I've heard about a superhero themed game and well, thats about it. I wanted to do a duct tape theme game during the WAKA kickball season but there were no takers. But that might be fun, girls in psuedo duct tape bikinis and guys in duct tape shorts and maybe suspenders. Just a thought. Sound off like you got a pair! I know you Red Rockets want that $50 bar tab. That's like 10 pitchers or 35 bottles. Bring it!

35 bottles? They are $1.50 there???I'm missing out!!!
I think Superheros is gay. We should do something original and cheap. I like duct tape. Our motto can be "Duct It!"
Quit posting pictures of girls your slept with
Sorry not doing duct tape...and no one else wants to do it besides you two and jeanette lol
But - we better come up with something quick so people have time to get stuff/costume/whatever before next week!
Have you ever pulled duct tape off ANY part of your body??? Ouch...I mean I am relatively hairless but that shit sticks to skin too. What about 80's, trailer trash, toga, haaa haa we could all be one night stands....like get a cheap table and cut a hole out for your head and tape condoms, lamps and checks to the top??? Just ideas people.
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