Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Picks - Week 7

 Shits Closed

If Jess can make picks with commentary from another country... you can do so from your less interesting location.

Closes at 4pm on Thursday so Gorecki can't participate.

Upset Choices:
Jacked Up
Jose and the No-Shows


Chandler said...

I'm going with Jess' picks, in part because I had to pick one of her games. But I'm not going with her commentary... even though it's way better than anything I can come up with.

Jacked Up - Forced upset pick. Supa is going to make a big run in the tournament once they actually try. But for this week, since it's basically Halloween, I hope to see some slutty outfits on the JU girls.

Shockers - I put on my robe and wizard hat.

Alcoballics - Ligers are long overdue for a bed shitting. And they might as well do it while playing their grumpy old rivals. Ligers lose but dominate at the bar.

Jamz - Ronald Reagan ain't no bitch. Jammers win.

Pitches - Josh is on the hotseat, so he'd better not lose to the forfeit.

Off - Dress up game! They're doing the "Letter B" theme. BeardFace is dressing as "BeardFace." JW is going as "balding." Fast Corey is "black." Morgan is putting on her "Brantley" costume. Etc etc... At least they're trying.

Litman said...

My picks do so much better when I don't leave commentary...

Has SUPA really only scored 12 runs this year? I thought they use to be a scoring machine. I guess I haven't paid attention to anything this year. I have a feeing they put up enough runs this week to get the W.

As much as I want to pick TBN because I like them as people a lot more I'm going with the SHOCKERS to win this one. Nate and MJ need 1 more week to get over the Cardinals loss and get refocused. Plus a few of their girls will either be out this week or will have jet lag.

LIGERS come out on top in this one. Reid takes out his fury on the old team (if he shows up) and we ride him to victory. If not I'm sure we will find something else to ride.


JOSE.....just kidding. PBC finally gets to taste what a win feels like again.


Litman said...

screwed up by not having an upset. Give me SOMB.

J.W. said...

Supa v JU

We lost to the shitty Jacked Up team and then crushed a talented Superbad team. Sure Supa went full random (OC is doing that with our dress up game this week), but it was still an easy win. Fortunately for Supa the transitive property doesn't apply to drunk kickball and they will crush Jacked Up Thursday night.

Shockers v TBN

I'm going to take TBN here for three reasons: I'm terrible at picking games this season, I have to pick an upset, and I have to try to convince myself that we didn't lose to a second shitty team this season.

Ball Licks v Ligers

The Ligers have been the dominant bar force every week that the bar is lightly attended, such as for rainouts and makeup games. While the Ballics are addicted to Alocobol (presumably, unless they're a team of liars of course), the Ligers are actually addicted to alcohol and should really seek help. The Ballics win while the Ligers start the road to recovery. Also, Chandler is really catching up to OMG in the gray hair department. Wonder how much longer til Brown moves up to the old folks home with Gorecki so their old balls selves can hate fuck each other (you can cut that internet-hate sexual tension with a knife, fellas) until they mercifully die of old age next year?

Jammers v Growlers

Maybe the Growlers will be the ones to take pitches until Ruben starts throwing them underhand. Either way, I'm taking a Jess-less Growler team to win this one because they have to get good again at some point, right?


I did not expect the drastic fall from grace that PBC has taken since the summer, although maybe I should have given their first round ouster resulting in a management change. That said, PBC will win this week because their opposition sucks at kickball and might not show up anyway.


Well, the Beeer Nuts decided to ruin what should have been a nice, easy three game tuneup before the death gauntlet that is our last two games, but we can still get a nice two game tuneup facing SoMB and Forfeit and the Forfeit Forfeiters. OC wins big in our first dress up game. That's what everyone should be calling it, btw.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many beers I will win this week...
JU over SupeRandom
I will take the upset right out of the gate. I little because I have to and a little because DPT hates JU, unofficially.

Shock (pushes)over TBN
TBN cannot pull two upsets picks in one week, can yawl? No, no you cannot. Side Note Worthy of Notice: Although my predictive memory banks were not to par for Monday, that just means that the Growler win will have happened just the way I know/remember it did.

Alco's over Ligers
Alco's win on the field and then laugh at the sad attempts of the Ligs to get with the ladies at the bar. And, Ligs is pronounced which ever way you feel is more racist. Alco's win in a walk off.

Growl over Toe Jam
Queen Jess: Is it a wash to miss the one week in which there are two kickball games, when you also get the bonus of missing the Toe Jamming?

PBC over the Mound Pound
Technically, Jose won on Monday night by using the clever tactic of having OC play its game for them. We will be busy playing a game at the same time this week, so PBC wins in a game.

OC over SoMB
Off Constantly sure is doing its part to keep the human population under control, but not this week; which is a bit unfortunate as we are playing against a predominantly Nole team. I suppose Darwin can take care of it from there. OC wins with a random line up, B-themes, and you're welcome.

Now to sit back and relax until I receive my 3 beers. Boy, I do love me some gambling.

