Good afternoon GKBers. Whoa, it just occurred to me that that's pretty close to the Soviet secret police name, KGB. It's also very close to Sebastian Janikowski's date rape drug of choice, GHB. And on this talk like a pirate day, there are so many themes from which to choose. Coincidence? Not really because there's no real tie to anything I just typed. Awful work hours tend to stifle my creativity. On to the Picks!
Shockers v. PBC
I have no idea who the Shockers are, but they made a good entrance by pounding the Growlers. A good Growler pounding is always the way to go if you can do it. Hopefully they don't run up the score so much on Deeks' team or else all of his girls will quit.
Ball-licks v. OC
This game is definitely the biggest game of the night... is what I would be saying two years ago. Of course, that's assuming Gorecki was out of town and not letting his walker trip his teammates while he's trying to drop kickballs. OC wins this battle of former league powers thanks to a slightly more youthful roster. That said, I fully expect Dino to kick a homerun after a season of watching him pop out to the infield.
Superbad v. TBN
Uhhh... I don't want to have to do this, but TBN. Hopefully Superbad will actually go random for once to give this pick a shot.
Jacked Up v SOMB
It's hard to remember exactly what happened at the summer tournament, but I think SOMB actually won a game. That means they've now won two of their last three games. That counts as a winning streak for these guys. SOMB will probably continue it against a Jacked Up team that will probably wear pants this week to hide the bruises on their asses that the ToeJammers applied.*
Growlers v. Ligers
Thankfully I've already made my upset pick so I can go ahead and say the Growlers will bounce back this week and beat a sleeping yet incontinent Liger team.
ToeJammers v JatM
Jose scored some runs last week which should be lauded for a team in their first game. Congrats! Now here are the ToeJammers to make sure you forget any of the fun you were having playing kickball.
*I said ToeJammers, but I really meant Yella, who has a curious tendency to try to bruise any ass he sees, male, female, dog, babboon, etc. Someone should warn Jose and the Moundpounders. Seriously.
Getting my pics in early as I expect everyone to have similar picks when this is over.
Shockers over PBC
Like Litman at a donkey show, I had a first row view of the pounding the Shockers put down last week.
OC over Alcoballics
Unlike the Rays, OC won't waste the opportunity to take advantage of a teams collapse
Superbad over TBN
Yea I got nothing
SOMB over Jacked up
SOMB continues to draw power from the Summer Championship Trophy to go 2-0. Albeit a very quiet, music-less game
Ligers over Growlers
This is my upset pick, and by upset I mean upset about the Growlers current play
ToeJammers over JAMP
I heard a rumor that the Jammers are preparing for a kickball tourney in Alaska and need to use this game as a tune-up. And by "heard" I mean "started right now"
Shockers OC Superbad SOMB Ligers (I was actually going to pick anyways, but since I get to satisfy by underdog pick, and get to pick for the favorite team,, OK) TJ's
Shockers - Going with this rookie team again. Another loss for Josh on his quest to get laid.
OC - The beards had a scare last week, and won't let that happen again against the washed-up Ballics. This game won't be close, as Gorecki continues to Skype in to coach 3rd base.
Beer Nuts - Is it really an upset if SupaRandom actually stays Random? Yes. Because the Beer Nuts looked horrible last week. BUT... Fast Fucker and DNN are back in the lineup tonight. So I'll roll with them.
Base Sitting - Game of the week. As SoMB improves in kickball, they begin to forget their Blue Barracuda roots. Jacked Up will remind them... as they lose by 5+.
Growlers - The Ligers could very easily win this game... but Captain Litman just wants to party and hug horses. Todd will probably drop a few balls too. Growlers win even without Queen Jess.
Jammers - The mound is going to get pounded by toes. Kinky shit. Just how Hess likes it.
Shockers- Josh get's laid OC- Gets off TBN- Nate took some wierd steroids while he was in Costa Rica and it makes him the MVP Sit On My Face- Based one the name once again Ligers- Souder finally catches a pop fly Jammers- They are serious
Shockers over PBC....we're absolutely awful. You'd think we'd have learned by now, but we put a single (desperate) guy in charge of our roster. Now the girl who lost a foot race to Alicia is one of the fastest girls on our team.
OC over Ballics....The beards had a scare last week, and won't let that happen again against the washed-up Ballics. This game won't be close, as Gorecki continues to Skype in to coach 3rd base.
