Thursday, September 8, 2011

Power Rankings and Picks Week 3


Due to the short week, Power Rankings were a bit rushed. Submit your picks (with commentary) in this post as well!


FRANK said...

Love the hand clap guesture by Tony. Can totally picture it.

Smithkey said...

Once again I think the power rankings are accurate even though I think BCBT would beat PBC 9 times out of 10.

Rob said...

Strenght of Schedule needs to be a factor at the top. Superbad played a jv team last week. Oh wait maybe we played the toejammers jv squad too

Chandler said...

Strength of Schedule is a little pointless to determine after two games.

M. Gorecki said...

Chandler, your sister screamed out OMG when I was with her but the acronym had a different meaning.

Up next: Your mama's so fat joke..

Chandler said...

Haha. Was it: "Damn Mike! You have OMG! (overly mushy gonads)"?

trinihic said...

LMAO... hahaha... I will post some commentary on picks in the morning when I'm up at the crack of dawn...

Smithkey said...

Ballics vs TBN
Some how the Ballics managed to avoid and 0-2 start by upsetting the grumpy Growlers and TBN even managed to pull out a win. Who would have thunk it. I'm sure there is some sort of theme game taking place this week but the don't let that fool you. Ever since TBN stole Angie (daughter of Judy) Geiger's friendship the Ballics have been planning their revenge. I like the Ballics in this one to have the gayest theme costumes and to win the game. Angie accidentally catches herself chanting Alcooooo Baaaaaallics 1 2 3 DRINK!

PHDivas vs Pitches be LUCKY
PBC is a lot better team then they showed in week one and will only get better. I see them going above .500 this week and improving to 2-1 before going on a stretch of 2 straight losses. PBC has a winning record for the first time and only time this season.

Ligers vs IdHT
The Ligers failed Bull last week in his last game in blue and they should never let themselves down for that. Too bad he could not stick around for one more game because they basically have a bye this week. Ligers move to 2-1 and keep pace for a .500 season.

TJ's vs SuperBad
This was supposed to be the GKB game of the week. A battle for 1st. A sneek preview of the championship game. Instead the TJs blew their load early last week and forgot to bring their Viagra to get it back up last week. SuperBad wins a close game and TJs ban beer for the rest of the season.

Growlers vs ABCDEFG
It's funny how the Grumpy Growlers bitched about not getting any respect in the power rankings and then start the season 0-2. ABCDEFG pulls off another big victory and shows everyone they are for real.

Shockers vs BC!BT!
I am going to tell everyone right now that if you get a chance to watch this game you should. I have a feeling this is going to be an instant classic filled with great plays, bad tempers, douche plays, and an asterisk. Do not know what the asterisk will be yet but I have a feeling. Shockers win a thriller and give BC!BT! their last loss of the regular season.

!! HOT TUB PARTY TODD !! said...

My picks are:


Kicktease (that's my new name for pitches be crazy, since I have to call a team that name for the rest of the sesaon after FINALLY witnessing Souder's archived masterpiece, and they are the perfect candidate with their recent name switch.)



Growlers. (these guys are good, but Ligers can take them out with proper magic skilz)


FRANK said...

Sweeet commentary this week.. not.

Ballics Vs DaNutz

BallRhymeHateDroppingOldManRiverLetsAllJustGetAlongrecki is flying high after a "no one picked us to win, nanee nanee boo boo rant."
While his head is firmly in the clouds, his nuts are firmly planted on Natrodamous' chin. Gorecki slam dunks his team back into relevance after this win.

PHDivas Vs. PBC

Brains vs Brawn in this one.
PBC bullies the Divas out of their highwaters and pocket protectors, and buys hgh with their lunch money. PBC absolutely Chris Benoits the PHDivas

Liggz vs IHT

The liggers roll up in their coup de villes w/ hydro's equipped with glocks and baggy pants. They run a train on IHTs girls then pop a few cops on their way to the bar. They then shoot dice in the corner at YOA, drinking OE and Shlitz, only to bounce out at Six in da Monin' to find their power cut off at their mom's house when they get home.

