Friday, June 7, 2013

See Smooty get robbed!!!

This actually happened about a month ago.  Some kids ran into my garage and stole my roommate's bike.  I was actually there when it happened but if I remember correctly I was super hungover and didn't even know it happened until the next day when we realized that the bike was gone.

After a week had gone by, I was talking with my neighbor and told him about it and he said that he had a motion-sensor video camera that was directed at his front yard (driveway).  He checked it out and this is the crime in progress.  This is footage from his house (we share a mailbox, so it kind of picks up what's going on in part of my front yard).

This is the first video that show the kids rolling up on their bikes and scoping the place out.  They notice my open garage and go in for the kill.  Once they're all out of screen the video stops.
The motion-sensor camera picks up the perpetrator on his way out.
We showed this to the police, but of course they have better things to do than worry about a stolen bike.


Geoff said...

I can't believe the police didn't do anything! You have solid evidence that a black kid stole your bike.

Should they just arrest the first one they see or just the first one on a bicycle?

As fun as it is to watch your gear get jacked... exhibit A isn't exactly HD facial recognition software. All it proves it you less one bike and need to keep your garage closed when you live in the ghetto.

Smooty said...

I've actually seen these kids around the neighborhood before. Don't think I've seen them since the incident though... The main problem with the police is lack of evidence. The Bike was purchased on Craigslist, so my roommate didn't have any kind of registration or whatever for the bike. So even if the police found it, they really couldn't tell if it was his or not.

The officer that came and did the report actually thought he recognized one of the kids. Still haven't heard back from him though...

Unknown said...

it's debow's kids. that's my bike punk.

sorry smooty the cops have better things to due like hot pursuit with me. running kids over on bikes is child's play.

Litman said...

Tuesday, January 21st 2014 is National Take Back Our Bike Day. You might wanna check the calendar to see what Monday is.

Nate Dawg said...

As CJ would say...Naggers...

Smooty said...

Update: No update, the police don't care about a stolen bike.

Alison said...

Smooty, I just now learned you can register your bike. Might want to pass the info on to the former roomie. If a stolen bike is ever recovered and they run the serial number it'll pop up with the rightful owner's info.

City of Tampa Police Bicycle Registration
FREE.99 but only for use if you are currently in possession of the bike. It's a preventative measure so this one isn't for him unless he's replaced it and wants to register the new one.

National Bike Registry
Not free, but not too bad comparable to the cost of most nice bikes. They also have a $0.99 option to just register the info on a previously stolen bike.