SuperBad over TBN.....Beernuts looked almost as bad as us last week.
SOMB over JackedUp....Will could play naked and noone would notice him playing on that team.
Ligers over Growlers.....Since we have to pick an upset. Chandler's a dick.
TJ over Jose.....Really wish I could on that short list of things Hess hasn't put his balls on.
Shockers over PBC - DeeksweaT must not be as potent as last year...
OC over Ballics - haven't seen OC yet but any team that has Trini is at a disadvantage.
TBN over Superbad - this "forced" upset pick blows...
SOMB over Jacked up
Growlers over Ligers - Since i am not allowed to choose a Tie, im going with the Growlers, although i think this game ends in a tie.
Hess's Asspounders over Jose's Mound Pounders - Anytime i hear "Jose" i think 2 things, mexican and lawn cutting. Since the jammers have more mexicans on our team than anyone else in the league (griff, fat kid, rubs), the battle of best cut lawns will be won by the Jam.
Shockers over PBC Growlers got owned by Shockers last week, PBC got owned by SomB. This one seems obvious.
OC over Alcoballics Ballics get excited this week as Gorecki makes a suprise return to the field. Turns out however, it's not Gorecki, just some spanish moss draped over an old mop handle. OC wins.
TBN over Superbad With Nate back in the country, and Missy out of the country, weird things happen. TBN wins despite Frank kicking first again in the "Random" lineup.
SomB over Jacked Up SomB has won EVERY game they have played while in possesion of the Growler's summer trophy. SomB realizes this and decides that losing the block-rocker is worth it and decides to never give the trophy back. SomB wins the game, Growlers win a second portable music device.
Ligers over Growlers Growlers still in summer hibernation. Ligers get even for pissing away last week's game. Ligers win a 1-0 type game.
ToeJammers over JatMP This game would be much more interesting if it were the ToePounders Vs. the MoundJammers, but it's not. ToeJammers know that they are going to win big, but still call immigration on Jose and have him deported. ToeJammers win in the 30-0 range.
First day back at work so busy as hell today...that and we will probably not even play tonight (cue Debbie Downer music) so no commentary. Shockers OC TBN SOMB Growlers Jammers
Hey Chandler, I got a new Pick, complete with commentary, so it’s legit, add it to the picks for battles:
Cancelled vs. Not Cancelled: while last week’s Mud Wrestling gave Kickballers a quick fix for drunkin’ fun, the hopes of resuming a regular schedule were held hostage early in the week with a DOWNPOURRING on Monday, will the fields try in time, well… 33605 is weighing in this afternoon a 85% PRECIPITATION chance, albeit they didn’t specify that it could be in the form of snow, which wouldn’t flood the Fields. To everyone’s relief, weather chance is only 20% on Saturday, giving the Dueling Party match up prime fighting weather.
- Rain over fields - Pessimism over optimism - Commentary WAY over no-commentary - Mandatory upset picks over no mandatory upset picks - Yella is perverted jokes over Teneille won't be at the bar jokes
Shockers v. Pitches Be Crazy I want to pick PBC here because of the inconsistency of the Shock, but I’m feeling peer pressure here as the masses seem to think this will be an easy win for Grimace. I didn’t see PBC play last week but that score sure isn’t pretty. Todd helps the Shockers to victory running around cheering, recycling, donning the shocker costume, and continually trying to shock Ginger Justin as punishment for hosting a competing party this Saturday. Cautiously, Shockers.
Alcoballics v. Off Constantly Off Constantly…because I’m not there. ;) I hate missing games!!! That is all. Smooty, still laughing at your comments on this one.
SuperBad v. THEE Beer Nuts The Nuts are using last week as a warm up and with non-captain Nate and Chris back in the lineup they’re hopefully able to channel all their brew-crushing and the Nate-hate for forcing an upset pick into a W against a possibly random Supa. The Nate-Nuts put on their best “I care” faces but no one hugs.
Sit On My Base v. Jacked Up Litman changes teams just in the hope that someone will actually sit on his base. All the extra attention helps push the Sits to victory…or climax…whichever comes first.
Growlers v. Ligers As I walk through the valley of the shadow of kickball I take a look at this match up and realize there's nothin' left. Growlers been kicking and scoring so long, That even the Liggers thinks that their chances are gone.