TJ's vs Supa

After Rub's anneurism during the Shocker game, he realized he had a heart, and it had been broken. He returns all of the gifts to whoville and all is well. Mach coo toray Mach coo toray. Look for a fun match tonight full of wet t's and baby oil, Supa wins cuz I said so, and because we've mastered the art of fun and winning.

GrumpintheTrunk vs YLLINAD

Could be game of the week. Haven't seen the growlers play this season, but they can't be as horrible as their record shows. YLLINAD is a good team, but I think the Growlers will bitch at the refs enough to sway the refs in their direction. Grumps win 4-3

Shockers vs BCBT
Battle of the Balds
Clap happy Tony tries to rally the troops and save his season. Robby is in Playoff mode, maybe peaking a bit too early. Can Robby keep this momentum through the season? I think not, but I think they squeak by in this one. Tony throws a chair.

FRANK said...

Alljustgetalongrecki was what it was supposed to say

Litman said...

la Beer Nuts

Chandler said...

Balls vs. Beers
I started playing with this league in the beginning of 2008 (7 seasons). I have stats for the past 8 seasons. During that time... THEE Beer Nuts have NEVER beaten the Alcoballics. And I'm way too much of a pussy to predict their first victory tonight. OMG wins again!

Since I've volunteered a lot of time getting our group into a new league, I really root for the new teams. As I've mentioned before, we need new blood in order to keep the league fun. Sadly, PHDivas are going to need a blood transfusion after Deek's Peeps are done pounding them in the ass. Gingers win.

Liggers vs. I'd Tickle That
If we lose this game, I'm turning on "Chucker's Mode" the rest of the season. Which means I'll get obliterated before my games and have the time of my life. Hell... we should all be doing this anyway. Ligers win a snoozer.

Toes vs. Supa
This is supposed to be a slip-n-slide game. So conventional wisdom doesn't apply. Anything can happen. What's weird is... the ToeJammers traditionally only play slip-n-slide games against teams they know they can destroy. They might even be undefeated in them. So what happens if they're getting their ass kicked like game 2 last week? Does Ruben pull out his 9mm and start blasting holes into the slide? Might be fun to watch. SuperBad wins again.

Growlers vs. Fuck It
If the Growlers were all Hispanic, nobody would be calling them "grumpy." We'd just be saying they have that "Spanish Flair" burning inside them. So I'm just going to picture them wearing sombreros. El Gruñones win a very competitive match.

Shocks vs. Teneille
Rob's "white whale" is the elusive kickball championship. He will not confuse that for BC!BT!'s white wale: Tony. Shockers sail right by Tobago en route to their destiny.

JD said...

WakaShame or Pitches or whatever we are this week.

Florian said...

Balls vs. Beers
The ballics keep losing all their best players but still find a way to win this one after OMG actually catches a ball.

Which ginger team shows up this week. Doesn't really matter as they easilly beat the divas. Just remember after being up by 10 show some mercy.

Liggers vs. IHT
If the Liggers lose this one Rollo will storm off the field and quit kickball. Chan Chan can't let that happen so he becomes even more of a ball hog than usual and tries catch balls kicked to third base.

Toes vs. Supa
Before the season all thought this would be the game of the week. Jammers have shown some inexeperience early on. Supa wins but only by a run.

Growlers vs. Green Team
This is the swing game I think this week. Green team is tough but Growlers find a way to win. Afterwards they state they should be #1 in the power rankings.

Shockers vs. Chickens
Rob got rid of some dead weight in the offseason and is gunning for a championship. The Teneille's sacrifice a live chicken to the Tobaggan gods but still fall short. On a side note, The league is given a noise complaint stemming from Tony's clapping.

Paige said...

Ligers(Chandler pretty much screwed us this week by picking us)

Litman said...

