Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Southeast Kickball Fest 2011 - ATL

A couple teams from KBS have been talking about taking a road trip up to ATL for this open Go-Kickball tourney at the end of July...a team can register between now and May 18th for $395/team.

This was a pretty big event last year with over 100 teams (mostly GKB teams from the Georgia area). They provide shuttles from the hotel to the fields, sponsor parties, and flip cup tourney also.

Their hotel deal is $109/night in downtown ATL and can be split up to 6 ways.

Surely you guys can get a few teams to rep GKB Tampa, right??


Chandler said...

My entire team won't do it... so consider me a free agent if any team out there needs a munter. Although, I guess you can actually bunt... so yeah. I got no shame.

Chandler said...

Oh... and if anyone wants to play in GKB's summer Saturday league, let me know. It starts in April, and we'll get a pretty large discount to go over there and show his other league how kickball should be played.

Smithkey said...

I too and whoring myself out to free agency.

Kickball on a Saturday night? No thanks

Chandler said...

Saturday from like 3-5.

Smithkey said...

Hmmm... 3-5 is not too bad. I might be interested but can't promise I will be able to make every game. If you are putting a team together and need another guy let me know.

Chandler said...

Will do. I'm in the same boat and would miss a few games.

I guess it just depends on if we get more than say... two of us... who are willing to try it.

Griff said...

Cmon, Smitty...bring BCBC to ATL!
We'll go easy on u guys this Saturday...promise!

trinihic said...

I'll go if a team is going... Nothing better than having a Trini on your team.. :p

bull said...

I'll be a free agent for any team that needs a professional drinker...or someone to talk trash to the refs...kickball skills are questionable at best.

Chandler said...

Since the games are held at Georgia Tech's campus... there is NO drinking during the tournament.

Boo. Hiss. That's not kickball.

That's ToeJammer-ball.

bull said...

Count me out lol

YellowBird said...

BTW, Toejammers are the only team at KBS that drinks an entire bottle of liquor every week.

Smithkey said...

By entire bottle, do you mean the little single shot bottles they give you on an airplane?

Griff said...

Brother Yellowbird speaks of the bug spray bottle made popular on the red rockets that we finish off each the fields...during the games...


Smithkey said...

Childs play