Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Cost of Kickball - Fall 2011 Edition

In DPT's continued effort to hold kickball leagues accountable for their rates, we've now added a page at the top of the blog showing the pricing trends of leagues in Tampa.  Check that out here, or through the permanent link up top.

Remember that some of us were banned from WAKA for complaining about the rising cost of kickball (among other things). It shouldn't cost an arm and a leg to play a children's game while getting drunk with your friends.  Just sayin'.

Nice kick, Kid. That'll be $12.

*edit* - I've gone through my emails and pulled up the receipts for every season I ever played in WAKA. So that data goes back to Winter 2008.  Their chart now looks like Mt. Everest.

*edit 2* - If any "Old Guard" people want to help gather some data for us... we're trying to go "balls deep" into the old WAKA Bayshore seasons.  Search your mail for "".  We need the actual receipts for seasons prior to 2008.  Let us know if you find anything.  Thanks to James A. for getting us receipts back to Fall 2006.

*edit 3* - Well apparently the blog still has some power.  Since this post went up on Wednesday the 10th, WAKA has now LOWERED their price for Bayshore from $83 (late registration) back to $73.  Their page still references the $10 late fee, but it's not enforced anymore.  They are trying to fill a 14th team, so maybe that had something to do with it.  Regardless, they're not raping people as hard as they were two days ago. And our data will accurately reflect this.


Smithkey said...

Link has been posted on WAKA-Tampa FB page. Over/under how long until it is deleted?

Chandler said...

I'll give it... 3pm

Chandler said...

Call it. Freedom of speech killed at 3:04pm. I was off by 4 freaking minutes...

Alison said...

Any likes or comments before it was deleted?

Chandler said...


!! HOT TUB PARTY TODD !! said...

power to the blog

!! HOT TUB PARTY TODD !! said...

It is amazing that through the recession, WAKA actually increased it's prices, in contrast to every other commodity in the world during that time. I wish I moved my 401 K over into WAKA holdings prior to the fall '08 meltdown.