I think I have been a bit harsh, and somewhat counterproductive in our efforts to make this league a success. I spoke to Johnny last night after our game, and he said he knows about the blog, reads it, and the cat is out of the bag.
So instead of me being a dick and just saying the negatives about the league I would like to talk about some of the positives and some areas which we feel could be improved to make our league awesome. Also, I invite Johnny to read this blog and comment on some of the things we touch on. One of the downfalls of WAKA was that there was a disconnect between the league rep and the players. I think Johnny has done a good job at addressing and responding to people's emails, and it would be great for him to add his two cents on the blog.
First, I know that there have been issues with the fields, which we knew were going to have before the season started. No big deal. The lights not being on in time, while may not be GKB's fault but the City of Tampa, I do feel like GKB should go to bat for us, and ensure that they are cut on in time. If we need to send emails to the city, let us know and we will.
The bases I thought were a lot better this week. I didnt see anyone slipping and I think the issue was addressed and fixed. The new cones at home plate were great too, and the lines for the fields looked straight.
I also wanted to comment about the YOA. Whoever got the deal for $2 abita, yuengling, etc, food deals, maybe gorecki, did an awesome job. We spent 8 dollars last night and left with a great buzz. Maybe I'm a light weight. YOA also added two porto-johns outside to accomodate the bottleneck at the bathrooms. There was also a lot of WAKA folks mingling at our bar.. I'd have to say things are definitely looking up.
Field setup: The new fields are small. Two games at three times works. I think if we do this setup next week we will be fine.
Time constraints. Our game lasted 5 innings last night, and was a really close game. Currently GKB's rule is, if there's 15 minutes left, the current inning becomes the last inning no matter what. In the top of the inning TBN got out 1-2-3, in 5 minutes. We were up and got out in like 6-7 minutes leaving 5 more minutes to start the next inning. They called the game.
The Largest reason I think most of us were drawn to this league was the mention of being able to play 7 innings. I also think, besides the supplying of umpires, this should be the main marketing point for GKB in the future.
We drive a full hour to get to the fields every Thursday, spend probably 10 dollars in gas each week to get there. It really is a let down when the refs call the game in the 5th. I think most people in the league would pony up another 5 dollars each to be able to play the full 7 innings no matter how long it takes. If GKB isnt up for that, another solution would be to do like they do in rec softball. Start the clock and when it runs down to Zero, the inning finishes. If the home team is up and winning, the game's over. If the visiting team is up and is winning, the home team gets to kick. If the home team gets out before the clock hits zero, another full inning occurs. It works fine in softball, and should work fine in kickball. if anything it only adds another 10 minutes to the games. I think it should be our priveledge to be given an extra ten minutes than to get 10 minutes taken away from us.
This last issue is probably just me being a dick and it really isnt that big of an issue and I hope it doesnt overshadow the rest of my rambling, but it seems like most of the ref's dont want to be out there, and for the most part are not having a good time. Can we let them drink while reffing or at least get a smile out of them?
Overall, I think the reason that we do come off as dicks and are very demanding, is because we have so much passion for this game and want to take pride in our league, one thing I think both the players and GKB have in common. Instead of me being counter productive I hope that we can work well with GKB and whatever other networks we deal with, in an effort to make this league 10x better than WAKA ever was.
BTW the game with theeeee Beer Nuts was awesome, and although we lost, we had a blast and it came down to the last play of the game. I was happier losing this game than I was winning previous games. I think thats cool, and how it should be.
Frank giving constructive comments and noting the positives? Holy shit that Kentucky Blue Bobo Bush he bought last night went straight to his head!
As for that massive field next to us we didn't use... it's apparently booked on Thursdays. Last night the softball league that plays there had a cancellation or something. I think Johnny is calling the city next week to put pressure on them about finding us a bigger space. Or allowing us to use that field if people don't show up.
Oh, and the set-up you drew this time is too small. Waaay too small. Even I could kick it over the fence from where you have the home bases. I'll suggest a different set up for us to consider.
I really dont think it is that small.. I was standing in centerfield with Johnny last night and we were looking at that setup. We almost changed it after the 630 game, but it was too much hassle. All we'd need would be like 15 feet between each home plate. Drawing is not to scale.
Did you not have any other comments on the other stuff chan? Like the 7 inning deal?
Yeah I agree with you on the 7 inning deal (or one full hour... finishing the inning once the clock expires). But with the lights turning on 30 min late last night, I think that just got messed up.
Once there is some normalcy with the city, there shouldn't be any problems with time or 7 innings.
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