Before everyone calls us douchey for "forcing a team to forfeit," let me explain the situation.
ToeJammers have, maybe 6 girls on their roster TOTAL. This is done, by design, so they can have the least amount of girls kicking, and can choose the best of the best to play every inning. First of all, only having 4 girls each week is still pretty lame, much less, not even being able to field the requirement.
So I talk to Ruben who explains, they will only have 3 girls. Myself and my team WANT to play, we'd been looking forward to this game the entire season, and the last thing we want is a forfeit win. At the same token, we don't want to lose because they only have 3 girls, and can blast the ball with all dudes in the lineup.
This is not the first time this season this issue has come up with the Jammers. So I think to myself, if we do let them play, they win the game, and somehow win the regular season title, since they were tied for first place, it is all because people have let them slide each time they show up with only 3 girls.
I know winning is important to the Jammers, as well as it is us. They are our biggest rivals, so if we do lose, no matter the situation, they will still have bragging rights, and the 3 girl stipulation would be out the window.
So, I text Rubin, saying, sorry, but I want to stick to the rules of having at least 4 Jammer girls playing, especially considering we have like 9 or 10 girls out there every week, and we will RELUCTANTLY take the forfeit. I also say, that I hope they will still show up so we can play a game for fun.
So this is where we get held hostage. He says, that they will probably just not show up if they have to forfeit. Being that we have been looking forward to this game forever, the last thing I want is to have our team be let down as we all show up ready for a great game. It's like going to bed Christmas eve and having the
Grinch steal all the gifts during the night, waking up to zero presents.

So, I talk it over with my Coach, (Sandra) and she definitely wants to play. We tell Rubin to get another girl from whereever and lets do this, and let the chips fall where they may, because I and my team want to play kickball no matter what. It just sucks that we have to do this in order to play at all.
It turned out to be an awesome game, full of great defense, douchey pitching on both sides, and I dont think I heard one complaint from either team. Just like kickball should be.
In the end, one of our veteran girls, Kristy slides into home safe for the win in the top of the 7th, and Superbad sings "Sah Coo Toray" in the streets of Desoto.
And the grinch (I guess me) grew a heart, which triggered an earthquake in the Indian Ocean, creating a tsunami, killing millions.
The End
they have too much pride to just not show up.
Great game last night guys. I think its the only game of the season that there wasn't a single blow up over a call by a ref. Considering everyone labels us "the most douchey/competitive" teams, id say that is an accomplishment. Only reason we would have not shown up was that we techincally had only 2 girls able to make it, our 3rd was sick and would only come out if absolutely necessary. So when we told her we were gunna forfeit she just wanted to rest. No point in driving all the way out there if we only had 2 confirmed girls, that was our view point. But in the end, it all worked out, you guys were nice and let us play and you earned the W.
"Butterfly Effect 4: Sidearm in Sanford."
A riveting tale of how Frank's new-found compassion, along with CJ's 60 degree sidearm pitching, somehow caused Trayvon Martin's death.
as the hostage taker i should probably clear up a few points,
our lady jammer count is NOT by design per say, it is simply because our ladies want to play every inning. not rotate every third inning. every season i tell the ladies that by not taking on more so they can play pretty much every inning they are taking on a large responsibly to be there EVERY week. that is the way THEY want it. we know other ladies who would play with us, SOME on other teams in THIS league BUT our gals make the call to play more innings. true story.
And I didn’t even know we were in the title hunt, I don’t think PBC is going to lose another game. there really aren’t any implications for us there. We’ve won our division. That’s as far as we can go. Our eyes are on the tournament now and have been for some weeks.
next, it is very true we only had three ladies but i thought it proper to be above board about it then to dress a random and take the field as many of the other team captains said i should have done and not even given sb a chance impose any type of rule violation.
quite FRANKly i was giving your offense a huge advantage by only having 8 in the field and 1 behind the plate. and as far as us on offense, "dudes blasting into the field," i know you have more faith in your defense and pitcher than that. clearly thats an smoke screen.
further more, i HAD all confidence in the league i play in that NO team would ever enforce a forfeit W. ive played with most of you in this league for over 5 years and ONCE, only once to my reculation had any team done this and they were chastised for it and it had not been done since. and i know for a fact we have allowed it three lady teams and even lost some of those games. i think we let BnD do it and they were one of our fiercest rivals and we lost that game. i think any team should feel comfortable coming to the fields with three ladies and playing short in the field. I know the rule, I learned it a few weeks ago, but its stupid. You’re giving back an advantage to the opponent by playing short. Now if the team trys to the field with not dropping a guy, that should be an issue but that I know has been let go before as well.
