OMG you bunch of cry babies. Seriously??? We have played the same way for double digit seasons and we are changing the pitching rules we ALREADY voted on at the captain's meeting??? So ladies, show we take the opportunity to repeal the suffrage act since it's an election year too? How about the emancipation proclamation, yeah i went there. or the banning of super sizing? repealing the first rule of kickball? cats and dogs living together and me and my exes being friends.
So we cannot pitch the way we have since, um forever and keep it as part of the game so that leaves tee ball style, let's just leave the ball on the plate or we can pitch to our own teams like some of the other leagues in the area...let's vote on that since we are making mid season changes. yes, i know its in the rule book yet your first three seasons it rode.
the root it seemed from the comments was the douchey play of the green pitcher, sorry bub i dont know ya im sure you are very nice,
-HI Stephanie how are you doing??? let's def grab lunch soon-
but as an fyi most pitchers let and give the ladies a kickable pitch-yeah, even me. where was i, oh yes, i was derailed there for a second, i am quite alarmed that ONE person lacked the experience with us and hence the courtesy we have always extended in game play that we have to change the way we have always played??? our norm or competitive kickball standards may be lame but dumbing down play is lamer. and i get to say that because there was a time i played on the worst team in the league, a mediocre team, a decent team and high level team and i never complained about any of the rules, i played the game.
But I digress, i do not pitch overhand or sidearm and the action on my ball is mostly in the path of the cones at the plate. Quite frankly this will work in my favor, less room for the bite of the ball to plain out for you to actually make good contact so...
you know what, i take it all back, thanks for the advantage!
"Hey Everybody,
I wanted to clarify a couple of rules that many of you have had questions and comments about in recent days.
Pitching Rules
In the past we have either not strongly or not enforced these rules at all. Going forward we will be sticking to the following playing rules:
8. The Roller CANNOT sidearm or overhand roll the ball when delivering the ball to the kicker.
10. The Roller MUST roll the ball within a 5 foot wide "Roller's Path" that starts from the Roller's mound and extends to home plate with the path being 5 foot wide and in-line with the strike zone cones on each side of home plate. If a ball starts rolling or bouncing outside that path and then spins inward across home plate and less than 6 inches, the roll is still a ball (NOTE: This rule is not enforced for the Competitive Leagues).
10. The Roller MUST roll the ball within a 5 foot wide "Roller's Path" that starts from the Roller's mound and extends to home plate with the path being 5 foot wide and in-line with the strike zone cones on each side of home plate. If a ball starts rolling or bouncing outside that path and then spins inward across home plate and less than 6 inches, the roll is still a ball (NOTE: This rule is not enforced for the Competitive Leagues).
I believe that rule 10, especailly, has not been enforced. I apologize for not enforcing this more strongly in the past.
Rules for Hit Runners
A hot topic of debate lately. Here's the deal, straight from corporate:
- If a runner is not forced to vacate a base (i.e. he's on 3rd with no runner on 2nd and he get's hit by a ball, he's safe.). If the runner is on 1st and the ball is kicked and hits him, he's out because as soon as the ball is kicked the runner is forced to vacate the base. So essentially if the runner is in a forced position and they are hit by a ball while on base, they are out. If they aren't in a forced position, they are safe. This call was made incorrectly on Thursday and, for that, we apologize.
If you have any other questions, contact me at any time.
Most of our seasons in waka we didn't even have balls and strikes. Slow pitches only.
Toejammers are clearly too old to remember those days. They also didn't allow overhand or side arm. And only one step forward before the pitch.
True story.
Side-arm/overhand and two bounces before home is how they pitch in founders cup. Throw it as hard as you like, underhand. We've gone from no balls and strikes, like Chandler said, to the ultra competitive junk nobody wanted in WAKA to begin with. Your substitute pitcher even threw some side-arm to a girl while you were on hiatus. Just because your team went to one "the circuit" tournament and was "the best no win team" doesn't mean every week has to be a cut throat pitchers duel (hate, hate, hate, rabble rabble). I've even pitched side-arm junk (albeit poorly), and I'm glad it's going away. It's kickball, not pitch ball, let's lighten up and have fun, not try to make sure nobody puts the ball in play. let me get this straight (no pun intended)...last season in the 1st rd of the tourney when the Growlers (ironically) pull an intentional walk against us to get to one of our girl kickers....I attempted to invoke the "official" GoKB rule #22 (Walking Rule: If a player (male or female) is walked at any time and a female kicker is next at-bat in the lineup, the player automatically walks to 2nd base. If there are 2 outs, the female kicker next at-bat has the option of also walking to 1st base or kicking.) I get told by our Commish "Sorry...that IS the official GKB rule on the website, but it was voted down in the captains meeting." End of story...we lived with our preseason decision.
