Monday, March 21, 2011

Ligers Beat Themselves Constantly; Dominate the Blame Game

Well, the Ligers vs. OC game turned slightly ugly last week.  I was going to do a whole recap of it with some hot MSPaint action, but I had yet another crazy long weekend.  I also had many long discussions (emails) with the OC captains so its almost been talked to death at this point.  But, this is a blog, so I'll rant the facts in bullet point fashion:
  • Maria was standing in the 3rd base-path, and Crum did run her over heading toward 3rd base.  In my opinion he actually did a decent job not knocking her head off, rather, he kinda helped her to the ground after contact.
  • After the collision (which I do consider obstruction) Crum idiotically tried to run home with the ball 3 feet away from him.  He was quickly pegged out.  Arguments ensued.  Some of OC claimed the obstruction allows him home (not true).  Some of OC said the obstruction meant he could stay on 3rd.  The Ligers felt that him attempting to run home was at his own peril, and thus he was out.  Obviously none of this is addressed in GKB's rules.
  • We looked up the official MLB rules after the game.  Basically, if the ref is allowed to call the obstruction "dead ball" or not.  If he says "dead ball," then Crum stays at 3rd.  This is eventually what was called, albeit on accident because none of us were really well-versed in MLB's rule.  If the ref did not call "dead ball" and let play continue (which initially happened during the play), then Crum is out for trying to run home and getting pegged.  This situation is no different than a player running through first, making a move toward second and getting tagged out.
So there are two acceptable calls.  The ref stumbled upon the one that helped OC more than the Ligers.  I have no problem with that, but I guess after a few "bad" calls two weeks ago, combined with some "questionable" calls last week, topped off with every "close" call not going our way... my team's frustration boiled over.

We were just playing down to OC's level and arguing everything as a group.  You know... testing it out?  Seeing the hype?

But seriously... the Ligers were legitimately shut out.  So none of this matters because we couldn't score any runs.  And I think the entire league needs to go a little easier on the refs AND each other.  Calling Off Constantly the new "Balls N Dolls" (*ahem* Maria) is every bit as ridiculous as calling Bull an asshole and saying he should be hated (*ahem* Julie).

And calling the ref a "bitch" (*ahem* Rollo) probably should have gotten a lot of people thrown out.  If we were still reffing ourselves, everyone would have been tossed.  However, telling the ref that "God hates liars" (*ahem* Steve) is pretty damn funny.

As for Crum, he really had no intention of hitting or hurting Maria.  I've known him for years and played many seasons of softball on his team at UF.  He's a great guy and I'd totally let him babysit a child that I was in charge of babysitting.  But I get on base all the time, and I dodge girls all the time, and I've never run one over.  I've also never sent one to the hospital with a compound leg fracture (*ahem* Nate).  So everyone should probably just expect girls to be in the base-paths because it's never going to change.

I think that about covers it.  When the issue at 3rd base happened, the guy who was supposed to be reffing that base wasn't really paying attention (*ahem* Caruso).  Hell... I think he only reffed one inning and went home.  But Frank's self-reflection is contagious... and if my team keeps losing their cool ever week, then I'm going to have to conclude that we're the problem.

Enjoy your damn Monday.


Chris said...

The whole thing was ridiculous but sadly that stuff happens when there is a call the ref is unsure of and both teams are in the mood to argue (Bull and OC are always ready to argue...). Personally, I do just want to have fun, be nice to the refs and have a jolly-old-time, but when you're on the shitty end of every close or questionable call for two games in a row, that goes out the window and it's time to bitch at somebody. Oh, and the home plate ref was totally wrong about Paige being out.

Chandler said...

Yes. The ball went off Paige's foot and immediately hit her in the face. Her back foot hadn't moved, and was still planted behind the plate. Thus, the ball never went in play and should have been called a foul ball (not an out). GKB's rules do clearly state this.

Alison said...

That same thing happened in the TBN-Ballics game last week when a TBN player was up to kick. Can't remember who it was right now, but the ref correctly called the ball foul and not out, and the TBN player kicked again. There was some minor yelling about that play (in excitement, not anger). I didn't realize there was another instance of this on the same night and the call went a different way. That stinks.

