Can I please get a report from someone on every team on how many emails were in your thread from yesterday? One person on our team was 'giving us shit' (not in a bad way) about how many emails Chandler and I sent back and forth with the reply all....I need to know if we are above or below average. Thanks.
4 from yesterday
We have no email thread but are facebook group post was at 41 yesterday
jesus only 4? We hit 100 something and Reid was pissed.
34, but most of those are confirming attendance or Beardface telling us that the Rays won a few times.
Hmm....well...I guess I'm sorry Reid. But we're still chatting this morning. Prob hit 200.
i remember chandler used to make fun of all the ballic emails. no way we sent that many! what a hypocrite.
6 for the Jammers
41, but that was throughout the week
Growlers had about 20. Some were about other things though.
Us Beernuts have jobs (contradicting myself right now)
And by other things Smooty means that 18 of the emails was about who was bringing the booze
Gorecki... I made fun of the 'Ballics for having 80+ emails about how Florian couldn't join the team (AFTER you all had voted him in) because you didn't want to take Tyrus as well.
Which is funny because they aren't related events. But you all couldn't get on the same page and had a huge bitch-fest about how Tyrus would bring down the "spirit of the Alcoballics," so Florian was out too.
The Ligers had 100 emails about what we ate for breakfast, and whether or not most girls masturbate while driving.
Suck on it, Benjamin Button.
Ballics had the same conversation about me at one time as well. That is when I went and joined the Ligers instead.
Man, I loved Balls n Dolls.
one email every week.
only one, life was so simple, and fun was kept on the field, not in cyberspace.
BnD's had fun?
Reid - join TBN we hate each other lol
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