But now one feisty catcher quotes the rule book after a couple girls strike out and the blog admin jumps on board...suddenly a CAPTAIN VOTED RULE CHANGE gets overturned mid season?
With all due respect, that's weak, Johnny. I don't believe that the league did not enforce this rule for the past few seasons out of ignorance...All of the GKB refs were fully aware of how we "tweaked" the official GKB rules, hence why none ever questioned the pitching style.
Don't forget Shocker Rob. He's on board too. And I wasn't at the captains meeting since Huffman is our captain. If I was, I'd point out that our group has never allowed side arm.
So far we got the toejammers who are butt hurt. Anyone else?
Also, one of the refs is brand new. So I don't believe they knew of the existence of rule 8. Hell... Neither did I and I've read those rules many times.
But pitching has a domino effect. Nate now throws side arm curves... Only because everyone else does. The progression stars slow but ends with a league that has no parity and the rookie teams getting ass raped and quitting after one season. No offense, but we should create a game that's better for NEW players since they are the future and they bitch less.
Why are you Jammers so offended? Your team is athletic enough to actually make defensive plays. What's the big deal? Isn't your offense good too? So how are you all hindered by this enforcement?
as i said, i dont throw side arm or over hand so the whole point was to be ironic. like in the fact that if Robes was not hurt, the Growler complaint would be non existent, null and void since he, their pitcher was a equal offender. it would have not came up in this fashion and no changes would have come in mid season. souder we are a traveling team yes, sorry your invite must of got lost in the mail, hate, hate, hate but that has nothing to do with fact they you played season one and season two, HALF of season three of GoKB and EVERY season of WAKA kickball with the same pitching styles regardless of ball and strikes, i may be old but WAKA was far from slow pitch, where do you think we learn to play this way? and the new teams are not going to leave because the pitching drains the fun, more so they are playing teams more organized and experienced and will get smoked. id hate to come in as a newbie team and play ANY vet team. they are going to get worked. and that exist in any league. plus the fact we shun new teams who dont conform, call them out and make fun of them on this blog. we welcome new people but we really dont accept new people, maayybe after a few seasons. anywho, as i mentioned it's not going to impact the way i play but if i dont defend this position at all, we might me a few seasons away from slow pitch or pitching to our own teams!
sweet dreams!
I've yet to see a pitch I can't kick. Ya'll sound like a bunch of bickering old ladies fighting over who gets to make the blue berry pie for this years Founder's Day celebration.
so my only question is how this will effect the tourney? since the tournament IS competitive, will we still be allowed to spin once the tournament starts?
Where have you been for two weeks Ruben???
I dont really care either way. If people continue to pitch sidearm I'll do that, if we outlaw it then I will pitch underhand. Either way we will continue to be medicore. haha.
But yes I believe we did vote in the captains meeting to pitch however we wanted as long as it wasnt overhand.
We've only had chick and Asian pitchers every year, but we could care less what the other team does. I agree with Dan, in that it is a big, floppy, red ball and I've never seen a pitch that can't be kicked. I do see where a pitcher's duel is not exactly with spirit of a social/drinking league. I'd rather play a team that is pitching tough, but having fun like the Beer Nuts than some douchebag taking KICKBALL too seriously. Now if they run out of the basepaths, totally unacceptable and I lose my shit.
1. I was NEVER complaining?!?!? Where in my story do I mention anything about complaining??? IN FACT, I actually said that I LIKED the mix -up of pitching styles in the league. I was merely pointing out what a weird game it was (where have you seen anyone strike out an entire side in KB and seven in a game!) No Growlers were complaining. We had a good laugh about it. Greenies can attest to that.
2. NEVER did I say that any girls struck out. That's because none did. Don't put words in my mouth. In fact, it was the opposite. He threw such soft pitches to the girls, the balls barely made it home plate
3. I only cited the rules because I found them, Chandler had brought up the issue about pitching and I thought it was interesting that there was even rule about pitching that way in the first place.