Jess ain't never crossed a man that didn't deserve it. She be treated like a punk? You know that's unheard of. Liggers better watch how they're talkin’, and where they're walkin’ Or Bull and his homies might be lined in chalk.
I really hate to trip but I gotta, loc As Growlers grow, they see the Liggers through the pistol smoke, Fool. They the kinda G the little homies wanna be like Putting Liggers on their knees, sayin’ pleas in the streetlight.
Growlers spending most this week living in a kickballa’s paradise.
ToeJammers v. Jose and the Moundpounders So much good commentary on this game this week—not even going to compete. Dog and baboon asses, deportation, and the battle of the best cut lawns. Hilar! Hope someone brings a few lawnmowers out to the game for decoration. Did Christian ever get his pedicure???
Out of town again dammit. I really need to find a new job. Not much commentary bc I'm on my phone driving around in BFE North Carolina where people have more cars in their front yard than teeth in their mouth. Shockers over PBC - I hope that shockers' snide sideline remarks incite deeks to lay down the hammer but I just don't know if he has it in him anymore. Also I'm sure those remarks were only for me, seeing as we have a five year old rivalry and everything.
OC over Ballics- also still laughing at Smooty's commentary for this one. Great visual.
Supa over TBN - fast fucker and Nate are no match for Supa hype. Plus I heard TBN looked worse than we did last week which was hard to do.
SoMB over Jacked Up - Was SoMB a fluke last week? Too bad we won't be able to tell until they play another team with greater than a 4:1 girl to guy ratio
Ligers over Growlers - Not really sure if this an upset, I could see it going either depending on what Growler team shows up. Impressive commentary, Alison!
Jammers over Moundpounders- Jose is going to get the mound pounding of his life against the unrelenting Jammers
Do we still make picks if it rains today?
Good afternoon GKBers. Whoa, it just occurred to me that that's pretty close to the Soviet secret police name, KGB. It's also very close to Sebastian Janikowski's date rape drug of choice, GHB. And on this talk like a pirate day, there are so many themes from which to choose. Coincidence? Not really because there's no real tie to anything I just typed. Awful work hours tend to stifle my creativity. On to the Picks!
Shockers v. PBC
I have no idea who the Shockers are, but they made a good entrance by pounding the Growlers. A good Growler pounding is always the way to go if you can do it. Hopefully they don't run up the score so much on Deeks' team or else all of his girls will quit.
Ball-licks v. OC
This game is definitely the biggest game of the night... is what I would be saying two years ago. Of course, that's assuming Gorecki was out of town and not letting his walker trip his teammates while he's trying to drop kickballs. OC wins this battle of former league powers thanks to a slightly more youthful roster. That said, I fully expect Dino to kick a homerun after a season of watching him pop out to the infield.
Superbad v. TBN
Uhhh... I don't want to have to do this, but TBN. Hopefully Superbad will actually go random for once to give this pick a shot.
Jacked Up v SOMB
It's hard to remember exactly what happened at the summer tournament, but I think SOMB actually won a game. That means they've now won two of their last three games. That counts as a winning streak for these guys. SOMB will probably continue it against a Jacked Up team that will probably wear pants this week to hide the bruises on their asses that the ToeJammers applied.*
Growlers v. Ligers
Thankfully I've already made my upset pick so I can go ahead and say the Growlers will bounce back this week and beat a sleeping yet incontinent Liger team.
ToeJammers v JatM
Jose scored some runs last week which should be lauded for a team in their first game. Congrats! Now here are the ToeJammers to make sure you forget any of the fun you were having playing kickball.
*I said ToeJammers, but I really meant Yella, who has a curious tendency to try to bruise any ass he sees, male, female, dog, babboon, etc. Someone should warn Jose and the Moundpounders. Seriously.
Getting my pics in early as I expect everyone to have similar picks when this is over.
Shockers over PBC
Like Litman at a donkey show, I had a first row view of the pounding the Shockers put down last week.
OC over Alcoballics
Unlike the Rays, OC won't waste the opportunity to take advantage of a teams collapse
Superbad over TBN
Yea I got nothing
SOMB over Jacked up
SOMB continues to draw power from the Summer Championship Trophy to go 2-0. Albeit a very quiet, music-less game
Ligers over Growlers
This is my upset pick, and by upset I mean upset about the Growlers current play
ToeJammers over JAMP
I heard a rumor that the Jammers are preparing for a kickball tourney in Alaska and need to use this game as a tune-up. And by "heard" I mean "started right now"
Saving my commentary until I actually make it to a game and can see everyone play.
