Thursday, May 26, 2011

Basketball again this Saturday!?

This saturday at 11:00 AM at Riverside Park (1300 Braddock St. 33603) - Corner of Decatur & Coral St.

Same as last week.

Who's in?????


Chandler said...

I'll play... but do we want to find a court with more than one suitable net? Or was that place ok?

Litman said...

why are her panties so big?

Rosey said...

I'm down!

Ryan said...

I'm out. Champions League Final. I'll be at MacD's

barflett said...

Out. I am going to be pretty drunk tonight for a friends bday. I don't want to vomit all over rosie.


I'm sure Irish is out as well (same reason as Ryan).

Jared said...

I have family in town, but I definitely want to try and get to this one of these weeks.