Yeah... woah is right.
Ruben still "mis-remembers" our time in WAKA. With no balls and strikes (which we had just about EVERY game), the kicker would just take every pitch that had any movement on it or was really fast. The game would drag on, which is exactly why Ty would tell us at captains meetings we NEEDED strikes. But in those days, almost all of us agreed it was more fun to get the ball in play.
Now the Jammers are sounding like their entire existence is ruined because they can't throw overhand (which is what Matt was doing in Ruben's absence... and yes I have it on video).
The Jammers probably have the most veteran roster in the league. They're 1st in runs scored. And they're 2nd in defense.
I'm pretty confident you kids will be just fine. All this enforcement is doing is allowing HBHT and GB&D to actually kick a ball to the outfield once in a while.
As far as the tournament, I imagine the rule changes is still in effect. The only rule that references a "competitive league" is #10 about curves. Tournament, or not... this is a social and drinking league. One that the Jammers can still dominate on paper... and still choke in the playoffs like every past year. :)
Also, Jess is right. She didn't complain.
Shame on you all for implying otherwise. Haha
AND I also said that ROBES was one of the first ppl to start that pitch. AND our pitchers pitch the same way. So, if I HAD been complaining (which I was not) THAT point is null and void. Get your facts straight people
our other pitchers pitch the same way*
and for the record,
"10. The Roller MUST roll the ball within a 5 foot wide "Roller's Path" that starts from the Roller's mound and extends to home plate with the path being 5 foot wide and in-line with the strike zone cones on each side of home plate. If a ball starts rolling or bouncing outside that path and then spins inward across home plate and less than 6 inches, the roll is still a ball (NOTE: This rule is not enforced for the Competitive Leagues)."
...does not outlaw curves and whatever there is in the world, the effice! no where does it say NO curve balls ONLY that any action of the ball stay in the five foot lane of the pitching cones. frankly there could be an argument made that pitching outside the lane is allowed IF when it crosses the plate it is MORE than 6 inches from the plate since the definition states the ball called violation is made when the ball crosses home plate in LESS than six inches.
like i said in enforcing this, it actually will make the pitching tougher on teams.
all that was accomplished was in reality was taking less ground for the ball to roll and plane out. and anyway most of my pitching is regulation so minor adjustments for me but as i stated IF i say nothing in opposition, we will end up play slow pitch or pitching to our own teams...
I stopped reading this half way through. yawn.
social and fun league, check. Here is a suggestion then and i suggest it because i had my team do it on sundays. No more complaining to the refs about ANY call. We played a team on sunday that asked earlier in the season to play with 8 guys in the field and 3 girls since they would have to forfeit the game if they couldn't, team was in last place and we said it was okay, then they proceeded to argue every call that went against them. The game sucked. So when we played them again they had the same problem with being short on girls. I agreed to the same thing only this time i told them that they would only be allowed to have more guys IF they didnt argue a SINGLE call. I agreed my team wouldnt either. We had a blast playing the game. both teams. The way i enforced the rule was that if any person on my team bitched about any call then they would automatically take an OUT their next time up to kick. Not only do they hurt themselves but also the team by bitching. Everyone complied and the game was fun. So if you guys are truly a social and drinking league then lets try this rule out. Because it seems everyone is social and fun until the game starts and then everyone bitches about calls, the only team that we have played that really didnt complain was the Growlers. They were laid back and had fun. Every other team has bitched about something, big or small. And i include us in the bitching as well. When a team complains about a call against us we complain back. So having this "no complaining" rule would enforce the social and fun more than a pitching change. Griff played in the "no complaining" game, what was your opinion of it?
Ruben... you're right. The ball CAN curve, just not outside the width of the strike-zone cones.
But the "less than 6 inches" refers to the height of the ball, not distance from the plate. So if the ball, at any time, goes outside the cones... it's a ball.
And I don't think your fear of us only rolling slow to dudes is valid. Teams can and will still throw fast straight pitches (or ones with smaller curve).
i guess i should apologize, you are correct NOTHING about that post or dialogue hinted at complaining...
anywho, like i said in my misremeberence the pitching has always been the same, balls and strikes were added to motivate the kicker not detract from the pitcher. whether 2007 me was throwing 70 pitchers or 120 due to balls and strikes, the existence of or not, my point is the same, pitching was the same then as it was three weeks ago.
and the oddity here is we vote as a league on all changes. yet this one from a non complaint post is being changed mid season AFTER it was already agreed upon.
i guess i should look forward to being able to bunt in a few weeks then.
