So I've been asked to recap the Alcoballics vs YLLINAD game played this past Thursday:
The game started out fun, including the pre game activities. Ballics noticed the green team setting up a table so we suggested a flip cup challenge instead of the usual chug. Three girls from each team squared off and even with the wind swirling, the ballics somehow managed to flip their way to victory. The game commenced and the ballics looked to find their once missing stellar defense as we entered the 6th inning up 3-0. But then like herpes, a flareup ensued and due to some overthrows and bad defensive decisions, YLL quickly scored 2 runs. We added no runs in the 6th so top of the 7th we go and YLL is up to kick. Here's where it gets interesting:
-YLL has 1 out with runners on First (female) and Third (male)
-Male kicker is up and I head to the mound and instruct our pitcher (Alison) to intentionally walk the kicker. She begins to do so by purposely throwing the ball way to right of the plate (3rd base line)
-Boo's & hisses commence from the YLL bench and after a 3-0 pitch count the kicker runs over the the 3rd base line and kicks the ball. I instruct the ref that the runer cant kick in front of the plate and that should be ruled a foul. The ref says no and an argument insues from both teams (sigh) in which Johnny has to come over and overule the ref saying it needs to be ruled as a foul.
-Kicker comes back and since theres so much debate on if this is a d*ck move by intentionally walking, Alison decides to pitch to him. He kicks a sac fly and drives in the 3rd base runner. 1st base also tags up so now 2 outs with a runner at 2nd. Ballics luckily get the third out and we enter the bottom of the 7th tied 3-3.
-Ballics gather their composure eflo gets on first, girl (dewberry?) bunts advancing eflo to third, buchman drives eflo home where eric does a matrix type slide to avoid the tag. (We later learned this slide was due to his knee giving out and he has been limping since. And I'm the one being called an Old Man?!)
-Ballics win in walk off fashion 4-3.
-2 team members from YLL pull a Lebron James and refuse to shake my hand after the game.
-I go to YOA ask the bartender for a serving tray, and order 10+ beers to distribute to all those members wearing green shirts. Eflo comes with me, we ask for amends and saying lets leave it on the field. YLL members agree, we cheers and I consider the matter resolved.
-I check the blog the next day and find the chat box called me a douchbag. Awesome.
-SO now its time for your input. Given we play to win the game, defensive strategy calls for when you have a runner on first and third with one out is to load the bases therefore you have a forceout at every base (including home).
Note: I decided to walk a guy kicker and even knew another guy kicker was next up so I assumed they'd tie it up but we'd still have a better chance with a forceout for the third out by intentionally walking the runner with one out.

In conclusion, I hope the green team that came to the bar tell the rest of their teammates about our truce. The ballics have been involved in 2 controversal games this year (7 minute rule and now this) and this isn't what we like to be known for. We welcome all kballers to come join us at the fields or at the bar and help participate in the real reason we meet up on Thursdays.. sharing drinks, and laughs by mainly making fun of making fun of each other.
My thoughts:
1) Johnny didn't come over. Gorecki had to go get him.
2) I was 2 feet away from the kick (reffing the game on Field 1) and saw the entire thing. The dude who kicked was waaaay in front of the plate.
3) Nobody in their right mind can argue that kicking a ball in that location should be considered "fair." I'm not even sure how the ref justified it in his mind. Gorecki should have included an MSPaint for evidence.
4) The right call (foul) was eventually made.
5) Intentionally walking someone in the regular season is lame.
6) Intentionally walking someone in the playoffs is lame too. GKB has a rule that says if you walk a player (male or female) and a female kicker is up next... the person who walked goes to 2nd base automatically. GKB Tampa is NOT currently using this rule, probably because they assume all walks are accidents. While the 'Ballics tried to walk a dude to get to another dude, it still sets a bad precedent which is only going to force the league to put that stupid "go to 2nd base" rule back in.
7) Shocker Rob probably got a boner reading this recap.
8) Considering the YLLINaD guy got to kick and drive in the run... it doesn't sound like this whole debacle affected the outcome.
"We welcome all kballers to come join us at the fields or at the bar and help participate in the real reason we meet up on Thursdays.. sharing drinks, and laughs by mainly making fun of making fun of each other."
Stop trying to steal Crystal Pitcher votes. Ballics are going the way of Cox Soccer. In fact I heard they are switching to black shirts for the playoffs. I'm kidding of course. I don't see how walking a kicker is a douche move. He got the run in anyway so what's it matter?!?
I think it should be classified under the 'douche' ruling...kinda like dropping an infield fly to turn a double play...that's just me tho.
Reminds me of when they tried walking Griff when we played Red Rockets. Dude pitched it to his chest and he still kicked it (and also kicked the girl's hands that was catching) - ouch!
Bull!! quit stalking our League.. STAY IN PHILLY!!! or PA or wherever you left us to go pretend to live!