Capt. BeardFace

!! HOT TUB PARTY TODD !! said...

If there’s one thing Litman and I have in common….. It’s absolutely nothing, except picks:
Supa v JU

Supa. Jacked Up use to be the fun team…. girls, smiles, fun, flip cup, music, beer. But then it was released to the public that the team was stricken with a pervasive Fantasy Slut League, in which dudes on the team got points for scoring with different chicks on the team (they got bored of not scoring in the real kickball games, and there’s hot chicks on the team, 2+2=4). Since then, JU’s fun factor is nothing, the press reports, education assemblies against date rape & notes home all proved to squash a once fun team.
Prediction: JU disbands next season.

Shockers v TBN

Shockers. Who needs a roided 3rd baseman when after 35 seasons of playing together, your team starts to gel.
Prediction: Shockers lose half their roster next season when they finally take home both the tourney & reg. season title.

Ballics v Ligers

Ligers. I’ve never played a game against the Ballics in which my team didn’t dominate over them, intensely (once with BnD, Twice with Ligers). Bringing the Ol’ BnD black magic, I’ve shown the Ligers how to kick in their faces and run the bases.
True, we did have Peter for those games….. oh Peter.

Jammers v Growlers

Jammers. Yawn. Don’t F(*^*& with my recycling bins. A-holes.


PBC. When Jose don’t show, scrimmage is PBC v Deeks.


SoMB. Underdog pick.

Smooty said...

Superbad over Jacked Up
Superbad can’t be that um… super… bad? Can they? It’s gotta be the fact that Sumer Sizzle got pushed back to the fall and they were busy. Yeah, that’s it. Festizzle is over, Superbad can get back to their winning ways.

Shockers over TBN
THEE Beer Nuts reign of good luck to a disappointing end. Shockers show no mercy as they go with all five in the stink, and none in the pink. Ouch.

Ballics over Ligers
Red Vs. Blue, Republicans Vs. Democrats, Romney Vs. Obama. I think the winner of this game actually decides the outcome of the election which decides the future of our country, which ultimately decides the future of the world. So, if anything bad ever happens in the world we have no one to blame but the winner of this game. It’s a tough position to be in, Ballics, don’t fuck it up!

Toejammers over Growlers
It’s the rematch of the spring championship game! Nothing changes, Growlers lose, but still win everything else. Jammers win, still suck at everything else, especially making rape-juice. Seriously, make some rape juice.

PBC over JatMP
PBC gets a win, even if Jose shows up this week. IF for some reason Jose doesn’t show up this week, it’s a blessing in disguise, as my yard seems to be in terrible shape ever since Jose got on a kickball team. Prediction: Jose doesn’t show up to the game and gets back to cutting my grass. Another funny racist tidbit: Jose and the Moundpounders always show up to games together in one old beat up pickup truck. Theres like 20 of em’ all in one truck. True story.

SomB over OC
Upset? Is it really? I’m not really picking SomB to “upset” OC as much as I am picking OC to shit the bed. Also OC is 3-3 and SomB is 2-4? Upset?

Chandler said...

OC has beaten the Ligers, Ballics and SuperBad.

SoMB has beaten PbC and a forfeit over your lawn service.

It would be an upset if SoMB wins tonight.

Smithkey said...


Best commentary- Smooty
Worst Commentary- Todd

Unknown said...

Supa over Jacked up.
Call the fire department because this game is going to be hot. Frank has told me its time for a tune up game and he has called upon my rocket right arm to bring the heat. Not to mention the nastiest curveball the kickball world has ever seen. No doubt we will still bring the fun as being apart of this team is AWESOME. (Seriously most fun team Supa has ever had.) Only hope for Jacked Up to pull off the upset is for them to use there hot women to distract me. I doubt that will work but challenges will be accepted.

TBN over the rookie purple team.
Nate is pissed the cards lost and uses this to motive his team to the win. Plus this rookie team can’t handle the pressure of being on top and blow the game.

Ballics over the Ligers
E-Flo brings Sam to the game and he distracts all the Liger as they are mostly single. The women are thinking, “I need a cute dog like that to keep me company.” The guys are thinking, “I need a dog like that to help me pick up women.” Ballic win easy as the Ligers just want to go to a bar, get drunk and score.

Jammers over Growlers
This will be a game to watch as only serious kickball will be played here. (Hint to the teams that have not won yet or only has 1 win.)

PBC over Jose and the no shows
Jose doesn’t show which gives Justin plenty of time to fall down his mound.

OC over Somb
OC saw first hand how awesome it is to be fun when they played Supa that it sparked little fire of fun. It is now full-blown as they are dressing up and are doing random. They win as Beardface doesn’t let the focus get too far off of winning.

JD said...

Supa d JU
CJ will hit on a JU girl in the 1st inning, get her number in the 2nd inning, get jealous in the 3rd inning and scream at her throughout the 4th inning. An embarrassed SB focuses on kickball for a change as a distraction and wins 9-3.

