Tuesday, February 14, 2012

New Field

For those of you who check your email, you'll notice we're playing this Thursday at DeSoto Park: 2617 Corrine St, Tampa, Florida 33605.

It didn't take long for the shoutbox to get testy (we should re-name it the TestyBox), so let the complaints begin! Rabble rabble rabble!

Before you ask... yes I've been out there. And what do I think? Let's hurry up and get this season over with.

Happy Valentines Day!  <3

PS - to my knowledge the schedule on DPT is accurate.


Griff said...

Are we gonna move the sponsor bar to Ybor?

P.S. - Now i can get some swedish meatballs from ikea on the way home!

Chandler said...

No plans that I've heard to move the bar. And considering our track record with fields... Let's see where we are at in 3 weeks

RÜBS said...

if we can be some where else like where we planned next week, i am totally okay with another delay

Griff said...

I appreciate the effort that went into finding us a field, but getting through downtown and then through ybor for a 6:30 game is gonna be very difficult for our team.

Were we able to play at Taylor fields if we waited another week?

Chandler said...

Alright, 1.5 bottles of Valentines day wine and I'm ready blog some shit:

1) I got an email from Kevin Bott today that made me realize I should remind everyone that I do NOT make any decisions about GKB. All I do is volunteer my time when needed... such as going out to potential fields to measure them, or posting a clean and convenient version of the schedule in Google Docs for the blog. All field and league decisions come from Johnny, who will gladly listen to any concerns: gokickball.tampa@gmail.com. Ever since we left WAKA I think (if anything) he's been awesome at listening to us and trying to come up with solutions. That being said, a lot of shit has gone wrong in dealing with the City of Tampa. But honestly... what MORE can be done? If you all want our season fees to be jacked up so we can play at PAL... let him know. And start clearing your Wednesdays.

2) If anyone asking questions or complaining about the field location had signed up to be on the "field committee," they'd be knowledgeable about what fields are available.

3) Ruben... that field we talked about last week is NOT available for Thursdays. Send me an email and I'll forward you the map so you can see all the locations.

4) Griff... Taylor field is shut down. After GKB (rightfully) pointed out that the fields were not safe, they were unable to rid the field of sandspurs. So they've decided to kill all the grass out there and re-sod. In like... May. Expect that field to be available for rental in July or something.

5) Litman... suck a bag of dicks.

6) I think I had more to say but the movie is starting and I need to refill my glass. Duces.

Nate Dawg said...

All I care about is we are playing kickball. Good work Chan. Love you.

Chandler said...

Haha. Love you too, Nate. But hold off judgement until we see how this week goes. You know I'm a pessimist.

Regardless, my point is that we're really out of fielding options. It'd be nice if someone found a better place... but I don't see it happening.

Litman said...

Lets take our league fees and put it all on 1 had on black jack at the casino and then rent an island.

Chandler said...

What happens if we get two Aces and have to split them?

Litman said...

double the win!!!

Chandler said...

Well... yeah... but not until someone walks over to the ATM and pulls out $10k to cover the bet.

I'm pretty sure my ATM withdrawal limit is $700, which I discovered when I bought a handgun with straight cash, homie.

Litman said...

surprised you had 700$ to get out.

Chandler said...

Well... next time you get arrested I'll be able to cover your bail.

JD said...

New season, same biased bullshit. We have to play the Toejammers in the ghetto so they get home field advantage.

Nate Dawg said...

Chan I hear ya...the fields cannot be any worse than what PAL used to be back in the day and we paid a lot more to play in that league for less games. If the fields suck just drink more beer...haters are gonna hate.