HOLD ON NOW!!! First things first....
Bull, ALWAYS comment on this blog and stay involved! We love and miss you. We're happy for your job in PA but Tampa loves you more. :) <3 :)
No, it didn't effect the outcome of the game seemingly but it did raise tensions. They were not happy shaking our hands at the end. Although, the YLLINAD player who was reffing third the following game was nice as I reffed with him and chatted.
Nope, sorry! The Nubian Princess has spoken! I'll have Chan take away my admin and posting rights.
Eat Mor Chikin!
"douchbag" is actually spelled "douchebag", as confirmed by Knowlton, Litman and Bito's Friend.
Intentionally walking someone in kickball? wow and I thought the purple team was a bit too serious.
Turns out we got screwed on a play, but we didn't care enough to argue. With the score tied and bases loaded a ball was hit to our outfielder, clearly outside the infield, so no infield fly rule. Our guy dropped it so he could tag the runner supposed to go to third and then stepped on second ending the inning. The ref said it falls under the infield fly rule and the runner tagged up and scored, but someone said that is not the case. Out of curiousity, which is it?
Deeks, there is no infield fly rule in GKB since kickballs are harder to catch, especially for our league of drunkards. So, if the guy dropped it on purpose, as ruled by the ref, everybody is safe at the next base. If the ref says he just can't catch, double play.
Ballics vs. YLINDGIAFDISLAFS: If people are content to take unintentional walks, then I have no problem with teams intentionally walking somebody. I do, however, find it hilarious that Mike is out at the kickball fields trying to be a MLB manager. I expect to see a bullpen going this week, bring in Brie "Wild Thing" Gorecki as a relief pitcher when things go off the rails.
Alison, *affect
Perspective: In my 17 or so seasons, the Jammers have never intentionally walked a kicker. And as long as Ruben is pitching I doubt we ever will.
However, Superbad did try to intentionally walk me in a tourney title game and their approach was even more obvious than the Ballics. They instructed Sandra to pitch the ball into their bench wayyyyyyyy off to the right half way up the 3rd base line.
Trying to get on by walking is lame enough (looking at you Growlers, formerly Y-Bombs) but intentionally walking someone is even more lame. If you're going to do that, you might as well have the other team's line up card and look for opportunities to do it every situation with two outs, nobody on base and a girl follows a guy in the order.
And now I've probably given Rob a new strategy for the tourney.
I think Sandra was actually trying to pitch down the plate, just hammered!
Say what you will, but I dont think there is really anything wrong with intentionally walking someone in any game, IF there is something riding on it. If you are undefeated, or are in the playoffs/championship game, and your game actually matters, then I can see how intentionally walking someone wouldnt be a douche move. If your record is like 3-3, and you are in the regular season, then yes, it is kind of douchey.
But, if you are going to point the finger at douchey, then you have to call it across the board.
Ex. Goalie gloves for added grip in the field.
Overall, I think in this league, people are a little more interested about winning than they are having fun, no matter how much they say otherwise.. Nothing wrong with that either. Serious on the field, fun at the bar. That is if you "respect" the game of kickball, I mean it is similar to the game of baseball..
Frank basically said it's ok for his team to walk a person, but not the Ligers lol.
Haha, yea - receiver gloves. Add that in the 'douchey' clause...
Actually...the Ballics were 3-3 and it was the regular season. However, that win secured us our current division position and hopefully a better tournament seed.
All I can say is I WISH we could chalk up all the walks our team has given this season to it being "intentional"
We should make a list of teams not good enough to be douchey.
IHT, BC!BT!, PHDs, Ligers, Pitches... and ToeJammers!
If any of them want to intentionally walk people... they need to win more without doing so.
Glad we settled that.
To Whom it May Concern:
You can walk our guys to get to our girls, they kick better than we do anyways...
I guess any game could be classified as important... maybe just walks in the regular season is douchey, and in the playoffs it's ok. Or it's just not douchey at all.. I dont think you should have to pitch to intentionally walk someone. Just say, go to first you beast
First off, the only thing I consider truly douchey is arguing and dudes being "tough guys". It's fking kickball. If someone does something by the rules, that's part of the game. Would I intentionally walk someone, no. But that's my preference. If the rules allow it, the rules allow it.
It seems like we are getting to the point where we need to have both teams fill out a survey at the beginning of the game stating what is allowed. It seems annoying, but it would avoid any confusion/arguing. Well some arguing anyway. Dicks are still going to be dicks - this was not aimed at you OMG.
And classy move buying 10+ beers at the bar OMG. If anyone still thinks you are a douche, that's their problem, not yours.
Or none of them are important...very well put barflet
Because OMG apologized and bought beers, there's no way they can think he's a douche. But they probably now think he's "soft." What kind of tough guy buys apology beers?!?
What kind of tough guy buys apology beers?!?