I'm like pete rose.... I won't bet against my team. Plus I have inside info.

Justin "G" said...


Alison said...

It’ll be rad.

Pitches be Crazy
Despite being stomped by SuperBad last week, I don’t think PHDiva’s aren’t as bad as that score reflects. PBC lost to the Ligers and beat BC!BT! so far and Smithkey thinks BC!BT! can beat PBC 9 out of 10 times. I don’t know about that part but I don’t think the Diva’s should be underestimated as the weeks go on and they get schooled in our wayz.

If the Ligers don’t win Bull is going to come back down here and put some Liggers in their place.

Could prove to be a close game especially with the Slip ‘N Slide theme changing things up. I think Supa is the more flexible team and will come out on top. The Jammers might blame it on some of their players drinking during the game these days but that’s not it. Not at all, Sir.

YLLINAD only lost by one to Supa in Week 1 and they shut out the Ligers 5-0 last week. That’s true inconsistency. Seems like you can’t tell which team YLLINAD will show up. Doesn’t really matter this week—the Growlers will win. Since PHDiva’s (who clearly don’t know plenty of the rules to make close calls) and PBC are refereeing this game there will be much less grumping.

Shockers are playing well so far. If they keep it up they should have no problem getting the W over a more error-prone BC!BT! Tony still won’t stop clapping.

Frank, got your drink this week. It’s hype!

FRANK said...

Hype! We'll be there after the game, thanks

M. Gorecki said...

Lol, great commentary by Frank and Chandler. I watched a rerun of Modern Family Last night and will quote Phil Dumfey "You've poked the Bear! You've poked him!". So here we go...

Ballics- 80's theme may have beem used before but this week's game comes with a "twist". (and turn and up and down). So get to the fields early to watch this totally rad game where we can again watch Nate "not care" about getting the W.

PBC- A buddy of mine who attended a few weeks ago sent me a text the next morning reading "Gingerfied". This redhead was nothing much to brag about (are they eve?) but I guess this is an accomplishment of some sort. Unfort the Divas must work on their game some more before finally scoring.

Ligers- Week 1 I pick them to lose Week 2 I pick them to win. I was wrong both times. Chandler pours one out for his homie Bull but gasp their team is actually better with him absent.

Supa- Superballic's scrimmage did not happen this pre season, but why are we blaming the ballics for this breakup? I think this whole "win and have fun formula" is a mirage and lets compare which team (supa or ballics) has more fun with their theme game tonight.

Growlers- Hopefully Grumpy Growler has settled down. And hopefully their defense has too. I can't see them starting 0-3 but this game is a toss-up. Growlers win but fail to have fun doing so.

Shockers- Robs head is in the clouds starting 1.975-0* (7 minutes yet to play!) and his scalp is starting to get sunburned for being too close to the sun. But I'll pick em this week and next so we can have two 4-0 teams go at it in week 5. Uh Oh never look ahead!

Kyle said...

Alcoballics - i hope they take me back after i doubted them last week.

Pitches Be Crazy - they couldn't possibly screw this up

Liggers - see comment for previous game

Supa - They could go FrankRandom, TrulyRandom or notshowupRandom and still win this game against SoulGlo

YLLINAD - i didn't want to follow the majority

BCBT - I have faith in Brown Chickens and I believe they are enough to make up for whatever Browm Teneille lacks.

FRANK said...

I only have myself in for 3 innings this week, so we will have fun this game

Nate Dawg said...


Chandler said...

Remember... if people OWE you drinks... go track them down.

Nate Dawg said...

If the Ligers dont win Bull is gonna be PISSED!!!!

trinihic said...

Crap.. I forgot about pics.. dammit.. no game day mudslinging, but I may have time for some post game day crap tomorrow


trinihic said...

bite me Kyle..

MuffDaddy said...

Liggers picked across the board??? Only reason I can possibly think of if that everyone can't pass up the chance to type "Ligger" in a public forum.....sickos

Caruso said...
