I will admit I had some road rage from driving thru gridlock & ghetto, but it quickly melted into bliss upon glimpsing the beautiful water-front property our k-b commissioner(s) seized after working so hard to finding a way out of sandspur-gate. $$ cha-ching $$. say good bye to the trailer-park confines of PAL and hello to sunsets cascading off the pristine waters of McKay Bay. Then, upon glimpsing our competition, Guys and Dolls and Balds, I immediately felt relieved knowing Ligers were starting the season 1-0. Yes, it’s a team help together with midlife crisis’, 40-50 something’s trying to recapture youthful joy. And they did, and I tried to help them. Subconsciously I think I was set to severely suck that game, and I did, to try and give them a fighting chance, however, other Ligers felt it was a great opportunity to shake off some rust and pump up the ego since Liger Camp failed to come this year. Litman immediately reverted back to his BnD days and chalked up 2 Homeruns. Maria’s cousin, Peter, added one of his own, though he was holding back as he could have easily have rounded the diamond twice. He’s awesome. Other strong Liger performances yielded the biggest offense spanking I’ve seen since BnD played Team Fab. Chandler seemed a little OFF that night as I believe the pearl necklace of his bedazzled shirt gave of some flaming glares that interfered with his Liger vision. Final Score: 12-1. Which easily could’ve been 12-0 if Ligers didn’t realize at the last minute that the Blue they were wearing didn’t represent O.C. asshole-defense, but represented the big cuddling team that always relinquishes at least 1 pity point. Guys and Dolls and Balds put on a great showing, having much fun all the way to the bar as well, until the Shuttle Bus rolled up and picked them up to head back to the Retirement Home so they could catch some O’Reilly Factor before nighty night. With much due respect, they were fun, and I hate to rip on other teams.
DPT, go easy on Guys and Dolls and Balds. They could easily fold up their walking carts and leave GOKB if faced with the brutality of Toejammers or Growlers.
What the hell Todd? Steve and I don't even get a mention for our home runs? I guess if we had dreamy, wavy hair like Peter you'd be into us then....
My shirt is going to cause me to play horrible all season...
1. 13-1
2. I never kicked a home run when I played w BnD because they didn't let me play. And that was about 2 years ago.
3. I did break my rule and had 1 beer after the game
12-1. Ref gave us 4 runs in the last inning but we only had 3. I corrected him for historical accuracy.
OC shout out. Holla. (we've allowed a pity run each game. We need to be more ass-holish the rest of the way, I guess)
By the way, picks results?
Litman, I was referring to intense BnD playing, and they have to at least let you kick, even if you were sidelined when they took the field.
Does the guy in the picture resemble Beardface to anyone else?!?
Chris: LOL! "dreamy, wavy hair"
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