Ligers (just because I have to pick and upset which is bullshit)
I wouldn't say ligers over growlers is an upset, especially since I won't be there tomorrow ;)
Ligers (I was actually going to pick anyways, but since I get to satisfy by underdog pick, and get to pick for the favorite team,, OK)
Shockers - Going with this rookie team again. Another loss for Josh on his quest to get laid.
OC - The beards had a scare last week, and won't let that happen again against the washed-up Ballics. This game won't be close, as Gorecki continues to Skype in to coach 3rd base.
Beer Nuts - Is it really an upset if SupaRandom actually stays Random? Yes. Because the Beer Nuts looked horrible last week. BUT... Fast Fucker and DNN are back in the lineup tonight. So I'll roll with them.
Base Sitting - Game of the week. As SoMB improves in kickball, they begin to forget their Blue Barracuda roots. Jacked Up will remind them... as they lose by 5+.
Growlers - The Ligers could very easily win this game... but Captain Litman just wants to party and hug horses. Todd will probably drop a few balls too. Growlers win even without Queen Jess.
Jammers - The mound is going to get pounded by toes. Kinky shit. Just how Hess likes it.
Shockers- Josh get's laid
OC- Gets off
TBN- Nate took some wierd steroids while he was in Costa Rica and it makes him the MVP
Sit On My Face- Based one the name once again
Ligers- Souder finally catches a pop fly
Jammers- They are serious
Oh and give me The Rain over "week 2" in a land slide victory.
Geeze.. No love for the Ballics today it seems... Wow..Ohh well.. here goes
Shockers over PBC....we're absolutely awful. You'd think we'd have learned by now, but we put a single (desperate) guy in charge of our roster. Now the girl who lost a foot race to Alicia is one of the fastest girls on our team.
OC over Ballics....The beards had a scare last week, and won't let that happen again against the washed-up Ballics. This game won't be close, as Gorecki continues to Skype in to coach 3rd base.
SuperBad over TBN.....Beernuts looked almost as bad as us last week.
SOMB over JackedUp....Will could play naked and noone would notice him playing on that team.
Ligers over Growlers.....Since we have to pick an upset. Chandler's a dick.
TJ over Jose.....Really wish I could on that short list of things Hess hasn't put his balls on.
Deeks owes Chandler a beer for plagiarism.
Shockers over PBC - DeeksweaT must not be as potent as last year...
OC over Ballics - haven't seen OC yet but any team that has Trini is at a disadvantage.
TBN over Superbad - this "forced" upset pick blows...
SOMB over Jacked up
Growlers over Ligers - Since i am not allowed to choose a Tie, im going with the Growlers, although i think this game ends in a tie.
Hess's Asspounders over Jose's Mound Pounders - Anytime i hear "Jose" i think 2 things, mexican and lawn cutting. Since the jammers have more mexicans on our team than anyone else in the league (griff, fat kid, rubs), the battle of best cut lawns will be won by the Jam.
Shockers over PBC
Growlers got owned by Shockers last week, PBC got owned by SomB. This one seems obvious.
OC over Alcoballics
Ballics get excited this week as Gorecki makes a suprise return to the field. Turns out however, it's not Gorecki, just some spanish moss draped over an old mop handle. OC wins.
TBN over Superbad
With Nate back in the country, and Missy out of the country, weird things happen. TBN wins despite Frank kicking first again in the "Random" lineup.
SomB over Jacked Up
SomB has won EVERY game they have played while in possesion of the Growler's summer trophy. SomB realizes this and decides that losing the block-rocker is worth it and decides to never give the trophy back. SomB wins the game, Growlers win a second portable music device.
Ligers over Growlers
Growlers still in summer hibernation. Ligers get even for pissing away last week's game. Ligers win a 1-0 type game.
ToeJammers over JatMP
This game would be much more interesting if it were the ToePounders Vs. the MoundJammers, but it's not. ToeJammers know that they are going to win big, but still call immigration on Jose and have him deported. ToeJammers win in the 30-0 range.
First day back at work so busy as hell today...that and we will probably not even play tonight (cue Debbie Downer music) so no commentary.
PS it was my idea for requiring an upset pick not Chan's so you can bitch at me about that. I promise to look like I care.
