Monday, October 15, 2012

Bill Murray Crashes a Kickball League

Maybe I should extend the invite.

"Nothing like a Sunday afternoon of kickball leaguin' in New York City. Especially when it's party-crashed by the coolest Bro in the world, Bill Murray. Story (hopefully) coming soon, but via College Humor writer Marina Cockenberg's account on Tumblr: "My friend just had Bill Murray crash his kickball league." Fortunately there's a pic or no one will ever believe you."


Jess said...

LIKE!!!! Bill Murray is THA MAN

J.W. said...

Thinking about renaming the OC "Team Zissou" now. Perhaps that would bring Carl Spackler to the fields some time.

Smithkey said...

Loved it when Bill Murray hit his drive over a house and knocked out some old lady in her front yard. Now that's funny!