The Ligers don't argue calls. If anyone starts getting mouthy (usually Rollo), they get punched in the dick.
So if you think you can convince the other teams in the league (even the ToeJammers) not to argue... good luck with that.
Maybe there were more complaints outside the blog? I'm sure Johnny did some due diligence.
So far the only team that has raised a stink about the rule changes is the Jammers. Even Shocker Rob emailed me to say these changes are needed and welcome. He must be getting soft.
I'd hope Johnny will weigh in on the decision... but he wakes up in time to see "Good Morning Black America," which airs at noon.
just an idea, less complaining makes for more fun. i thought that was the point of enforcing the pitching rule?
and the same jammer "team" played on sunday. there is only one or two people difference. So if we are the worst at complaining, as so many people seem to think, and i was able to keep an entire team from complaining, then other teams should be able to follow as well theoretically. There were still bad calls in the game by the ref. But we just shrugged them off, made for alittle funner game.
I 100% agree with you. And when you kick our ass next week, we'll gladly play a "no complaint" game.
It's just I don't have faith in some of the other teams.
You should be the Complaint Czar... and go around documenting every complaint you hear. And you can wear one of those old Russian hats.
I am sure Johnny did his due diligence and you are correct, we'll here from him about noonish BUT
my complaint was more shock that a post ignited a mid season change when in past we addressed after and prior to a new season.
and the shocker rob currency doesnt phase me, im sure he is on board because it either levels the playing field or is an advantage to his team :)
but i digress, this doesnt change anything on my end and i look forward to being able to bunt in the near future!
Just kick like I do and you can bunt today!
the emphasis has to come from the captain. If someone on your team bitches, then they take an automatic out on their next kick. Since this is kicball and everyone wants to kick, it wasnt really a problem in our game. Perfect example: Matt was thrown out at first, and he is infamous one of our complainers, He did indeed beat the throw as the 1st base ref called him safe, but head ref ruled out. When matt heard this, he yelled "What", to which immediatley my entire team started asking if he was complaining in a joking way. Matt started laughing, knowing the rules in place, and kept his mouth shut with a smile. Was he safe? absolutely, and he knew it, but he didnt argue the call. Only person missing in that game was Ruben, wonder how he woulda felt in matt's position.... haha
So I created a google account solely to reply to this post. Yep, I'm that big of an asshole.
Part 1:
This rule really doesn't affect the Jammers much at all. I was the fill in pitcher for Rubs (who has already shared with us that he doesn't violate the rule).
Part 2:
Perhaps we should just follow the official GoKB rules all the way through. They obviously write them for a reason, and since our "diversions" from the rules are what cause issues, let's just follow them all.
Part 3:
As a pitcher who has pitched aggressively, I can say that I could pitch the same way I've been pitching the last two weeks, and still abide by the official rule.
There seems to be 2 main issues that need to be defined. What constitutes "overhand" or "sidearm" and then what is the 5 ft "Roller's path."
Issue number one has always (to my knowledge) been defined by hand placement as the ball is released. As long as the hand is below the elbow, it is legal (again, from what I've been told.) That means my hand can be under the ball, over the ball (insert obligatory man part humor here), as long as the hand is below the elbow. I've always pitched that way in an effort to abide by the rule here (I actually read them before the season started and asked our captain about them).
Issue #2 seems to be a little more iffy. What defines the "start" of the roll/bounce? Most of the pitches I've thrown the last two weeks land inside the cones, go outside, and then roll back in. That would be considered a legal pitch based on the rule as read face value. Is this more a "spirit of the rule" kind of rule, or are we going to accept that people can still pitch the same, curve filled, way within the rules that GoKB created? And if people can still find a way to pitch how we've been pitching (and I think they can), why change the way we've been playing?
Just my 2 cents. Back to work :)
you guys have way to much time on your hands... geeze... it's not the end of the world, nor are we getting paid to participate in any of this... Go out there, have a beer and have fun... okay.. coming from a girl who can't play right now.. but seriously.. take a breath... GEEZEEEEEEEE.... - Trini out
We can't follow the GKB rules, since they allow the pitcher to run up after the pitch. Horrible rule.
If a ball EVER goes outside the cones, it's a ball according to rule #10.
