Saturday, June 9, 2012

IT's Gettin' HOT in Here...

Justin put this on my Facebook, but that doesn’t do much good anymore, to really reach the masses with this startling information, you gotta DPT it:

In the past 150 years, average atmospheric CO2 concentrations have climbed to ~400 ppm (this is beyond any calculable standard deviation from the ~200 – 300 ppm natural “cyclical” levels recorded for the past hundreds of thousands of years).

(Shove that up your excel spreadsheet, Chandler)
To put that excursion into terms that DPT readers can appreciate, let’s compare the normal CO2 “cyclical” concentrations of 200 – 300 ppm to Party Paige’s normal BAC “cyclical” concentrations of 1.0 – 1.5 %. 400 ppm CO2 concentration is equivalent to Party Paige’s 2.0 % BAC on display for Chelsea Lately. Holy crap.


J.W. said...


Nate Dawg said...

I second JW and Litman's comments above.

bull said...

Well we're boned...nothing left to do except speed the worlds demise and put us all out of misery. Your number have convinced me to stop all recycling efforts and raise my carbon footprint as high as long world, we'll miss you!!

Litman said...

I assume we have all see the fuck earth day video?

Smithkey said...

Too many cows farting