Hey Chandler,
I got a new Pick, complete with commentary, so it’s legit, add it to the picks for battles:
Cancelled vs. Not Cancelled: while last week’s Mud Wrestling gave Kickballers a quick fix for drunkin’ fun, the hopes of resuming a regular schedule were held hostage early in the week with a DOWNPOURRING on Monday, will the fields try in time, well… 33605 is weighing in this afternoon a 85% PRECIPITATION chance, albeit they didn’t specify that it could be in the form of snow, which wouldn’t flood the Fields. To everyone’s relief, weather chance is only 20% on Saturday, giving the Dueling Party match up prime fighting weather.
Supplemental picks:
- Rain over fields
- Pessimism over optimism
- Commentary WAY over no-commentary
- Mandatory upset picks over no mandatory upset picks
- Yella is perverted jokes over Teneille won't be at the bar jokes
Supplemental picks
Games not cancelled
Josh does not get laid
Gorecki hate is late
Nate shows up
Upset picks (change of heart)
Over/under Teneille leaves the bar at 10:30. I am taking the under.
Over/under 2 drinks paid out from last weeks losing picks. I am taking the under
Shockers v. Pitches Be Crazy
I want to pick PBC here because of the inconsistency of the Shock, but I’m feeling peer pressure here as the masses seem to think this will be an easy win for Grimace. I didn’t see PBC play last week but that score sure isn’t pretty. Todd helps the Shockers to victory running around cheering, recycling, donning the shocker costume, and continually trying to shock Ginger Justin as punishment for hosting a competing party this Saturday. Cautiously, Shockers.
Alcoballics v. Off Constantly
Off Constantly…because I’m not there. ;) I hate missing games!!! That is all. Smooty, still laughing at your comments on this one.
SuperBad v. THEE Beer Nuts
The Nuts are using last week as a warm up and with non-captain Nate and Chris back in the lineup they’re hopefully able to channel all their brew-crushing and the Nate-hate for forcing an upset pick into a W against a possibly random Supa. The Nate-Nuts put on their best “I care” faces but no one hugs.
Sit On My Base v. Jacked Up
Litman changes teams just in the hope that someone will actually sit on his base. All the extra attention helps push the Sits to victory…or climax…whichever comes first.
Growlers v. Ligers
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of kickball
I take a look at this match up and realize there's nothin' left.
Growlers been kicking and scoring so long,
That even the Liggers thinks that their chances are gone.
Jess ain't never crossed a man that didn't deserve it.
She be treated like a punk? You know that's unheard of.
Liggers better watch how they're talkin’, and where they're walkin’
Or Bull and his homies might be lined in chalk.
I really hate to trip but I gotta, loc
As Growlers grow, they see the Liggers through the pistol smoke, Fool.
They the kinda G the little homies wanna be like
Putting Liggers on their knees, sayin’ pleas in the streetlight.
Growlers spending most this week living in a kickballa’s paradise.
ToeJammers v. Jose and the Moundpounders
So much good commentary on this game this week—not even going to compete. Dog and baboon asses, deportation, and the battle of the best cut lawns. Hilar! Hope someone brings a few lawnmowers out to the game for decoration. Did Christian ever get his pedicure???
"Over/under Teneille leaves the bar at 10:30."
I believe a no show by Teneille would mean "UNDER" 10:30?
I guess my pick is under???
Teneille isn't going to the bar tonight.
Out of town again dammit. I really need to find a new job. Not much commentary bc I'm on my phone driving around in BFE North Carolina where people have more cars in their front yard than teeth in their mouth.
Shockers over PBC - I hope that shockers' snide sideline remarks incite deeks to lay down the hammer but I just don't know if he has it in him anymore. Also I'm sure those remarks were only for me, seeing as we have a five year old rivalry and everything.
OC over Ballics- also still laughing at Smooty's commentary for this one. Great visual.
Supa over TBN - fast fucker and Nate are no match for Supa hype. Plus I heard TBN looked worse than we did last week which was hard to do.
SoMB over Jacked Up - Was SoMB a fluke last week? Too bad we won't be able to tell until they play another team with greater than a 4:1 girl to guy ratio
Ligers over Growlers - Not really sure if this an upset, I could see it going either depending on what Growler team shows up. Impressive commentary, Alison!
Jammers over Moundpounders- Jose is going to get the mound pounding of his life against the unrelenting Jammers
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