Hello From Georgia! Yes, I feel inclined to make picks this season so I can collect beers from you all when I return. So here are my picks and commentary..
Superbad- Has anyone else noticed that since Frank has gotton married AND is gonna be a daddy that he NEVER posts on here or shout box anymore? DPT ad GKB must not know what to do with themselves. Probably why Johnny started this whole "Ask to Commish". We miss u frank! I cant wait to hear how "random" the lineup is tonight.
PBC- Deeks. Its been so long since we've last talked on the fields I can't remember if we r cool or hate each other. Eh, I'm up in Georgia, whatcha gonna do. F you and your entire team. But win tonight so I can collect drinks.
Jammers- Griff, F U saying the ballics will implode. In all kinds of weather we all... you get the point. I miss my team and just know with EFLO running the show, all will be fine. If not, he'll just buy his team AND the opposing team shots at the bar.
Ballics- EFlo be sure to teach the newbies how to "put em up, put em down one time". And Nate- U picked the ballics? Without me on the team? Not sure how to take that.
Growlers- Who is the Smooty guy? Somebody ask him to make an immitation voice that we all remember from our childhood. again who is smooty?
OC- JW, think you'll be forced to buy 2 seats on the airplane on ur way to Texas tomm? And Chandler have u figured out why ppl keep leaving ur team? Maybe cause they feel u only add them to fulfill the required roster spots. Wonder if they've been forewarned how u like to fun around the infield and play every position.
Ahhh GorecHates Back! And I feel good!
Have fun tonight bitches. I got my kickball fix up here last night. Yes I joined the "Sloppy Gators" Kickball League on a WEDNESDAY night. It felt weird going to the bar, doing shots, then waking up realizing its only Thursday! Not sure I can get used to this. Anyways we are 0-1 and I have a feeling we might get fewer wins than the bucs this season.
GorecHate Out
We were cool, but now we're not. You still owe our team a round. Figured that's why you fled the state.
Picks close at 4pm. You posted these at 5:43pm. Disqualified!
Then feel my wrath! Just like when u tried to got play golf without me I will summon the rain gods to punish you. No Kickball for you!
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