Sunday, September 18, 2011

Jello Jam '11 Gansta Rap ReCap

Rollin’ with my liggaz into Doc Nance Field,
Jello Jam ’11, these shots are for real,
Maria’s pudding shots are taken on Anita’s
Only Paige gots a bet on my fellow Liggaz,
Random Supa line-up performs like a turd,
Two chicks start it off, then Flo kicking third,
Liger-O hits supa in the Top of the 2nd,
We pull ahead with a run, n that’s how we keep it,
Terminator’s at bat and I’m scared S*** less,
But I catch his kick with center field quickness
Then I pull some BnD black magic outta my back pocket,
And drill a girl off base with my red ball rocket
Bottom of fourth and Ligers come undone,
Defensive errors score a couple of runs,
Chandler could’ve saved the second if he didn’t overthrow,
But that banana whip cream pudding shot hits…. Chandler chokes.
And that’s the end of the Jello Jam game,
Though I drilled another girl just the same,
Random Superbad takes the 1-2 victory
but the Ligers made a showing with awesome D
n Liger -O had a chance to pull back in the 7th inning,
We needed a hero at the plate to keep us winning.
Chandler could’ve saved the game if he didn’t pop up like a ho,
But that banana whip cream pudding shot hits…. Chandler chokes.
We held down Supa n left their bitches sore,
The Blue is for Real, Hear the Ligers roar
N that bitch DPT never stood a chance:
The Todd just popped a ReCap in yo ass


Smithkey said...

Perhaps best game recap yet.

Chris said...

The Todd wins all the internets. Face = melted.

Chandler said...

So awesome.

bull said...

Oh my

FRANK said...

epy epy one ep 3 It Be the T Oh Double Dee. My winning kick was not an error though. other than that hype

Chandler said...

He's talking about the kick that scored Matt P. Our pitcher made one of the worst throws I've ever seen to first (and I've witnessed all of mine!)... which ended up scoring Matt from 1st base.

He "thinks" the 2nd error was my throw to try to get Matt out at home (it was a prayer), but Matt was going to score anyway so it really didn't hurt the situation. Your kick afterward would have scored the 2nd run regardless of if that runner was on 2nd or 3rd.

MuffDaddy said...

That bad ass lyrical gangsta Todd made this loss a little easier to bare thanks to his awesome rap recap