Its JUST because its us. ANY other team would have been allowed to play short. WE ALL know that. That’s not a dig at sb that’s a point to the league, we all know if it was ANY other team these Jammers should take the losses confabs would not exist. And we know this because OTHER teams this season HAVE played short, EXACT situation but yet those events ran smoothly.
And as for the hostage situation, that’s pretty dramatic. Truth be told, my guys who live in north Tampa were not going to come down for a no count game and our sick player was certainly not going to roll out of bed if it didn’t count. And who can blame them for that? Hell I live in South Tampa and I was just going to stay home so I could Community on NBC, check it out! It wasn’t a negotiating tactic. It was a simple truth.
I get it. Sb’s image was sullied a bit in recent weeks with the whole side arm deal and this forfeit nonsense. And I understand on wanting to set the record straight but I cant let it exactly get spun into we forced a game or we hostage took to the situation.
Truth is, sb wanted the W, they ended up earning it. And I take it as a compliment they would take the forfeit instead of taking the field with us. That’s very complimentary. But the forfeit did happen, it was not reluctant at all. It was tactical and like I told frank, I understood. I did not argue. I said no problem. My only effort then was making sure that anyone not wanting to rush to a nonexistent early game would not have too.
Had I not posted on my fb that for the first time ever id have to forfeit a game and a post on the blog for the betters to change any bets, there would have been no game. league and other players it seems pressured the game in existence. We did not take anyone hostage.
BUT it was a great game! people complain about no one wants to see a pitching duel well you should have watched ours, it was a GREAT game!!! LOTS of awesome plays on both sides.
Kristy you were out, we all know it but kudos on the effort and the slide was balling!
Seacrest out!
*Kristy you were out, we all know it -SMILEY FACE- but kudos on the effort and the slide was balling!
Seacrest out!
Drama is what the blog is all about! I thought it was a pretty good title:)
I guess my biggest gripe was that you guys weren't going to show up to a meaningless game. I dont know why that would make a difference. The league, above everything else is to come see friends, drink some beers, and play kickball, whether it is meaningless or for real. I def. didn't expect a sick girl to come out, but I know if we had to forfeit, all of our team would still show up to play for fun and hang out with friends, and we live an hour and fifteen minutes away.
So, in order for us to play at all yesterday, we had to allow you to field a team. And yes, I don't know why, but we would have allowed any other team to play with 3 girls. Maybe because of your original statement, that you aren't going to show up unless it is a meaningful game.
If everyone just got along and sang camp songs (like Franks weekly commentary implied), we'd all die of boredom.
I like that we're all friends despite the nonsense.
And Ruben... that girl was totally safe as you and Kevin played patty-cake with each other instead of picking up the ball. :)
I get the whole stream of consciousness thing, Rubs, but PLEASE, for the love of god, use spell check! And using an occasional comma here and there wouldn't hurt. Reading your posts makes me want to gouge my eyes out!
Love ya :)
It was koombaya Chandler, not patty cake. Get it right
not everyone is like us, to still show up to the fields even if there isnt a game.
but im not going to hold that against my teammates or anyone for that matter. i don't think its lame at all for some to decide they aren't going to fight 5 pm traffic and leave work early for a game that doesnt count because they do have to. actually that makes total sense to me.
im pretty social but with no game, even i was only going to show up to ref the second game.
ill tell you where the fault lies. or where this started. choice. until this season, it was assumed to play short. it really wasnt a choice. the game the ref made it an ordeal and gave the team the choice, this all started.
like i said. NO ONE does this. but now that ref makes it point to stop the proceeding and present the forfeit W, teams are jumping on it.
case in point, a couple of weeks ago, i came to the field with three ladies, had no idea the ref would offer us up as a forfeit. but thats the way it went down. our opponent was told, hey these guys are going to play short, they are missing players, they were asked if they wanted the W.
and im sure the whiny, complaining Jammers comments are coming but the fact remains my team has always extended the courtesy to play with whomever you have. we all have.
but as Neo said, the problem is choice.
sorry, im a Hemingway fan
I dont know what the point of having the rule at all is then, if it's not enforced. May as well have 0 girls play, and relegate them on down to cheerleading on the sidelines.
like we enforce the side arm rule
-smiley face-
halfway thru the season
Better late than pregnant?
Like the title and opening picture.
Jammers, get more girls. Even just one. Let's not have this a third time during the last couple weeks of the season.
Yeah, frank, love it. That's why I bet on supa, and dedicated that little lion man rendition to supa.
Since Frank was mean to me the 1st time I met him(not a surprise), I say FU supa! No forfeits!
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