Matt... I'm going to post that video of you throwing overhand. :)
Also... with the account creation... that brings our total of Jammers to 4. Total other players upset about the rule change: 0.
Teneille... you haven't played in weeks. This is fun for us. Let us rabble so we don't have to do actual work.
Let me bold that parts I place the emphasis on, I could just be misread it.
10. The Roller MUST roll the ball within a 5 foot wide "Roller's Path" that starts from the Roller's mound and extends to home plate with the path being 5 foot wide and in-line with the strike zone cones on each side of home plate. If a ball starts rolling or bouncing outside that path and then spins inward across home plate and less than 6 inches, the roll is still a ball (NOTE: This rule is not enforced for the Competitive Leagues).
That means as long as it starts inside it can go wherever?
And I'm not really upset about the rule change (Ruben is our pitcher when hes at the game), I just always thought I was pitching within the rules that were written. So If I am in need of correction, then by all means correct me.
Yeah but what you're bolding is just ONE example used. The actual rule is the first sentence, which implies the ball has to stay within the 5-foot wide path the entire time.
At least, that's how I read it.
Fair enough then.
I still contest I could pitch the same way I've been pitching with the spin and keep it inside the cones the whole way, as long as the "overhand"/"sidearm" definition I gave is what is implied in that rule.
But then again I also contested that I could throw you out from 3rd base, which might land me in a pair of batman underwear. So what do I know?
PS. I read my bolded part as a continuation of the rule, not an example of a violation of it. Thus my confusion and emphasis on where the pitch starts.
Well you haven't NOT thrown me out yet. So it could still happen. Unless Ruben strikes me out with his awesome pitching.
actually its superman underwear, batman has been done already. i'll be sure to bring some redbull for Chandler that day. GO CHANDLER!
PS Tenielle shuddup and clip my toenails.
You also might be correct that it's a continuation of the rule instead of an example.
I've played in 5 different kickball leagues in Tampa. All but one of them have horribly written rules.
I wear a medium. More room = more comfort.
dont lie, extra small gives u plenty of room
Chan Chan... You miss me don't you... :p
Teneille... your first comment was at 10:23am. What are you doing up so early?
Oh that it were we could all kick like you, Dan and Deeks. Perhaps we'd all be undefeated. Given your innumerable talents, we'll defer the founders day pie baking duties to you. I trust they will be both delicious and hinted with ginger. But seriously,if we don't bitch and moan on this blog, as we have for years, all the internets will drain out and we'll be forced to subside on Facebook posts about cross fit/running work outs and jewelry parties.
You're right Ruben, WAKA was never slow pitch. And I think you'll discover,nobody is suggesting we make this league slow pitch. I said in my first comment, throw as hard as you like, underhand. I wasn't at the captain's meeting either, so I don't know what exactly was discussed/voted on. But, unless something changed at this year's meeting, sidearm/overhand was never allowed. And, it has been a slow progression, which is why it's coming up now, and not in the preseason. It's gone from seeing a crazy pitch every now and then to nearly every team doing it. I'm not saying I wasn't part of the problem, I threw plenty of weak-ass curve pitches, but if it's a choice between the two, I'll take the pitching rules as written any day.
And it sucks that my invitation was lost in the mail. If I'm not on a traveling team, scouts won't see me, I'll never get noticed by recruiters, never get in to a big time kickball program, get drafted, and sign a shoe contract. Oh wait, I'm not trying to go pro.
So...what's the story on those lightning tickets...
someone is going to get a shoe deal, reality show or a film deal, im thinking Beer League meets Dodgeball, WHY shouldn't be on of us!
as you know, no one is cooler and "righter" than us Tampa Bayshore Boys.
I emailed Chan on Tuesday about the function. The hold up was that the sales rep that cut the deal left BUT i have a new rep and they will be honoring the previous commitment and so I am just waiting on the deal for the GoKB league so we can do a league night on top of the Liger night. 25 tixs are confirmed. Where and when should be updated shortly.
geez. don't you guys have things to do during the day. Leave it to RUBS to pull people off of their workday chores for the MAN.
What time do the games start???
We play at 6:45pm tonight Eflo.
So we did get robbed in our game.....2 kicks in a row smashing baserunners - now that we have the rule clarified, it will never happen again.
No need to apologize Johnny - thanks for looking into in case happens again. Again, we may have lost the game but we definately won the bar..again
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