Monday, August 29, 2011


We have two vouchers for rafting/bunks in the cabin that have just became available!! If anyone would like to join in on the fun last minute style reply A.S.A.P! Any questions, let us know.


Dee said...

I will take a bunk in the cabin

Chandler said...

Dee, I thought you were already going and rafting with The company that Ray set up.

We definitely have room for you. But it looks like 2 original people who have already purchased the half off voucher can't make it. We need to sell those vouchers if possible. $50.

Griff said...

Currently working out travel arrangements with the Todd...might be in

Dee said...

Hey Chandler. You are correct. I misinterpreted the message originally. I did shoot a note to a friend to learn if he might be interested in buying it.