Thursday, March 17, 2011

Picks - Week 6


Get your picks in by 4pm on Thursday.

Oh... and the make-up game is Wednesday the 23rd (next week). So plan accordingly. We're going to be able to use the large field for that night only... so there shouldn't be a 6:30pm game.


Robes said...

I will refrain from picks this week as I'm out indefinitely with 40 stitches in my head. Pick accordingly.

FRANK said...

NICE! jk

Chandler said...

Huh? What happened to you??? How do you get 40 stitches from walking?!?

Nate Dawg said...

After going 0-5 last week lets hope I can get at least one game right this week

Pitches Be Crazy - Shockers are spirling out of control. I'm not sure if Rob can turn things around and save his job...Rob a Liger next season???

Drunk Again - The Buntchasers cant go on a winning streak can they? I'm sure Caruso will put a stop to this winning thing that they started last week.

Superbad - After a tough loss to TBN last week Superbad will turn things around this week and "walk" away with a victory against the Growlers. SB just isnt the same without their poop brown shirts on...oh and lets hope that Matt P has some pants on.

Ligers - Ligers are better than the way they played last week and I expect them to come through to bring OC back down to earth. Dont worry JW I'll have a couple beers for you at the bar...

TBN - I sure hope that we can keep this cinderella story going...normally I would go with the Ballics here but they just dont look the same this year...Goreckitis is spreading quickly through that team.

FRANK said...

PBC VS Shockers

Shockers lost to Peen Chasers last week and Rob has me questioning why I accepted their offer to play them in the last week of the season. I dont think he makes it through another week. He gets scalped by his teammates and loses the few remaining hairs he has left. Pee Bee Cee...

DALTS vs Peen Chasers

Are the Peen Chasers learning the game of kickball, or do the Shockers really really suck? Could be both. DAALTS win in the battle of the worst team names.

Supa vs Growlers

Robespierre's reign of terror is over as he was nearly beheadded by his guillotine during his off day. His dynasty crumbles and Supa relishes the opportunity to take the reigns of the division that is Stabby... or did we get moved to rapey... whatever. (hope you get better Robey)

Ligz vs Oblong Cossacks

The refs blow a call and bull throws chairs. They receive a paper forfiet. OC wins

TBN vs Alco

Alco is a shell of itself as they are getting married and making babies. Look for the next gen of Alcobabies to kick ass.. until then im going TBN

Robes said...

Chandler said...

Holy shit, Rob. What happened?

Robes said...

I was riding shotgun in an Arctic Cat (ATV), we hit a ditch, the axle broke, and we flipped.

I ended up spending the night in the ER. Everyone else was fine.

Nate Dawg said...

JC Robes! Glad your generally ok!

Chandler said...

Pitches vs. Shockers - It seems Rob has finally run out of excuses and accepts that his team sucks. Welcome to the club, Shockers. But since UF plays on Thursday, I expect them to be missing a lot of people. The Crazy Pitches give Shockers the Twisty McFisty.

Dumb Name vs. Dumb Name - It takes balls to believe the Bunt Chasers are an improved contender. Thankfully, I have pretty sizable balls. But ever since the "shaving incident" a few months ago, I've been protecting them from the elements. Thus... I'll save my balls for another day. Dumb Acronyms are Lame to Say wins big (1-0).

Vag vs. Bad - I was going with the Growlers until I heard Robes got jacked up. Seriously... he looks like I do after a wedding. Frank floats like a butterfly around the bases; catastrophes ensue. Super wins.

Ligers vs. OC - The OC has talked more internet shit this week than I've ever seen in my life. In fact, they've even convinced me that my munt combined with rainbow speed isn't enough to defeat them. OC kicks our ass this week.

TBN vs. Alco - So... we have the Nuts against the Ball Licks. Go figure. Kyle returns to remind his team how to properly lick sack. I haven't really heard any stories of Nuts being able to fight back. I guess that means the Licks win?

Kyle said...

Shockers - because futility can't last forever...or can it? (Team Fab)

DAaLtS - because unlike the Shockers, Dollar Wells was never good.

Superbad - because Frank is pissed

OC - because the Ligers blew their load early this season and will limp to the finish line

Ballics - because Alco is undefeated and hasn't given up a run when I'm on the field (note: i won't be at the tournament, so i would take a page out of my book and bet against us in the tourney)

!! HOT TUB PARTY TODD !! said...

I take Chandlers picks.

BeardFace said...

Pitches over Shockers

Pitches will kick the ball just out of pinkie reach of the shockfest.

Drinking over Chasing

Drunk Again involves already having dranken chasers.

Superbad over Growlers

Not impressed with Super, though I have never played them...or seen them play. But, they win with Robes out.


The OC extincts the once proud ligers. Afterall, we must back up all this smack talk. And we do, 5-1

Ball Licks over Beer Nuts

Last week was just a bump in the road to mediocre-ville. Everyone looks bad against the OC.

In your unbearded faces.

Maria said...

I don't have time to write commentary this week, I'll be getting drunk starting at noon so I have to get to bed,

Pitches Be Crazy
Drunk Again
OC (I'll be drunk if I make it to the game)
TBN- don't let me down Nate!

Anonymous said...

PBC v. Shockers

As Chandler's said, their pitches are pretty sane. What is crazy is just how bad the shockers are. Maybe rob's lack of hair is what's affecting team morale. The good news for the OC is that I have a good 4 to 5 seasons left before I suffer the same fate and drag my own team down due to baldness. Until then I'm just going to keep sporting hates and hope no one notices. PBC wins.

Daaaaalts v. BC

Dalts' token ginger, and one-time championship OC member, made one of the greatest catches I've ever seen last week against PBC's most powerful kicker. Maybe we can call them team ginger or something in honor of said catch? Or maybe we should just call them Dalts, as Frank did earlier. In fact, that's what I'm going to do. Also, Dalts will beat the ball chasers, who have now gone a team record 20 days without losing a game.

Superbad v. Growlers

If Frank's butterfly wings created that earthquake in Japan, then the tsunami, couldn't they have also created that ditch that tore up Robes' face? I think so, and Superbad beats the Growlers because of it.


Ligers v. OC

I think this has been's finest week thus far in the shit-talking and shit-mspainting categories. Beardface captured the entire Ligers team perfectly in his masterpiece, while Landon went specifically after Brown and I took the "quadrumivirate" of team leadership. All of my thoughts on this game have been written already and posted over there, so I know at least Gorecki has seen them. OC wins.

Tbn v ball licks

Gorecki has been looking forward to this game since the schedule came out. Everyone knows about his insatiable desire to lick balls, and everyone also knows that his second greatest passion is beer. So beer nuts is quite the turn on for that tall man comprised of nothing more than bones, a thin layer of skin, and some gray hair. Unfortunately for him these are not testicles dipped in beer, it is a kickball team. Fortunately for him, the ball licks snap their losing streak as they prove to be recovered from Goreckitis and once again play solid defense.

Kyle said...

while completing an audit at work today, it turns out that futility last change me from Shockers to Pitches Be Crazy

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's supposed to be sporting hats. Must have been anxious to read some Gorec-hate today. Wtf is it?

Paige said...

I will share Nate's picks this week...along with buying beer as well. :)

Alison said...

Pitches Be Crazy
Drunk Again and Looking to Score
Off Constantly

Chandler said...

Gorecki is on the way to his Bachelor Weekend (2nd of 3)... so no GorecHate this week.

Caruso said...

drunk (by forefit)

trinihic said...

I would also like to change my vote to Pitches be Crazy

bull said...
