Why... would you co-ordinate a running event & Kickball pre-season party at your establishment on the same night? I guess going forward... they will not conflict with each other because the GOKB crowd will get there after the Running jocks have gone home & to bed, so shouldn't be too bad... in other news today, there's like some "FREE PUSSY RIOT" going on in Russia, where, from what I can gather from it, they are rioting for free pussy. Smells like a DPT trip to me??? Anyone???
Todd, I believe "Pussy Riot" is a band in Russia and they were arrested for what would seem to be freedom of speech here in the Russia it is punishible for up to 7 years.
Get your shit together, Todd
I'm all for exploring another bar with AC nothing better that swetting ur balls off more after the game than won't cool off till, what, week 6?
PS...yard of fail...clever
Nate, No SH*T dumb-ass, why you gotta go all Gandhi on my ass. DPT is a funny forum used as a comic relief to escape the pressing social-political issues of the real world. But no, you can’t role with my game of play on words and you gotta drag in your concerns for “human rights”. You’re getting old, man. Dude.
Yes us "running jocks" moved our location to yoa a few weeks ago. we'll be there each week but of course will mostly be gone by the time you make it to the bar after your games.
Todd - this is a serious site. Clean up your act whipper snapper. And get off my lawn!
3 things that suck
1) yard of ale
2) running
3) running clubs
4) Running clubs at Yard of Ale
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