Congratulations Pitches Be Crazy!!!
It was a close race between SuperBad, Off Constantly, and
Pitches, but Pitches Be Crazy did pull ahead and win by two votes. I definitely agree that it’s long
overdue. I didn't hear a speech by Deeks after winning but maybe he'll give us a recap of his heartfelt thoughts here. Johnny provided our winners with a bottle of champagne for their celebration.
Thanks for a fun season, Pitches!
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PBC: champions of the funz.
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Champagne time! And can see
Deeks smiling! :)
Thanks to Llyod from PBC for sending me the pics to post!
I brought a bottle of champagne for the Crystal Pitcher winner but I completely forgot about it in my drunken stupor (imagine that). Maybe it was all the jello shots I had while reffing the championship game
And by reffing the championship game you mean coaching 2nd base for TBN. It's ok though, we forgive you.
Haha - I did slip one time and I apologized immediately. I probably would've done the same thing to anyone on your team, but you guys are coached up so well it wasn't needed :)
Thanks to everyone that voted for us! Maybe we won because everyone enjoyed kicking our ass this season? Deeks almost lost it for us in that last game(sorry Jammers).
Keep that bottle on ice for us until next season Jess!
None of the Jammers voted for you... so Deeks being honest didn't reduce your chances.
haha, Deeks tirade was more entertaining compared to the explosion from the 3Baseman in the semi final game :) Congrats PBC!
Hey, let's not forget my denunciation (broke out the thesaurus for that one) during the semis.
great job PBC!
4 more years! 4 more years!!! or till next season!
Jammers were okay with Deeks' rant, we are use to it but coincidentally that female first base ref is missing...
Jess, taking away my infield home run was only worth it because it was hilarious watching you eat jello shots out of a bag, then attempt to tie said bag to your waist. GREAT people watching material! haha!
i am still tired from sat.
sooooo has anyone seen my sunglasses? seriously! ktxs!
Chandler, did the beer nuts vote? I dont remember voting...
rubs. i did find some glasses at our area during clean up and not sure if there yours or not. check with my bro.
Nope. Zero votes from the Beer Nuts... which happens when you play all day including a game into super extra innings.
thanks CJ. i texted Jon, they were not mine. the search continues.
I took away an in field home run? And I actually tied the bag around my underwear...
MJ, I came over to your tent a bunch of times to get the votes but it just wasn't happening with the way TBN's day was going. Someone told me they put a few in the box (which turned out not to be correct) so I just left it at that. Had to get the votes counted and the winners announced before more teams left the fields.
I found some glasses on the field and gave them to Missy. Probably the same ones that CJ mentioned, but may want to check with her too.
Sorry we didn't vote...this 'winning kickball games in the tournament' thing is new to us. Kinda disappointed everyone else was drunk and me and our team wasn't. Maybe next year we'll go back to 'one and outs'.
...Including Jess crushing jello-shots out of a publix bag tied around her waist while reffing second.
No offense, but I think all the refs in our game (besides home) were expected.
In hindsight, not sure why I got bothered by the TJ's acting like the TJ's. Should just expect that nonsense. We didn't say anything to the ref that made the bad call that precipitated the argument and we made sure the ref knew we weren't upset at her.
Jess reffing the last game was pretty entertaining. She had between 37 and 42 jello shots. On the play in question, the kicker was running to second for a double...TBN threw to the second baseman who then hit the runner. Jess called him out because of the force play. Runner didn't hear it and proceeded to run home when the ball bounced away. I pointed out that there was no force play, but the ball hit the runner. Jess said the ball "definately" did not hit the runner, even though the runner scored because it bounced away. Runner was safe, because of her force call, but we had him go back to third because TBN stopped after Jess call him out. Somehow both teams got screwed on that play. I don't think Jess gave a damn at that point in the day.
CP Re-Count! Damn TBN Hanging Chads!
Yea Chris just reminded me of the play too. I do remember not seeing him get tagged and I remember being very adamant about that fact that I didn't see that tag - I was calling him out on the (non existent) force.
I normally am pretty good about being aware of everything that is happening on the field, but those 37-42 jello shots probably had something to do with it - sorry :/
And MJ - playing all day is not excuse for not being drunk - Growlers have made it to several championship games hammered out of our faces. You just have to appoint beer runners for you throughout the games - or maybe just tie bags of jello shots to your underwear :)
MJ, I wasn't drunk. I was annoyed with the TJ's which is why every call I made was in their favor. I suck at revenge.
"Like" Deeks comment :)
We've never had to drink AND win, so it was new to us. Next year we'll prioritize.
I prob would have voted for Supa (just because Deeks is a bully)
So i guess Beer Nuts busted brackets AND Crystal Pitcher voting.
That hurts, MJ. We pre and post-partied with you Hobbit's before our game and we fought by your side against the Orcs. Just because CJ is one of your own, you forget the ties that bind.....dick
"tied to my underwear," now this is EVEN funnier! lol
i will text missy. thanks JD!
Our team votes would have prob be split between the Ligers, PBC and Supa.
Ligers didn't get any votes? Everyone hates them now. They did have delish food on Sat tho.
LOL at the Orcs, Deeks!!!
MJ, Ligers got a couple votes from the Growlers. I would assume the full breakdown will still be posted so you can see who voted for whom.
The Ligers had a ton of food to share on Saturday. We also upped our game bringing in some hot young talent.
That being said... the "Crystal Pitcher Hangover" is hard to overcome. Long gone are the days where you can vote for yourself and throw ballots in the trash. So it's hard to repeat no matter how fun you are.
It looks like the Alcoballics all voted for Supa for like the 5th straight year in a row. While Supa didn't return the favor (again). Some teams just have a problem letting go.
I voted for the Ballics. Anytime you can play kickball with a loaded bb gun and drinking in a public park, at the same time, were both are illegal, that’s got to be the most fun game to me.
"It looks like the Alcoballics all voted for Supa for like the 5th straight year in a row. While Supa didn't return the favor (again). Some teams just have a problem letting go." HAHAHAHa
regardless of the turn out, I would have voted for us, this was one of the best teams I've been on in a while. All Liger seasons included! Good way to go out!
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