The end of season party is scheduled for May 5th, at Wings Gone Wild (7pm).
Yes, that is "Cinco de Mayo." No, it's not actually Mexico's Independence Day. Most Mexicans don't even celebrate it. But luckily for your ignorant ass, you can join your GOKickball friends at a bar and get wasted anyway (for free).
As always, admission is free for current registered players. Guests are encouraged and will be charged $10 for an all-you-can-drink beer wristband. If you don't drink beer, there will be some reduced shot and drink specials.
We will also hold our season flip-cup tournament at 8pm. If your team would like to play, post a comment on this blog OR on the GKB Facebook page. Cost is $5 per person, six people per team. Single elimination. Best of 5 games, until the finals which is best of 7.
If you're going to attend, please RSVP on Facebook so the league can be sure to reserve enough kegs.
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