Not only has the kickball talent, fun, economical practicality, amount of games, party quality, and general awesomeness deteriorated in WAKA, but now even the creativity behind the team names has taken a toll as well. Sure, I'm a schmuck for signing up, but I really want to punch Phil in the face during a game and only get slightly punished for it. I mean I might go to jail if I do that outside the confines of PAL fields. SO I have to pick a team other than Off Constantly, which is the only bona-fide kickball name of this bunch. This is the worst selection ever. Babara Ballters? seriously? Booze on First? yeah let's reference a comedy act from pre-WWI era. I Need a Refill has been playing for a year and still can't come up with a better name? And Ty seems to be writing a novel with his. These names suck. I feel the fun being sucked out of this season already.
Man do I miss Alcoballics, Superbad, Toejammers. Those names gave birth to the warm fuzzies inside me I came to know as kickball.

I thought you couldn't use the word "drink" in a team name or is it just "drunk"?
Under WAKA's own published policy, you can not have a team name that uses any sexual or alcohol related references. You may recall this was the rule that Knowlton broke, which subsequently earned him a ONE season ban from Jonathan Korb (at Ty's request).
After that infamous situation, we discovered countless team names in other leagues that broke this rule. It's nice to see WAKA continue their hypocritical ways... not that anyone ever doubted Ty was using a bullshit rule to get rid of Knowlton.
I for one cannot believe that Tyrus Gordon would abuse his mighty position of authority (that the rest of us laugh at and would never want) to try and manipulate the enforcement of rules (that are complete bullshit) in a hypocritical manner to remove someone who had been a part of Bayshore kickball longer than Ty himself.
Why, that's like you're saying he acted as if he had his own agenda.
Did BND leave WAKA?
Todd...sounds like its time for you to start your team shake-weight-cooling-spray or defect....and yea what happened to B&D?
That list of teams is WAKA's summer league. B&D doesn't play in it. I doubt they're leaving WAKA though. Even if they were hosed and physically assaulted in the last tournament.
Oh... and raped in league fees.
WTF is Off Constantly doing in this league?
Off Constantly and Drunk Again (now called "You Look Like I Need a Drink") both played in GKB this past season and are doing WAKA in the summer. No idea if they're staying over there for good.
The OC won this league last year, so I imagine they want to go defend their title?
OC shoulda came to KBS for some actual competition this summer...
They are on the record as saying they'll never travel to Temple Terrace to play kickball.
yeah, they just posted the Waka season, BnD is in, they probably weren't shown because the team filled up, that's BnD for you.... and I F^ it up and chose someone else. I super pissed cause My team doesn't even play O.C., so I can't punch Phil in the face.
But dude, I'm gloating over my first blog post. I hope I made DPT proud!!
You're bound to get an actual contributor pic before Teneille does!
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