Thursday, June 7, 2012

WEEK 3 PICKS! Don't let it die

1. Super Ninjas! Stealth mode activated...   .   .   .   .           Ninjas win with the blink of an eye!
2. Pitches Be Cray! The damn rain better stay away so we can show off our costume flair while earning the W.
3.Growlers! After the defeat against PBC they will be extra angry and looking to unleash the master stragtegy. How many will they intentionally walk this week?


Smooty said...

I'm guessing that the rain is going to win all three games this week.

Nate Dawg said...

Yup not looking good...oh and the picks are already dead.

Chandler said...

Todd owes the entire league a drink after going 1-2 last week

Smooty said...

But there is still competition to see who can win the bar. Go Growlers!!!

Jess said...

So see everyone at the fields?? haha

Chandler said...

I'll see you at the bar.

Where we can start bitching about when we're going to play a make-up game.

Queen Jess needs to decree things!