In case you didnt know we are running a contest on our division page at donkynoms.com. Join us in trying to come up with the catchiest, coolest, most lights out names for both our Division, and Conferences at our new hood away from home, Taylor fields.
Some examples include:
The classic, "Rapey and Stabby"
"Muggy and Robby"
"Bloody and Crippy"
"Crackey and Methey"
"Glockey and Mossberg"
The best, most innovative idea will be chosen and hoisted into the anals of history in GKB, and will be given their choice of prizes between a bullet proof vest, or a free gravestone across the street to be carved at a later date.
Maybe we should pick division names that remind our hosts we mean business:
"10-20-Life Division"
"Tried as an Adult Division"
"Lights Out" & "9:15pm"
"Confederate Money" & "Yellabucks"
"Turds Go" & "Mloop"
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