TBN d Shockers
Upset pick. Shockers will still win.

Ligers d Ballics
I enjoyed throwing out Todd, Litman, Chandler and Johnny on the basepaths, but letting those losers keep getting on base pretty much sums up our season. Justin pooped in Todd's recycling bin, so in the end we won. Ball Licks still beat the Ballics.

TJ d Growlers
Guess going on recent history. Record number of intential walks which is the true spirit of adult, drinking, kickball.

PBC d Jose
Q: Bobby Valentine, Ozzie Guillen, John L Williams, Josh Hanby.....which coach has the worst winning percentage?
Sorry Jose, we prefer the red & translucent race.

Better kickball team beats the other team.

Nate Dawg said...

Smithkey - 100% agree

Nate Dawg said...

Supa vs. Jacked Up
Even at half speed Supa will beat Jacked Up…and with CJ pitching tonight its lights out! Like its 945pm back in the WAKA days.
TBN vs. Shockers
Trap game here for the Shockers. They are looking ahead to their next 3 matchups against the Ligers, OC & Jammers to finish out the season. TBN is riding high after their upset win over OC and uses strong defense again to upset the Shovers/New Team/Shockers. Litman you are putting too much into the Cards losing. We are defending Champions…but I will use that loss to fuel my fire tonight. Focused on TBN/Rams/FSU/Blues not necessarily in that order.
Ballics vs. Ligers
Ligers holding in that turtlehead until next week against the Shockers. Ligers dominate the field and bar. Souder accidently kicks Sam into the bay mistaking him for a kickball.
Growlers vs. Jammers
Growlers bounce back from a pop-up orgy against the Ballics on Monday. B-Barry gets back on track with his weekly 3-run HR. Rubs catches a kickball to the face as he is day dreaming about McKayla Maroney…she’s still not impressed.
Jose vs. PBC
Does a mound still get pounded if no one is there to see it? PBC bounces back and gets its 2nd win of the season.
SoMB vs. OC
OC saw this team last week in a scrimmage and there is no way Beardface and JW will allow 2 straight losses to teams they should probably beat.

Anonymous said... left Justin off your list. He must've been snipered on that fall. Or at least the second fall

Nate Dawg said...

Knew I was off on the time...Ty couldnt do anything about it though...controlled in Iowa...until Alison did something about it.

THE_Dawson said...

Jacked Up- Supa's random really has me thinking this is a safe upset pick, but I could be wrong.

Shockers- As good as TBN looked Monday against OC, I have to believe it was a 6:45 Monday make-up game and OC was caught napping.

Ligers- I am picking Ligers in hopes that Todd will bring his "Mother Earth Bins" tonight for us to use as a beer table. They were a big help Monday, thanks Todd!

Jammers- Random lineup, random fielding, and beer drinking are for Mondays. It's Thursday so once again it's time to get serious about KB strategy and winning.

PBC- I am doubtful the other team will even show up.

OC- I think they are better than their record shows, but their first ever theme and randomness has me a little worried about this pick.

Also if I owe you a beer to for my Monday picks... this Jammer will be at the bar so find me.

Nate Dawg said...

Todd can TBN get some beer tables on our field at 6:45? Thanks.

Alison said...

SuperBad v. Jacked Up
Shockers v. THEE Beer Nuts
Alcoballics v. Ligers
ToeJammers v. Growlers
Pitches Be Crazy v. Jose and the Moundpounders
Off Constantly v. Sit On My Base

Mabancroft said...

Jackep Up

Alison said...

Let’s see about adding some commentary in with these picks before the deadline…

SuperBad v. Jacked Up
Supa may be fun and random but they can still stand up to Jacked Up. Before they may a run for the cup in the tourney they will start fine tuning now. Jacked Up and CJ’s pitching is a perfect opportunity.

Shockers v. THEE Beer Nuts
I’m hoping TBN will bring those skillz they used against the OC to the fields tonight and upset the Shockers. Good thing you play early, Nate. Lights out at 9:15!

Alcoballics v. Ligers
Gonna be close. No one knows how this will turn out yet. I’m going with the Ballics but wouldn’t be surprised if the Ligers pull this one out.

ToeJammers v. Growlers
Also a possible close game. The Jammers seemingly had an excellent time on Monday and I don’t think all that fun has worn off but I don’t think they’re interested in being lax enough to lose. I still think this game will be determined by errors.

Pitches Be Crazy v. Jose and the Moundpounders
Jose makes sure to cut Deeks’ lawn before the game and to be on time for fear of his wrath. And his Deeksweaty shirt.

Off Constantly v. Sit On My Base
It’ll be interesting to see OC in their first “dress up game.” SOMB are fun peeps. Probably a good time had by all.

I won a lot of those lost drinks back with Monday’s picks so I’ll be coming for you all tonight!

DanPBC said...

Toe Jammers
Pitches be Crazy
Sit on my Base