Now, well, I now this isn’t going to get 40 noms like Jess’ contribution (DAMN!). But at least that earns her a spot on the contributor’s listing, so DPT can add some more hot chicks to it and change the tide of the sausage.
I had rolled into our 6:30 game a bit early to get some practice in, I’ve been out the past 4 weeks. I got some calf implants and had to take some time off, they won’t help me play kickball any better, but Damn do I look good out there. I also spent a lot of time in Haiti during that time, which explains why upon my arrival to the field, it was immediately covered in a swarm of bugs. So I brought back bugs, no biggie, it could’ve been worse, I could’ve brought back AIDS, Haiti is covered in AIDS. Seriously, those bugs were a problem and added an unlikely variable to the game.
So deal was after the 8-0 smackdown Ligers were dealt by the Purple, I’d wear the Shocker until we win again. With us going against J.up, I felt one game of humiliation was tolerable.
Ligers knew they had this one in the bag, J.Up has put up junk numbers all season, but with the bugs gravitating towards the liger’s plush furry underside, it caused much of them to underperform. Ligers similarly used the T.JAM strategy of going hard in the first and putting the rest of the game on cruise control, and jumped to a 3-0 lead in the first, and that’s all the O that was there. We gave up the pity point (as usual), actually 2 for this team, one pity point for their playing, and one pity point for their 80’s theme. After a powerhouse first inning, not much O from the Ligers, the D was there, I watched Souder as he purposely dropped the ball to give up a 2nd pity point (he really felt bad for the guy in the MC Hammer 80’s outfit). The shocker held me back, I didn’t slide because when you have a quality shocker outfit, you take care of it. That got me out. But it didn’t hold be back from catching MC’s pop up to me for the final out….. that ended the game, the shocker always ends the games, the final move always involves the shocker, (I could go on)…
Still the final was uncomfortably close. The shocker outfit looked like it might be making another showing.
Final 3-2 (Ligers)
(disclaimer: some of the details of this recap are subject to inaccuracies due to the intake of Yella Bird's Purple Drank during the night, however, it fueled some mad LMFAO Karaoke later)
1 comment:
Straight up awesome post. Nicely done, HTPT.
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