Rollo said...

I shouldn't of called him a "bitch" but being a paid ref he should know rules, or basic logic. Had the runner stopped at 3rd yes he was safe. Once he made the choice to run home with the ball right behind him he was fair game. Or once he ran over a girl he should of stopped at 3rd to say sorry. Hell I said sorry multiple times for hitting a girl in the butt with a ball. Just sayin'

What made me mad enough to call him a bitch was him telling me that there was a rule to back his wrong call and he just couldnt show it to us. (This coming from a ref that i was explaining GKB official rules to a couple weeks prior) That if I kept arguing the fact that he was completely wrong he would call the game. If he's going to call bs plays and make threats then just call the game and let me go drink. The fact that oc was acting like they never argued a call before and bull was unleashed didn't help me calm down either lol.

YellowBird said...

Seems as if most of the ruling confusion/downright blatant inconsistency in KBS is centered around base running. We've seen at least 3 different rulings on very similar plays this season. It would be wise to organize an overview with all reffing parties on the matter if possible.

I've been playing kickball for like 7 years now and I've learned there's a few things you can always count on.... good people, plenty of booze and girls will always be on the base paths. You just have to go around them, but it's really ridiculous when they stand over a base when's the ball's not even in the infield.

FRANK said...

Told you Bull was going to throw chairs.....

I always thought the rule was if you are trying to advance to a base and you run into some one in the base path on accident, you are awarded the next base.

YellowBird said...

Nope. Just the base you were headed to. I've been the victim of that one before.

FRANK said...

If you are not allowed to advance to the next base, whats the difference of someone grabbing and holding the person so they cant advance?

FRANK said...

oh ok,, I see what you guys are saying, you are not allowed to advance an extra base.. I got you.. Thought he was rounding 3rd and ran into Maria after touching 3rd

FRANK said...

new BND!

Maria said...

Yes I called OC the new Balls and Dolls and I don't regret it. They are not fun to play and if the guy who floored me is a nice guy I would think a simple sorry wouldn't be too hard since he knocked me on my ass (regardless of my field position). Lucky I was 8 hours into drinking at that point or I would've probably killed a bitch.

And the refs should have to know the rules (or google it if it calls for it)and not be able to argue with the batters. Thanks.

Rollo said...

Nah Maria was off the base and off to the side. He tossed her to the floor then hit 3rd and tried to make it home. The ball however was 3ft behind him so he got nailed. He then claimed to get to have a redo from 3rd base. The ref agreed with this fantasy logic resulting in bull and i exploding.

Had he not collided he would still of been nailed by the ball. It would of just hit his lower butt instead of upper back.

FRANK said...

love OC? Check out their new website here...

BeardFace said...

Good times are always had when you get to play kickball.

FRANK said...

He shoulda been out

Anonymous said...

Crum should not have been out. The correct call was made. They were throwing the ball towards third so there was a play being made on Crum. When the contact happened, that triggered a dead ball. It was then no different from a runner continuing to run after a foul ball hits the ground. The play was dead, Crum gets third (I wrongfully argued that the umpire could give him home, but I was admittedly wrong about that), end of story.

As far as who apologizes to whom, I don't care. That's y'all's business.

The point is, the correct call was made, so there's no use to continue arguing.

Speaking of arguing, is that the only reason Bull showed up last week? He certainly didn't show up to play, even though he was there with ample time to do so. Bull, are you injured? I'm trying to figure out why you were on the field arguing in a game in which you were not even playing. I'm pretty sure Rollo is the captain, anyway. Did the Ligers hire you as the manager? Should we call you Bull Piniella? How much longer til you mandate that Liger games take place on the infield so you can kick dirt on the refs? Perhaps next time you can throw a base.

It wasn't an accident on the basepaths that caused the game not to be fun. It was the shit-talking and arguing, and it definitely wasn't just my team at fault. So Maria, I think something about rocks and glass houses is applicable here.

Enjoy your damn Tuesday, and post some f-ing power rankings.

Rollo said...

