With the staggering loss of the Ligers to a questionable Shocker team, my punishment for being a member of a team that put up such shameful #s (8 – 0) is to humiliate myself and don the Shocker costume until we win and get back on track. Fortunately, we’re up against Jacked Up this week, so one game of humiliation is cool. Hopefully the real teams will show next time for the match up so the Shockers will be dealt their much deserved Loss, and as punishment they must wear a less gay color in their games until they win. So look out for the Shocker this coming Thursday, and be weary of downing Yella’s rape-juice with a big ol’ Shocker running round the field.
Nice! At least I won't be the only complete jackass out there this week. Maybe some "purple drank" needs to be mixed this week to go along with the Shocker costume.
Mix up some purple
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