Tuesday, November 22, 2011

GOKickball Registration - Week 2

Registration for returning GOKickball players is in its second and final week. Next Monday the league will be open to all outside parties, including three WAKA teams who have expressed interest in playing with us.

Send your team emails and get signed up, or you're probably going to get those "dreaded" free agents. Which might be a good thing. You all need to meet some new people.


FRANK said...

which teams are wanting to come over from WAKA?

Chandler said...

All of them.

I also got in a debate with a girl in Breaker last night, who told me that their division is the most talented kickball division in Tampa. And her team (who didn't even win their tournament) could go undefeated in our league.

These kids are so delusional.

E-FLO said...

That chick needs to get her head out of the clouds...

Chandler said...

She was going on about how WAKA's Bayshore Division is garbage, and how Breaker is awesome.

And how many seasons has she played? One in each league. So she joined after we left.

Other interesting comments:

- Off Constantly wasn't good, and in fact she had never heard of them (even though she claimed to have played in Bayshore).

- WAKA is awesome because they have a pre-season party at MacDinton's.

- WAKA is also awesome because they have a end of season party at Wings Gone Wild (which is funny because 2 days before Breaker's party there, the manager was texting Gorecki about it because WAKA hadn't confirmed anything. I suggested OMG tell WGW that we didn't have any contacts but I think he went the moral route).

- She claimed WAKA was only $55 a season (when in fact it is $74 and $84)

My mind was blown. But the truth is WAKA replaced us with these clowns. And they don't know any better.

FRANK said...

Nice, wonder if PHD or IHT are coming back? Wonder if BND are going to make the switch. Id have to say the vision has come to fruition in our league, with comparable bar deals, longer seasons, better competition, and cheaper. Great job to all who made it happen.

Chandler said...

PHD is coming back.

IHT... not sure.

Yeah it's shaping up to be a good season. Let's just hope GKB keeps improving with their refs.

Kickball365 said...

If you guys are interested in competing, regardless of your league affiliation, check out The Circuit.



Chandler said...

Right on... kickball365 comments. We've officially hit the big time.

bull said...

I always knew this day would come!

Chandler said...

I'd like to remind everyone what a captain of a Circuit team said to us in Atlanta, when we asked why they kick 10 guys in a row followed by 4 girls in a row:

"We're out here to win money. And guys score runs in kickball. So if a girl wants to play on our team, they can take their rightful spot in the end of the line-up."