Wrong, if the play is not called dead and the runner tries to continue the play is live and he can be tagged out. It's like rule 7.06. Had he made it home by some miracle OC wouldnt of been screaming for him to go back to 3rd cause the ball was dead.

YellowBird said...

Okay, the game's over. Nothing is going to get resolved here. I'm officially calling this thread dead.... like the dead ball. Dead thread!!

Anonymous said...

Then Crum can still post with no repercussions.

Anonymous said...

The rule states when a play is being made on the runner, and you have admitted as much by saying the ball was so close to him, and the runner is obstructed, the play should be called dead and the runner awarded the next base. That's what happened, the ump said it was a dead ball when the collision happened, the call stands. He may not have yelled "dead ball" right when the collision happened, but he should have and he admitted the play was dead and the runner gets third there. So, like I said, dead ball, play is over, doesn't matter what happens after.

The rule you're referring to is if a runner is obstructed well before a play is being made on him and continues to go, for example, a kicker kicks the ball over the defense and has a clear homerun, but is obstructed on his way to second. That's a different scenario. At that point the runner advances at his own risk.

Rollo said...

No the rule states if the ref doesn't call dead ball, which he didn't, shoulda woulda coulda nothing, the play continues, which it did. Your player decided to run and get himself out.

Under 7.06 (b) when the ball is not dead on obstruction and an obstructed runner advances beyond the base which, in the umpire's judgment, he would have been awarded because of being obstructed, he does so at his own peril and may be tagged out

bull said...

Stupid blogger, I had a reply but it got erased in some error :( Oh well, wasn't worth posting I guess.

Who said Crum couldn't post without repercussions? DPT loves freedom for all.

Rollo said...

Now had the ref said " Listen I am sorry I should of called the ball dead right away ". My head would not of exploded.

When he said something along the lines of " No he's not out! He gets to go back to third because of this imaginary rule that says so. I just cant show you this rule. If you don't like what I am making up right now I will call the game.". Now that made my head explode.

Either way I love the OC. Even the girl who wouldn't slap me 5.

Chris said...

I think the important thing to remember is that now that YOA will be back to normal, Chandler and I will once again be able to disgust random chicks with the suggestion that they take a ride on Beardface's face ornament.

Chandler said...

Rollo... I think the rule that applies in this situation is WAKA Rule 3.07 (my personal favorite):

"3.07 Referees may make rulings on any points not specifically covered in the rules (at the time of occurrence), but the ruling shall not be deemed as a precedent for future rulings."

(ie: the refs can make shit up all they want)

I don't blame you for not knowing this WAKA rule transcends all other kickball leagues. But it is such a rule whose true power can not be comprehended by mere mortals (or anyone who is not a corporate douche-bag).

Furthermore, I'd like the official history to show that the Ligers have never lost a kickball game in WAKA, according to WAKA rule 3.02:

3.02 The Head Referee must read the following before every game: "Every player must be officially registered to participate. I am the Head Referee and will issue all final rulings if necessary. Only the Captain and Co-Captain may dispute a call - please raise your hands. Rules to keep in mind include: the pitcher and all fielders must stay behind the pitching strip line until the ball is kicked; the catcher must
play behind the kicker; once the pitcher has the ball in control and on the mound, the play ends; and all fielders must stay out of the baseline - fielders may have their foot on the base, but must lean out of the baseline. Are there any questions?"

As you know, this never happened. So our entire lives have been a lie.

Self-reflect on that, Frank.

Anonymous said...

Bull, no personal offense intended in my remark, just wondering why you were so ready to argue about the calls. I kind of liked the piniella joke, too, though.

I'm done talking about that game for a long while. I've said all I care to say about it, and as usual it was excessive and long-winded. Even my description of my story is redundant. I'm out for now. Enjoy beardface's and landon's mspaint peace offerings. I'll see y'all at the fields tomorrow and at YoA Thursday.

bull said...

Oh it got personal! You were all like "bring it." So I brought it, set it on the table, and opened it! Nah, I'm just playing. I don't remember what I tried to post but I do know I would never pull a Knowlton and run off with the ball, or destroy a base. Keeping people from playing kickball is not my idea of fun.

FRANK said...
