Listen guys, it's time that we just embrace this. We are THAT team. The Alcoballics are not the team they used to be, and there is nothing wrong with that. But we need to stop arguing for 15 minutes and then when we realize we've lost, end it by saying "we aren't that team."
For fucks sake people, we've had a guy thrown out of a game for threatenting to beat up another player and intimidating the ref. We're not that team though, right? We've heatedly argued in more than half of the games i've been at this season, and I've only been to 4! We arent that team though, right? When Duc left, when Geoff left, when the Borio's left, we became that team. We're not the most social team, we're not going to ever win a crystal pitcher again (or whatever it's being called now) and we're never going to be the team everyone looks forward to playing against anymore. It's cool, just embrace it. We want to win and we choose to argue when things don't go our way.
We used to get away with being hot headed from time to time because we were winning more games than we were losing and then we showed up in numbers at the's not happening anymore. I'm sure I'll offend some peeps, that's cool.
We are that team, we are that team, we are that team. Enjoy your weekend!
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