Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Power Rankings - Week 10



Jess said...

If demonstrating a high vocabulary is wrong, I don't wanna be right

Chandler said...

Haha. It's more of a comparison between the sophisticated Growlers who express their disbelief with exclamations of wonder... versus the savage Alcoballics who run around and throw feces at the ref.

E-FLO said...

*want to

Jess said...

I dunno if 'sophisticated' is exactly the word I would use to describe us haha - we were gettin' in the mix too. There were blown calls left and right. The ref that's not Dylan is a nice guy, but man does he suck. He pulled me aside while I was catching during a game (halfway through the season mind you) and asked me, "If it's a ball but the person kicks it...what is it?" I KID YOU NOT

Chandler said...

Haha. His name is Brian.

And I'm trying to paint a picture here. Just like Bob Ross. But instead of "happy trees", I'm painting a scene where E-Flo and Gorecki are running around in loincloths... shitting in their hands... and hurling it at poor wide-eyed Brian. While this is happening, innocent Jess and the rest of the Growlers watch in horror between sips of Port wine and Château Lafite.

This is what my canvas shows. Don't clutter it with facts.

Justin "G" said...

Brian has asked me for advice behind the plate too. He said to me "I just don't want to screw this up." The fear he is living with. lol

Chandler said...

Brian and Dylan are roommates... both are only 20 years old and still in college at UT.

After our games they probably go back to the dorm to meet up with their buddies, before heading out to find drunk sluts who are DTF.

I imagine they are asked how their night went, to which they usually reply: "I just got yelled at for three hours by drunk 30+ year olds. I was paid $45 for this berating. Please hold me."

Life is funny sometimes.

Jess said...

Poor kids. Maybe we should get them something to show our appreciation for putting up with us. Gently used Boston Market card or Subway points perhaps?

Chandler said...

Haha. Not a bad idea. But I'm told they are starting a team next season. And they think they're going to dominate the league.

So... maybe we should wait to see how Dylan reacts the first time a close call goes against him.

FRANK said...

Screw those guys

JD said...

Put them as free agents on Guys & Balls....Interesting to see how the 40 year age gap meshes.

Justin "G" said...

I'm gonna start hanging with Brian and Dylan after games. Who gives a shit about Yard of Ale. I don't mind being the creepy old guy.

bull said...

@Paige hmmm that definition and what is going to happen in the off-season are actually pretty close!

Paige said...

Let's just hope I make it through the cleansing Bull!!

!! HOT TUB PARTY TODD !! said...

What's DTF....

!! HOT TUB PARTY TODD !! said...

Damn, that belonged in the shout box. I never shout. someday

DanPBC said...

How can the Toe Jammers be ahead of PBC? PBC has a better record and a win over the TJs. C'mon Man!

DanPBC said...

If they form a new team maybe they can give Jacked Up a run for the team with best looking girls in the league. I think we all win in that situation!

Nate Dawg said...

Dan they will drop in the rankings after we beat them this week...

Griff said...

@Dan: It's because we're destroying you guys in the DPT Controversy Rankings...

1. Toejammers (forfeitgate parts 1 & 2, pitchingg
ate part 1)
2. Superbad (forfeitgate part 2, pitchinggate part 2)

3. Alcoballics (Mt E-Flo aka "we are that team", Kardashoballics)

4. Ligers (ShockerTodd and his B&D influence, impending House Cleaning)

5. ??

6. Everyone else.

Justin "G" said...

Sounds like the Harris poll in college football.

FRANK said...

We may get the top spot with Refereegate

JD said...

When they find out Anne is a dude, we may shoot to the top.

FRANK said...

And Rapmusicgate

FRANK said...

Anne puts a new meaning to the "tuck rule"

Chandler said...

Damn I forgot about refereegate. All the other gates covered it up! It's a conspiracy!

Griff said...

LOL tuck rule...

DanPBC said...

check out her awesome adams apple