Saturday, August 27, 2011

Shockers vs. Alcoballics

I finally got access to a computer to update the schedule and standings. But I don't understand how nobody has commented about the Shockers/Alcoballics game.

The Shockers were winning when the game was called 7 minutes early because the ref (Ryan) did not know about GKB's new clock policy.

It's my understanding that the Shockers were the home team, and were about to kick in the bottom of the 6th when the game was called. Also, both teams were told the 6th would be the last inning.

Once the game was called and someone from the Ballics alerted me... I quickly got Johnny and informed him of the error. He immediately got Kyle and Rob togheter, so I walked off. Five mintues later, I looked over and the Shockers were walking to their cars. What took so long to sort it out? Nobody had left the field yet when Johnny was alerted.

GKB hasn't posted an official score of this game, and I think there is a debate on if they're going to give them a 7 minute make-up at a later date.

But I'm still confused as to how this has not been discussed publically... and basically not resolved 24+ hours after the game ended.


Chris said...

Nate, care to answer this one?

FRANK said...

maybe neither team cared.. whats up with the refs still not knowing the rules? What was the point of filling out the questionaire at the end of the season?

E-FLO said...

I thought it was odd Ryan called the game so quickly. The late game ended up starting later and both games got to play through ALL their innings despite going over the hour time limit. It would've been nice to get another inning to try for a comeback...I understand rules are rules, however, we could've easily finished our game.

bull said...

I can't believe this isn't more of a fuss. If it was Superbad in that game all hell would have broken loose on the shoutbox! This is the first I've heard of it, but I did notice a score wasn't posted for the game and wondered why. Shouldn't the lack of official score change who actually won the picks for last week? Are people winning free beers they didn't actually win?!? I believe I had perfect picks if we take out that game!

Kyle said...

Alcoballics were (are?) down 7-5 going in to the bottom of the 6th. Prior to the beginning of the 6th, the umpire said there were 10 minutes left and said "last inning." I said, "unless this inning is under 10 minutes, right?" No response. Alcoballics in stunning form went down in about 2 minutes. Still somewhere between 6-8 minutes left since we don't have a timer. Ref refused to let us play. We shook hands and then I came to find Chandler for clarification.

Johnny came over, Rob stated that some of their team had already left. The conversation went on for some time. It was later determined that we should be given 7 minutes next week to complete the bottom half of the inning. If we can conclude the inning in under 7 minutes, we get to play the 7th. If not, Shockers win.

Rob has stated that he will lineup his best 3 kickers and have them kick the ball in the opposite direction to kill the time off. Johnny told him they would forfeit the game if they did that. Rob also said he was willing to re-play the game from scratch at 6:15 next week.

I don't have his contact information to discuss whether this is actually on the table or not.

The game was a great showing of piss-poor defense on both sides. Neither offense was good enough to produce a total of 12 runs, but we like to throw the ball in the wrong direction and there was a ghost of gorecki on the fields at times.

Alison said...

There is a 15 minute grace period between games for a reson. The game should have been allowed to START innings up to the full hour. We had the problem in WAKA with games being called early to get us off the fields because there the games were back-to-back. I am completely confused as to why this went down in the way it did and why it was so difficult to keep the Shocker players on their sideline for 5 minutes while it was being worked out. NO WAY the game should have been called early like that.

I'd be willing to play the whole game again for an upcoming double-header week but I guess both teams would have to reach a consensus on that.

Chandler said...

Playing the entire game again makes the LEAST sense. I can't even believe that's being discussed.

No, unlike this debacle, the weekly picks have Florian's moral compass. So the results are what they are based on scores when the night ended.

As for the ref not knowing the rule... It was a rule change (based on the feedback from is last season). So in that regard... I think it's a positive. Unfortunately, the ref misunderstood or something. Everyone at the captains meeting clearly heard Johnny explain the new one hour rule. And the refs did not attend that meeting.

I consider it the same as a ref making a bad safe/out call. We should admit he fucked up but move on with what was ruled.

Dee said...

The reason many Shockers left the field is because most had no idea the end of the game was being questioned. The ref told both teams "last inning" before it started, no one questioned it why would we assume it would be questioned after? Teams shook hands, and people who had plans other than doing the Howard pub crawl went home.

In regards to a strategy of kicking foul balls, I do not even think such a strategy could be forfeited. 1) foul balls happen in EVERY game. Killing the clock is employed in just about EVERY sport where time can be a factor, basketball, soccer, etc.. 2) How can you absolutely determine the difference between an attempted foul, and an attempted safe kick?

Rob said...

Standings reflect a win and loss for the game?

Coach Raheem Morris told us to take a knee, just like NFL teams waste down the final minute, we can waste down 7. Nomar Garciappara kickball style haha

Chandler said...

DPT standings thumb their noses at official standings. :)

Smithkey said...

Intl' killing the clock is lame. Why even play the game if it is that important you win?

In regards to last weeks game I think it just needs to be forgotten. While it was a little unfortunate a bad call was made it happened. Get over it. Baseball games aren't resumed with an inning left because it was rained out and Armando Galarraga didn't get a chance to redo the final out of his near perfect game.

Chandler said...

Rob has been searching for his championship (and falling short) for years. It's like his Moby Dick.

Rob said...

hahahaha. Just trying to play by the established rules for that first title. 0-2 in Champinonship games, 3rd time is a charm.

And under Playing Rule #47 - and the referees call is the final decision in all matters.

Ref called the game.

Dee said...

It is all good. Better that it happens now versus during the playoffs, when it really counts. I think half of both teams were a bit surprised. I was playing catcher and never heard the ref call last inning, so I was ready for another at-kick.

FRANK said...

I bitched about this last season, turned the shout box to frank box, almost got kicked out by the ref, etc.

First, People should have raised enough of a stink before shaking hands and walking off, so that the game would have been finished. I think once you shake hands, It is over. I would def bitch to get another 7 min, if that rule was brought up at the capt.'s meeting though.

Second, kicking the ball in the opposite direction is the gayest shit ive ever heard, and would def. get a douche flag or two thrown, and create a feeling of hatred between the teams, and ruin the sole purpose of playing in the league, to have fun with friends.

Third. Why weren't the refs at the capts meeting? It's like writing the Declaration of Independence with only Thomas Jefferson and John Adamns there, then telling Ben Franklin to go to war. Why go to the butcher when you can get the milk from the milkman. lol worst analogy. Either way they should have been there. I want to have a job where I get paid an dont have to attend meetings.

Also Rob in the rulebooks is that the pitcher can run up as the ball is pitched. Amendments can be made.

PHDIVAS will get sued for alcohol malpractice this week

Chandler said...

"Why weren't the refs at the capts meeting? It's like writing the Declaration of Independence with only Thomas Jefferson and John Adamns there, then telling Ben Franklin to go to war. Why go to the butcher when you can get the milk from the milkman."

My mind is blown...

FRANK said...

John Adams?!!? Dont you mean Bryan Adams?