title.  The winner of Growlers/Alcoballics will get the Tomfoolery title, with a tie going to the Growlers.  The Bunt Chasers, Shockers and DAaLtS will comprise the last two spots.  Everything else... who knows.

The tournament bracket has been posted (kickball info section of DPT) and will be filled in on Friday.  We will be gambling again this year, so bring $5 per bracket (two entries max) on Saturday to participate.  Be sure to put the total runs scored in the final game for the tie-breaker.

Every team needs to provide refs at the tournament.  If you aren't playing... you should be reffing.

Final note:
GKB corporate is coming down to watch our games on Thursday.  They're very excited and appreciative that we chose to give them our business this season, so they wanted to check it out with their own eyes.  Pete G. (Director of Operations) and Daniel L. (Business Manager) will be in attendance, so please say "hello" and give them whatever feedback you desire, good or bad.

*As an example of how the quality of kickball can suffer, take a look at the old WAKA Bayshore Division this season.  A "Pick Me Up" team that was moderate at best in our group is 7-0 with 38 runs scored and 3 runs allowed.  This indicates that our replacement teams are filled with no-talent ass-clowns.  What a joke.


Crum said...

Thanks for all your hard work Chandler! I'm looking forward to the tourney Saturday.

To the people WHO CAN BEAT OC, you are good kickballers. I wanted to let everyone know how impressed I was with the girl from Superbad who dropped a triple on me (she deserves an MS Paint cannon leg!).

!! HOT TUB PARTY TODD !! said...

why trash WAKA? WAKA may not have talent, but they got the best themes runnning in town. Last week was themed Libya crisis, with the rebels vs. pro-Ghaddafi loyalists. I got to be Ghaddafi himself. It was awesome.

Chandler said...

Todd... that is actually pretty funny. But unless you post pictures I don't believe it.

YellowBird said...

Libya crisis?!! Why that's stereotyping and racially insensitive! WAKA cannot (and has not in the past) stood for such things to take place in their corporate kickball world. I'm surprised there were no emails sent to Ty exclaiming this should never be allowed again.

If this goes without any notice of formal concern expressed via email to the entire league banning this from ever happening again, then I guess it's basically a slap in the face of Libyans everywhere.... since they don't deserve the same respect as Mexicans.

After all, we all remember the stink that was put up following our Mexicans vs Border Patrol game.

WAKA must hate Libya.

!! HOT TUB PARTY TODD !! said...

Sorry Charlie, those pics can not be released without formal written consent of WAKA. You gotta be there to be scared... cause this week it's off the hook... killer theme rousing up the crazy antics from the turn of the century. We got the Russian Revolution of 1917 unfolding on PAL fields with bad boys & Girls of BnD as the Bolsheviks against the Mensheviks. This ones going down now that the clowns of past years are out... WAKA themes proper now...

Unknown said...

pick me up was the #2 seed out of 16 last year and won the one division (ahead of off constantly who leads your league). some of the new teams are actually decent but 3 of them suck really bad similar to team fab

Anonymous said...

I'd have loved to have gotten another shot at Pick Me Up. Refill Kevin, you going to play Big Guava? The OC will be there as there isn't an acceptable GKB summer option for us.