Monday, August 22, 2011

Week One - ToeJammer aka Soul Glo Autograph Signing

The Powers that be at GoKB have decreed that in light of central Florida ToeJammer popularity and their inaugural season in GoKB, that THIS Thursday at 7:15 pm EST on field 2 GoKB will host the ToeJammer aka Soul Glo autograph signing and pick up game. Traveling team members will also be in attendence.

Feel free to bring you own kickball, kb shirt, picture of you and your favorite Jammer to be personality signed by your favorite Jammer. Day of photo ops will also be available. No male body parts will be eligible for signature, however female body parts will receive autograph, phone number and coupon for a free hug, restrictions due apply.

Come and play with your favorite Jammer and make an inaugrual season memory.

You can watch your beloved Jammers in action in week two with a double header where Soul Glo will attempt to dethrone BOTH finalists from last season tournament championship that no one watched.


FRANK said...

Wow personality signing... no one wants douchey signed on their chest

Smithkey said...

Ugh we left KBS to get away from you guys.