In it to lose it.
Can't make it this Saturday but would be up for future games.
in.If Knowlton comes, does his mangina count as a second player?
Im in.
In like Larry Bird!! should send an e-mail to the Ballic dudes about this. I know not all of them read the blog.
You know... a lot of shit gets planned on the blog. If someone doesn't take a few moments each day to look at a social site updated and maintained by their own friends... then they kinda deserve to miss out on things.
Already did Alison.
alcodudes dont like crude content obviously
Wish I could make it. Down the next time you play.
Griff, Rosey, Rubs... where you at?
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In it to lose it.
Can't make it this Saturday but would be up for future games.
If Knowlton comes, does his mangina count as a second player?
Im in.
In like Larry Bird!! should send an e-mail to the Ballic dudes about this. I know not all of them read the blog.
You know... a lot of shit gets planned on the blog. If someone doesn't take a few moments each day to look at a social site updated and maintained by their own friends... then they kinda deserve to miss out on things.
Already did Alison.
alcodudes dont like crude content obviously
Wish I could make it. Down the next time you play.
Griff, Rosey, Rubs... where you at?
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