Hell ya - shoulda pissed in those beers
Everyone plays to win and I have no problem with that. Neither should any one else.
Douchey should be defined as doing something to prevent some one from getting a chance to kick or by killing the small amount of friendly spirit that's still left by completely taking advantage of the rules.
Examples -- intentional walks, intentionally dropping flys to try and turn double plays, blocking base paths when there is no play at a base, etc.
I think arguing can be added in here if it's done repeatedly throughout a game, but a shitty call is still a shitty call -- see KBS refs not named Nate -- and when refs don't know the rules it's pretty ugly.
And I don't really care if you wear 5 pairs of gloves, 4 pairs of cleats, 3 pairs of shorts, a thong and a space helmet with a visor. What you wear doesn't prevent someone from kicking.
Charlie, your tough guy rant got me hot.
Tru, I feel that.. We'll just call the glove instance, "tooley"
Although I wouldnt take offense if someone walked me. Id still be on base, which is sometimes just as good as getting to kick...
And Frank, you're technically "getting to first base"
Getting Hess hot since 2003. That's what I do.
And for the record, I request Gorecki intentionally walk me going forward. I would take 10 beers over getting to kick any day.
I wouldn't do a intentional walk. This isn't baseball you won't turn a 6-4-3 double play on a ground ball. And say a sac fly brings a runner in, it may also advance the guy from 2nd to 3rd. Next guy gets a hit and you cost yourself 2 runs not 1. Walking is stupid.
And instead of pitching balls wide just pitch them high and tight and plunk them instead of a 4 ball walk. That would be a kickball first right? Anyone been plunked before?
what if its in the bottom of the 9th in the playoff championship game, and theres a runner on third and second with one out. You have 1st base open. Do you let the guy kick by man law, let him kick one to the outfield? and the runner tags up and they win, or do you walk the runner, and load the bases, having forces at each base. Doesnt seem so douchey to walk the bases loaded.
without negative yellas commentary
As I mentioned before... if we're going to start intentionally walking people in any scenario, GKB will eventually have to add back that rule where if a girl is up next, the walked batter goes to 2nd base.
And that rule exists so you don't walk a dude to get a girl up. Especially if the walk would load the bases.
Oh... and then we'll have to start actually handing in line-up sheets before the game instead of just ignoring the refs when they ask for it like we do now.
But it's not really to get to a weaker batter, its to create more force situations, and more possible outs. It's smart baseball/kickball. I can see both sides, but I dont mind being called a douche if it saves the season for us, or leads to us winning the tournament. I guess you take the bad with the good
I think if there is a girl next, then that should be the case though, the two base deal, but if there is an equally able guy up next, then it's not douchey.
Yeah under GKB's corporate rules they agree with you. If dude is up next then the walked batter goes to 1st base.
I don't disagree with your view either. But the way it stands now with GKB Tampa not enforcing the walking rule... it kinda sucks if we start walking people on purpose.
I appreciate all the comments and opinions. Although the intentional walk was "technically" never carried out, I'll think twice before carrying it out again. (And i'll have to be sure I know my team record and if im in championship mode, right Frank?)And now it looks like other teams might be thinking about carrying it out when the situation arrives as well! Douchebag label has officially been lifted!
And for the record.. the beers bought were not "apology beers" they were "leave the opinions of the call and the game at the fields". And thats exactly what Eflo and I said to them when presenting the tray o beers. I enjoy coming to the bar (mostly) each week and conversing with other teams. Thats what makes this league fun and seperates itself from other leagues (cough Tpa Bay Club Sport).
I like how DPT calls out those teams that are absent from YOA each week (challenge accepted PH Diva's?)
I will be intentionally walking random kickers Thursday...kinda like a lottery
OMG - if you didnt have anything to apologize for then why did you buy beers? If you were going to just leave it on the field wouldnt you just enjoy a beer with them rather than buying them a beer?
Although most agree intentionally walking somebody in kickball is a "douche bag" move I don't think that was the reason YLLIND was upset. The fact that Gorecki was so adamant to argue the kick was the uber douche bag move. The disputed kick resulted in the kicker being safe at first AND scoring the tying run might have been a reason for the argument. Had he been out, not sure if Gorecki argues the call. Yes, he did get to kick again but that resulted in an out and may or may not have affected the outcome of the game.
To me, if you pull a douche bag move and then get beat at your own game, have fun and let it go. Don't go argue the result after you pulled a DB move. I could also see an argument made for what constitutes kicking in front of the plate/cones. Are there any references in the rule book that state the line extends indefinitely into foul territory??? After all, he was not in the field of play when contact with the ball was made and he had to run from foul territory between third base and home to first base which should have been an advantage to the defense.
Again, I just couldn't believe Gorecki had the nerve to argue (in a frantic and this means more than life or death manner) the call after their douche bag strategy backfired.
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