So I've been asked to recap the Alcoballics vs YLLINAD game played this past Thursday:
The game started out fun, including the pre game activities. Ballics noticed the green team setting up a table so we suggested a flip cup challenge instead of the usual chug. Three girls from each team squared off and even with the wind swirling, the ballics somehow managed to flip their way to victory. The game commenced and the ballics looked to find their once missing stellar defense as we entered the 6th inning up 3-0. But then like herpes, a flareup ensued and due to some overthrows and bad defensive decisions, YLL quickly scored 2 runs. We added no runs in the 6th so top of the 7th we go and YLL is up to kick. Here's where it gets interesting:
-YLL has 1 out with runners on First (female) and Third (male)
-Male kicker is up and I head to the mound and instruct our pitcher (Alison) to intentionally walk the kicker. She begins to do so by purposely throwing the ball way to right of the plate (3rd base line)
-Boo's & hisses commence from the YLL bench and after a 3-0 pitch count the kicker runs over the the 3rd base line and kicks the ball. I instruct the ref that the runer cant kick in front of the plate and that should be ruled a foul. The ref says no and an argument insues from both teams (sigh) in which Johnny has to come over and overule the ref saying it needs to be ruled as a foul.
-Kicker comes back and since theres so much debate on if this is a d*ck move by intentionally walking, Alison decides to pitch to him. He kicks a sac fly and drives in the 3rd base runner. 1st base also tags up so now 2 outs with a runner at 2nd. Ballics luckily get the third out and we enter the bottom of the 7th tied 3-3.
-Ballics gather their composure eflo gets on first, girl (dewberry?) bunts advancing eflo to third, buchman drives eflo home where eric does a matrix type slide to avoid the tag. (We later learned this slide was due to his knee giving out and he has been limping since. And I'm the one being called an Old Man?!)
-Ballics win in walk off fashion 4-3.
-2 team members from YLL pull a
Lebron James and refuse to shake my hand after the game.
-I go to YOA ask the bartender for a serving tray, and order 10+ beers to distribute to all those members wearing green shirts. Eflo comes with me, we ask for amends and saying lets leave it on the field. YLL members agree, we cheers and I consider the matter resolved.
-I check the blog the next day and find the chat box called me a douchbag. Awesome.
-SO now its time for your input. Given
we play to win the game, defensive strategy calls for when you have a runner on first and third with one out is to load the bases therefore you have a forceout at every base (including home).
Note: I decided to walk a guy kicker and even knew another guy kicker was next up so I assumed they'd tie it up but we'd still have a better chance with a forceout for the third out by intentionally walking the runner with one out.

So lemme hear your opinions. Did I pull a "Shocker Rob" and expose a weakness to the GKB rules? Also I had several people from other teams saying for next time saying "to intentionally walk you should throw the ball waist high to the catcher making in unkickable" lol. I go one step further and suggest why not just drop the ball in front of the pitchers mound making it unkickable therefore an automatic ball. But feel free to suggest other ways to be creative.
In conclusion, I hope the green team that came to the bar tell the rest of their teammates about our truce. The ballics have been involved in 2 controversal games this year (7 minute rule and now this) and this isn't what we like to be known for. We welcome all kballers to come join us at the fields or at the bar and help participate in the real reason we meet up on Thursdays.. sharing drinks, and laughs by mainly making fun of making fun of each other.